The Santa Rita Priory - TSRP

The Santa Rita Priory - TSRP Spaces for Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions. Rita, The Maltese Archbishop
consecrated the altar. Rita. RE-OPENING OF ST.


Deep in the heart of Malta’s touristic hub, St.Julians, lies the Santa Rita Priory and Chapel, dedicated to the this great Catholic and Augustinian saint from Cascia in Italy, famously known as “the saint of the impossible”. Here are the salient historical milestones of this beautiful edifice, originally erected in 1928:-

1927 - The first stone was laid.
1928 - The first Mass

was celebrated in the Chapel, and the Priory was inaugurated and blessed.
1930 - The first "First Holy Communion" for boys and girls who attended Christian Teaching in the Chapel was held.
1932 - The first Bishop's Confirmation was administered to 49 children from the neighbourhood.
1941 - Priory and Chapel received a direct hit from enemy bombing and were both heavily demolished. Only the
wall where the tabernacle stood was untouched.
1944 - Mass was celebrated to commemorate the reconstruction of both Priory and Chapel.
1947 – The locality’s State Primary school was temporarily transferred to the Santa Rita Priory.
1950 - On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the canonization of St. For some time this Priory was used as a Formation Home for Augustinian students.
1998 – The Chapel and Priory were refurbished.
2000 - 100 years since the canonization of St. Rita, the Maltese Archbishop consecrated an altar and the Chapel
dedicated to St. The Augustinian Community continues to provide pastoral and religious services to the people of these areas and to tourists residing in nearby hotels. RITA’S CHAPEL

All those residing in the vicinity of the Chapel, and in the Swieqi area, will be delighted to learn that the Chapel will be re-opening on Sat. 24 Sept. 2022 with Mass at 7.00 p.m. As already advised, Fr. Alan Scerri o.s.a. is the Chapel’s Rector. Mass times are as follows:

MON. to FRI. - 8.30 a.m. SAT. - 6.30 p.m. (no Mass in the morning)

SUND. - 10.00 a.m.

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - Xmajjar ta' ilma ħajTista tiġbor kopja minn:"The Santa Rita Priory",Triq sqaq Lourdes,Sa...

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - Xmajjar ta' ilma ħaj
Tista tiġbor kopja minn:
"The Santa Rita Priory",
Triq sqaq Lourdes,
San Ġiljan.
Ċempel 7951 5371
Prezz 5 Euro.

Purċissjoni Ewkaristika f'għeluq il-15 il-Ċentenarju ta' missierna Stu. Wistin 12 Lulju 1931Eucharistic procession marki...

Purċissjoni Ewkaristika f'għeluq il-15 il-Ċentenarju ta' missierna Stu. Wistin 12 Lulju 1931
Eucharistic procession marking the 15th Centenary of our father Saint Augustine 12 July 1931


Fl-aħħar jiem, il-kunvent tal-Patrijiet Agostinjani fil-Belt Valletta fetaħ il-bibien tiegħu għall-pubbliku. Dawk li żaru din l-wirja bi storja rikka warajha setgħu jgawdu numru ta’

Festa Tradizzjonali ta' Sant'Anton Abbati - nhar il-Ħadd 12 ta' Jannar 2025 10am quddiesa, 11am purċissjoni u 12pm Tberi...

Festa Tradizzjonali ta' Sant'Anton Abbati - nhar il-Ħadd 12 ta' Jannar 2025 10am quddiesa, 11am purċissjoni u 12pm Tberik tal-annimali.

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - L-Istorja tal-Knisja ta' Santu Wistin il-Belt, VallettaTista tiġbor kopja minn:"The Sant...

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - L-Istorja tal-Knisja ta' Santu Wistin il-Belt, Valletta
Tista tiġbor kopja minn:
"The Santa Rita Priory",
Triq sqaq Lourdes,
San Ġiljan.
Ċempel 7951 5371
Prezz 10 Euro.

ISTITUT AGOSTINJANSena Akkademika 2025 - (Jannar – Ġunju 2025)S. Wistin: il-Mara, iż-Żwieġ, u l-PolitikaPROGRAMM TA' JAN...

