Wendy Galeana All Events & Catering

Wendy Galeana All Events & Catering Experience the essence of Mexico with my dining experiences, crafted using fresh, local ingredients and traditional techniques.

Taste the heart of Mexican cuisine! Nos dedicamos a satisfacer ideas, paladares, con una misión de cocina fresca, productos de temporada, rescatando nuestra cocina de antaño con la firme intención de equilibrar precio- calidad, tu imaginación es nuestro limite!Atendemos todo tipo de eventos

A risotto that embraces Mexico in every bite. Creamy, with the deep flavor of huitlacoche, a true treasure of our land. ...

A risotto that embraces Mexico in every bite. Creamy, with the deep flavor of huitlacoche, a true treasure of our land. And because I love giving everyone the chance to enjoy almost the same menu, I also prepared a dairy-free version for those with dietary restrictions. Blending the classic with our own flavors is what makes cooking exciting. Ready to try this fusion?

Un risotto que abraza México en cada bocado. Cremoso, con el sabor intenso del huitlacoche, esa joya de nuestra tierra. Y como adoro que todos tengan la oportunidad de probar casi el mismo menú, también preparé una versión sin lácteos para quienes tienen restricciones. Mezclar lo clásico con lo nuestro es lo que hace la cocina emocionante. ¿Listo para probar este encuentro de sabores?

Who said salads are boring? Our salad is an experience that surprises with every bite. It starts with grilled cactus, tr...

Who said salads are boring? Our salad is an experience that surprises with every bite. It starts with grilled cactus, transforming into a juicy, flavorful ingredient, combined with a hibiscus vinaigrette that wakes up your taste buds. Just when you think you’ve tasted it all, the perfect crunch of tortilla strips and the irresistible touch of cotija cheese complete the experience. This is a salad that will make you rediscover greens on your plate… dare to try it?

¿Quién dijo que las ensaladas son aburridas? Nuestra ensalada es una experiencia que sorprende a cada bocado. Todo comienza con el nopal al grill, que se transforma en un ingrediente jugoso y lleno de sabor, combinado con una vinagreta de jamaica que despierta el paladar. Y cuando crees que ya lo has probado todo, llega el crunch perfecto de las tiritas de tortilla y el toque irresistible del queso cotija. Esta es una ensalada que te hará redescubrir el green en tu plato… ¿te atreves a probarla?

My ‘office’ today , where every detail matters. From the ingredients to the finishing touch on each plate, everything is...

My ‘office’ today , where every detail matters. From the ingredients to the finishing touch on each plate, everything is prepared with care. In a private dinner, the little things make all the difference. It’s about planning ahead, adapting on the spot, and knowing how to improvise when plans change.

Cooking here isn’t just about food—it’s about turning a night into a lasting memory.

Esta es la vista de mi oficina el día de hoy, aquí cada detalle cuenta. Desde la calidad de los ingredientes hasta el toque final en cada plato, todo se prepara con esmero. En una cena privada, los pequeños detalles marcan la diferencia. Se trata de planificar, pero tambien saber adaptarse e improvisar cuando los planes cambian.

Cocinar aquí no es solo sobre la comida; También es saber crear recuerdos que perduren.

A foodie came to celebrate her husband’s birthday with all their friends, and she had a huge taco craving to satisfy her...

A foodie came to celebrate her husband’s birthday with all their friends, and she had a huge taco craving to satisfy here in Mexico! 🌮✨ We made it happen with a taco bar featuring Baja-style fish, shrimp al pastor, and arrachera tacos, plus all the classic sides like guacamole and salsas. The perfect welcome to Mexico! 😉🇲🇽

Una foodie vino a celebrar el cumpleaños de su esposo con todos sus amigos, ¡y tenía un antojo enorme de tacos que quería satisfacer en México! 🌮✨ Hicimos realidad su sueño con un taco bar lleno de sabores: tacos de pescado estilo Baja, camarones al pastor y arrachera, además de guacamole, salsas y todos los acompañamientos clásicos. ¡La bienvenida perfecta a México! 😉🇲🇽

In Mexico, Día de los Mu***os is more than a celebration; it’s a bridge to our loved ones, a moment to honor and give th...

