The Euphoria Weekender 2024 comes to an end and what a week this has been!!
Honestly, I think this has been the best trance music experience of my life. A whole week filled with so many talented and diverse DJs made us feel really close to each other and appreciate what a real trance family is ❤️
Massive shout-out to the clubbers and everyone who bought tickets! Without you, this event wouldn’t even exist. Take the first bow! x
Huge thanks to my wifey (to be), Rowena Borg Myatt, for her massive support throughout this year. It was a particularly tough year for me personally, but she kept pushing me and guiding me forward. I want to thank her for managing the DJ areas and handling all the event's day-to-day needs. I love you endlessly, my dear.
Shout-out to my Trance Nights Malta partner, Owen Cutajar . Thank you for taking care of the DJs, logistics, and keeping us entertained with your lively, positive attitude and smile. Owen Cutajar
Mark borg, Ryan, Christina, Nos, and Steph, for taking care of reception duties with their professional attitude and being the friendly faces greeting everyone at the reception areas. Mark Borg
Terrence Cachia and team (DJ Punisher), for providing excellent sound equipment and being the sound engineer at all the venues.
Chris for his brilliant design help along the year! You are awesome bro !!
Bram Knapen for the video and Phil Turner for recording long sets. Thank you, guys! xx
Mark Landragin, for recording sets and providing production and mastering.
Steve The Thrillseekers, for always adding to my vinyl collection with every visit ❤️
Matt Asteroid, for producing the first-ever Euphoria Anthem!! And what a track that has been!! LOVED IT !!!
Derek Mulligan, for recording sets at Cabo and helping with DJ setup. Thank you, bro! xx
Jane Newton, for taking care of all taxi rides and ensuring all DJs arrived on time. Thank you so much!
Katie Brooker Brooker, for setting up logistics sheets, which were incredibly handy during stressful times. Thank you!
Peter Chamberlain and Co, for setting up lasers at almost every indoor club. Liquid Club looked incredible with those lasers! Check out the photos soon ❤️
Simon Cutajar from Beachhaven, you’re a top guy!
Gary Desira and Ray at Liquid Club, we’ve become yearly residents there. It’s one of the best sound systems and acoustically sound clubs in Malta, hands down! Plus the owners are always helpful hands down!!
Gianpula for Rooftop
Cabo Terrace for letting us lease the venue inside and outside.
And last but not least, Rick Weekender, for his dedication and professionalism in producing these events alongside me, for 12 months straight, 4-6 hours every day, 24/7.
We’ve both been through a Heaven and Hell ride throughout this time, but I can honestly say this - He is the BEST!
THANK YOU - Until the next one!
Look out for the Trance Nights Malta / Euphoria Weekender page and groups for what’s coming next!! Surprise surprise…
Until then, see you at Anomaly Summer of Love festival in Birmingham ###