Sena Akkademika 2025 - (Jannar – Ġunju 2025)

S. Wistin: il-Mara, iż-Żwieġ, u l-Politika


1. Il-Ġimgħa, 10 ta’ Jannar 2025 (6.15pm)
Ftuħ tas-Sena Akkademika 2025

Ċelebrazzjoni tal-Ewkaristija
presjeduta mill-WR P. Leslie Gatt OSA
Provinċjal – President Ist. Agost.

Daħla fil-qosor għas-Sena Akkademika 2025
Professur P. Salvinu Caruana OSA
(Viċi Pres./Direttur Istitut Agostinjan)

2. Il-Ġimgħa, 17 ta’ Jannar 2025 (6.00pm)
Revdu Pierre DESIRA OSA – Ist. Agost.
Il-ħsieb politiku f’S. Wistin.

3. Il-Ġimgħa, 24 ta’ Jannar 2025 (6.00pm)
Professur John BERRY – Univ. ta’ Malta
S. Wistin u l-Politika: ilbieraħ u llum.

4. Il-Ġimgħa, 31 ta’ Jannar 2025 (6.00pm)
Revdu Dr Jonathan FARRUGIA - Univ. ta’ Malta / Ist. Agost.
Il-ġustizzja fil-ktieb 19 ta’ Il-Belt ta’ Alla ta’ S. Wistin

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - L-Arzella ta' Santu WistinTista tiġbor kopja minn:"The Santa Rita Priory",Triq sqaq Lour...

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - L-Arzella ta' Santu Wistin
Tista tiġbor kopja minn:
"The Santa Rita Priory",
Triq sqaq Lourdes,
San Ġiljan.
Ċempel 7951 5371
Prezz 5 Euro.

Dettall arkitettoniku.Architectural detail.

Dettall arkitettoniku.
Architectural detail.

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - Il-Ward ta' Santa RitaTista tiġbor kopja minn:"The Santa Rita Priory",Triq sqaq Lourdes,...

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - Il-Ward ta' Santa Rita
Tista tiġbor kopja minn:
"The Santa Rita Priory",
Triq sqaq Lourdes,
San Ġiljan.
Ċempel 7951 5371
Prezz 5 Euro.

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - Il-Ktieb Tas-SigħatTista tiġbor kopja minn:"The Santa Rita Priory",Triq sqaq Lourdes,San...

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - Il-Ktieb Tas-Sigħat
Tista tiġbor kopja minn:
"The Santa Rita Priory",
Triq sqaq Lourdes,
San Ġiljan.
Ċempel 7951 5371
Prezz 10 Euro.

Kjostru rinnovat tal-kunvent.Renovated cloister of the convent.

Kjostru rinnovat tal-kunvent.
Renovated cloister of the convent.

Ritratt reċenti tal-Kunvent u l-Kappella ta' Santa Rita mill-għoli.A recent photo of the chapel and convent of St.Rita f...

Ritratt reċenti tal-Kunvent u l-Kappella ta' Santa Rita mill-għoli.
A recent photo of the chapel and convent of St.Rita from above.

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - L-Ordni AgostinjanTista tiġbor kopja minn:"The Santa Rita Priory",Triq sqaq Lourdes,San ...

Publikazzjonijiet Agostinjani - L-Ordni Agostinjan
Tista tiġbor kopja minn:
"The Santa Rita Priory",
Triq sqaq Lourdes,
San Ġiljan.
Ċempel 7951 5371
Prezz 10 Euro.

Kunvent u kappella ta' Santa Rita mill-ajru fl-antik. Data tar-ritratt mhux magħrufa.Wieħed jista jilmaħ ukoll il-Villa ...

Kunvent u kappella ta' Santa Rita mill-ajru fl-antik.
Data tar-ritratt mhux magħrufa.
Wieħed jista jilmaħ ukoll il-Villa Rosa, il-kunvent u skola tas-sorijiet, kif ukoll l-ewwel djar ta' l-inħawi.
Convent and chapel of Santa Rita from the air in the old days.
Photo date unknown.
One can also see the Villa Rosa, the nuns' convent and school, as well as the first houses in the area.


Augustinian Fathers, Lourdes Lane Street
San Giljan



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