In Mexico, Día de los Mu***os is more than a celebration; it’s a bridge to our loved ones, a moment to honor and give thanks. This altar is dedicated to the women Mexican cooks who, through each dish, taught us to love our land and our roots. They showed us that cooking is more than flavor; it’s love, heritage, and community. Today, we honor their legacy, knowing their spirit lives in every dish we serve and every flavor we savor.

En México, el Día de los Mu***os es más que una celebración; es un puente hacia nuestros seres queridos, un momento para honrar y agradecer. Este altar está dedicado a las cocineras mexicanas que, con cada platillo, nos enseñaron a amar nuestra tierra y nuestras raíces. Ellas nos mostraron que la cocina es más que sabor; es amor, herencia y comunidad. Hoy, honramos su legado, sabiendo que su espíritu vive en cada plato que servimos y en cada sabor que disfrutamos.


🍁 Welcoming Autumn 🍁From the beautiful maple forest in Talpa de Allende, Jalisco, I welcome one of my favorite seasons: ...

🍁 Welcoming Autumn 🍁

From the beautiful maple forest in Talpa de Allende, Jalisco, I welcome one of my favorite seasons: autumn. The crisp air, the earthy scents, and the warmth of seasonal ingredients inspire me in the kitchen.

Autumn is about embracing simplicity, cooking with what the land offers, and creating dishes that comfort the soul. I’m excited to bring these flavors to life.

Desde el hermoso bosque de maple en Talpa de Allende, Jalisco, le doy la bienvenida a una de mis estaciones favoritas: el otoño. El aire fresco, los aromas de la tierra y los ingredientes de temporada me inspiran en la cocina.

El otoño es un momento para volver a lo simple, cocinar con lo que la tierra nos regala y crear platillos que reconfortan el alma. Estoy emocionada de traer estos sabores a la vida.

In Asian cuisine, less is always more. A simple piece of fresh tuna, right before it’s cut, is a masterpiece on its own....

In Asian cuisine, less is always more. A simple piece of fresh tuna, right before it’s cut, is a masterpiece on its own. It doesn’t take much to turn good fish into a memorable experience: just respect for the ingredients and precise technique.

It’s in this simplicity where the true charm lies, letting each bite take you straight to the sea. The subtle flavors don’t need anything extra, because when the ingredients are this fresh, the essentials are all that matter.

En la cocina asiática, menos es siempre más. Un simple trozo de atún fresco, al filo del cuchillo, es una obra maestra en sí misma. No se necesita mucho para transformar un buen pescado en una experiencia memorable: solo respeto por los ingredientes y una técnica precisa.

Es en esa simplicidad donde radica su encanto, permitiendo que cada bocado te lleve directamente al mar. La sutileza de los sabores no necesita adornos, porque cuando los ingredientes son tan frescos, lo esencial es lo único que importa.

Cooking for a wedding is always special, and when the bride is a talented painter, you know the celebration will be fill...

Cooking for a wedding is always special, and when the bride is a talented painter, you know the celebration will be filled with creativity and style. For her big day, the menu featured fresh seared tuna from the region and crabcakes on a bed of seaweed with a touch of chipotle that made every bite burst with flavor.

It was truly a pleasure to be part of such a unique celebration. Wishing the newlyweds a life full of love and unforgettable moments!

Cocinar para una boda siempre es especial, y cuando la novia es una talentosa pintora, sabes que la celebración estará llena de creatividad y estilo. Para su gran día, el menú incluyó atún sellado fresco de la región y crabcakes sobre una cama de alga con un toque de chipotle que hacía explotar de sabor cada bocado.

Fue un verdadero placer ser parte de una celebración tan única. ¡Les deseo a los nuevos esposos una vida llena de amor y momentos inolvidables!

There’s something that always amazes me: the power of good fresh fish. It doesn’t need much to shine. A little sea salt,...

There’s something that always amazes me: the power of good fresh fish. It doesn’t need much to shine. A little sea salt, maybe a few drops of lemon, and you’re ready. The key is to respect the natural flavors, to let the fish tell its own story.

Every time I get a fish fresh from the sea, it reminds me why I love what I do. Freshness has its own magic. It’s a reminder that sometimes, in cooking, less is more. There’s no need to hide what is already perfect in its essence.

A fillet that almost falls apart to the touch, the subtle smell of the sea still around it… In every dish, I try to honor that simplicity. Because at the end of the day, when the ingredients are this good, my job as a chef is simply to let them shine.

Hay algo que nunca deja de sorprenderme, el poder de un buen pescado fresco. No necesita mucho para brillar. Un poco de sal marina, tal vez unas gotas de limón, y está listo. La clave está en respetar los sabores naturales, en dejar que el pescado cuente su propia historia.

Cada vez que me encuentro con un pescado recién salido del mar, me recuerda por qué amo lo que hago. La frescura tiene su propia magia. Es un recordatorio de que a veces, en la cocina, menos es más. No hace falta disfrazar lo que ya es perfecto en su esencia.

Un filete que casi se deshace al tacto, el aroma sutil del mar que aún lo envuelve… En cada plato, busco honrar esa simplicidad. Porque al final del día, cuando los ingredientes son tan buenos, mi trabajo como chef es simplemente dejarlos brillar.

Photography by 📍Mercado Negro, Ensenada

Returning to Ensenada felt like coming home to a place that always has something new to share, no matter how many times ...

Returning to Ensenada felt like coming home to a place that always has something new to share, no matter how many times you visit. Deckmans was one of those meals that reminds you how much joy food can bring. Finca Altozano welcomed me with its rustic charm, and each dish felt like a warm invitation to slow down and savor the moment.

And then there was Fauna. We ended up spending much more time there than we had planned, simply because we were enjoying ourselves so much. Dish after dish from their incredible menu made its way to our table, and the hours melted away in a perfect, unhurried sobremesa. Good company, excellent service, and food that leaves you lingering—it’s the kind of experience that makes you grateful for every bite and every shared moment.

Regresar a Ensenada fue como volver a un lugar que siempre tiene algo nuevo para compartir, sin importar cuántas veces lo visites. Deckmans fue una de esas comidas que te recuerdan cuánto placer puede brindar la comida. Finca Altozano nos recibió con su encanto campirano, y cada plato fue como una cálida invitación a relajarse y disfrutar del momento.

Y luego está Fauna. Terminamos quedándonos mucho más tiempo del planeado, simplemente porque lo estábamos disfrutando tanto. Plato tras plato de su increíble menú llegaba a nuestra mesa, y las horas se desvanecieron en una sobremesa perfecta y sin prisas. Buena compañía, un servicio impecable y una comida que te invita a quedarte—es el tipo de experiencia que te hace agradecer cada bocado y cada momento compartido.

I don’t know about you, but when I think of chard, green beans, and asparagus, I realize they’re like those friends who ...

I don’t know about you, but when I think of chard, green beans, and asparagus, I realize they’re like those friends who are always there for you, even if they don’t stand out much. Chard is reliable, always ready to make you feel good when you need it. They don’t need to be fancy—just a little olive oil, and boom, they’re saving the day.

Green beans are versatile. Sautéed, boiled, in salads… they never complain about how you prepare them. They’re like those friends who always go with the flow and never complicate your plans. And then there’s asparagus… ah, asparagus, with their touch of elegance. They can show up at any meal and suddenly everything feels a little more special.

The best thing about these greens is that even though they might go unnoticed sometimes, they make everything around them look (and taste) better. In the end, they’re exactly what you needed.

Raicilla, a Mexican spirit with more than 400 years of history, is much more than just a drink. There’s something deeply...

Raicilla, a Mexican spirit with more than 400 years of history, is much more than just a drink. There’s something deeply touching about knowing that its distillation method, brought from the Philippines through the Nao de China, is still alive today in places like Hacienda El Divisadero. This hacienda, full of history and tradition, keeps the art of raicilla alive, like a secret waiting to be discovered by those who visit. 🌱✨

Located in El Tuito, just an hour from Puerto Vallarta, the hacienda is a peaceful retreat: surrounded by fruit trees, it’s the kind of place where you can disconnect from the modern world and reconnect with Mexico’s ancient traditions. It’s not just a tour—it’s a lesson in patience and dedication, where time flows at nature’s pace.

I had the pleasure of enjoying a delicious meal with Doña Juanita, who also offered me the best pitanga water I’ve ever tasted. She proudly told me how she and her husband planted the agaves that are still harvested today. These agaves take between 12 and 16 years to mature—they grow at their own pace, waiting for the perfect moment to become the soul of a bottle of raicilla. It’s a reminder that the best things in life take time, patience, and lots of love.

Sometimes, work requires small sacrifices—like visiting the vineyards of Ensenada and tasting a few bottles along the wa...

Sometimes, work requires small sacrifices—like visiting the vineyards of Ensenada and tasting a few bottles along the way. 🍷✨

I explored the vineyards of El Cielo and Cava Maciel. There, among barrels and vines, I faced the difficult task of choosing from so many wonderful Mexican wines to bring these delicious pairing options to you, my dear foodies. What can I say? Someone has to do it! 😉

With each sip, I got closer to the perfect pairing, and I can't wait to share the matches I've crafted with so much love and a little bit of fun.

Because if there's one thing I've learned, it's that the best memories are always made around a table, with a glass of good wine in hand. 🍇🍽️

Last year I visited Parras, Coahuila. It was a cold day, and the landscape amazed me: the desert stretched out endlessly...

Last year I visited Parras, Coahuila. It was a cold day, and the landscape amazed me: the desert stretched out endlessly, something so different from what I usually see.

I had heard that, despite the dry climate, Parras has microclimates that make it ideal for growing vines. The tour we took at Don Leo Winery was educational, teaching us about the production process and the care each grape requires.

At the end, they arranged a delicious tasting Parras is a great option for those looking to explore Mexican wineries beyond the usual spots. Vive México! 🇲🇽🍷

El año pasado, visité Parras, Coahuila. Era un día frío y el paisaje me dejó maravillada: el desierto se extendía por todas partes, algo muy diferente a lo que suelo ver.

Me habían contado que, a pesar del clima árido, Parras cuenta con microclimas que lo hacen perfecto para el cultivo de la vid. El recorrido que nos dieron en la vinícola Don Leo fue muy educativo, aprendimos sobre el proceso de producción y los cuidados que requiere cada uva.

Al final, nos prepararon una cata deliciosa, Parras es una excelente opción para quienes buscan conocer vinícolas mexicanas fuera de los destinos tradicionales. Vive México!! 🇲🇽🍷

✨ In my kitchen, spices like cardamom, fenugreek, coriander seeds, and curry bring unique flavors from Europe and the Mi...

✨ In my kitchen, spices like cardamom, fenugreek, coriander seeds, and curry bring unique flavors from Europe and the Middle East to Mexican cuisine.

These spices have traveled across continents, adding richness and depth to our traditional dishes.

They’re like a passport to distant lands, blending cultures and creating delicious experiences.

How do you mix flavors in your cooking?

✨ En mi cocina, especias como el cardamomo, fenogreco, semillas de cilantro y curry traen sabores únicos de Europa y el Medio Oriente a la cocina mexicana.

Estas especias han viajado por continentes, añadiendo riqueza y profundidad a nuestros platillos tradicionales.

Son como un pasaporte a tierras lejanas, mezclando culturas y creando experiencias deliciosas. ¿Cómo combinas sabores en tu cocina?

🎉🍰 Today is a very special day for me as I celebrate another year of life, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Every day I ...

🎉🍰 Today is a very special day for me as I celebrate another year of life, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Every day I spend in the kitchen is a new chapter in my culinary journey, and seeing the joy on the faces of those who taste my creations is the best birthday gift I could ask for.

Thank you all for being part of my life and allowing me to share my passion. Every dish I prepare carries a piece of my heart and is a celebration of the flavors I love. Thank you for joining me on this delicious adventure and making each year more meaningful!

Happy Birthday to me!! cheers! 🍾🍾

🎉🍰 Hoy es un día muy especial para mí, ya que celebro otro año de vida, y no puedo estar más agradecida. Cada día que paso en la cocina es un nuevo capítulo en mi viaje culinario, y ver la alegría en las caras de quienes prueban mis creaciones es el mejor regalo de cumpleaños que podría pedir.

Gracias a todos ustedes por ser parte de mi vida y permitirme compartir mi pasión. Cada plato que preparo lleva un trozo de mi corazón y es una celebración de los sabores que amo. ¡Gracias por acompañarme en esta deliciosa aventura y hacer que cada año sea más significativo!

Feliz cumpleaños a mi!! saluuud 🍾🍾


Puerto Vallarta


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