Boleto City

Boleto City Somos una empresa de producción, promoción y de venta de entradas para eventos culturales y artísticos.

Boleto City is an event ticketing, event assistance, and event promotion company. Boleto City is an event ticketing, event assistance, and event promotion company based in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. We handle scores of events, large and small – festivals, concerts, plays, lectures, cinema, dance, fundraising parties, outings, and so forth. The company was created to fill a vital niche in San M

iguel, a tourist city replete with cultural, charitable, and folkloric events, and in great need of a ticketing agency. Before Boleto City, event providers had no dedicated retail outlet for ticket sales, and were dependent on mail delivery offices, gift shops, restaurants, galleries, and liquor stores to sell their tickets. Our website has been lauded for its simple, uncluttered design, ease of use, security and stability. It’s also fully featured on smartphones and tablets, as well as laptops and desktop computers. Boleto City is unique in San Miguel in its ability to handle reserved seat events. Reserved seating obviates the need to stand in line and then scramble competitively for a good seat, rewards ticket buyers who purchase early and in advance rather than at the door, and enables event providers to charge a premium for the most desirable sections and rows. Boleto City is proficient at creating seat labeling in venues where no reserved-seating system has existed before, such as the 200-seat Bellas Artes auditorium, and the 300-plus seat Chapel of the Third Order. We work closely with our clients to try to ensure the success of all the events we handle creating service agreement for each individual client, and product features may be customized according the client’s needs.


Boleto City es una empresa de venta de boletos para eventos con sede en San Miguel de Allende, México. Manejamos eventos, grandes y pequeños: festivales, conciertos, obras de teatro, conferencias, cine, danza, fiestas de recaudación de fondos, etc. La empresa fue creada para llenar un nicho vital en San Miguel, una ciudad turística repleta de eventos culturales, caritativos y folklóricos, y con una gran necesidad de una agencia de venta de boletos. Antes de Boleto City, los proveedores de eventos no tenían un punto de venta exclusivo para la venta de sus entradas, y dependían de las oficinas de correo, tiendas de regalos, restaurantes, galerías y licorerías para vender sus entradas. Nuestro sitio web ha sido elogiado por su diseño simple y ordenado, facilidad de uso, seguridad y estabilidad. También está disponible para ser utilizada en teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas, así como en computadoras portátiles y de escritorio. Boleto City es único en San Miguel en su capacidad para manejar eventos de asientos reservados, con los que se evita la necesidad de hacer fila y luego competir por un buen asiento, recompensando a los compradores de boletos que compran con anticipación en lugar de en la puerta, y les permite a los proveedores de eventos cobrar una prima por las secciones y filas más deseables. Boleto City es competente en la creación de etiquetas de asientos en lugares donde antes no existía un sistema de asientos reservados, como el auditorio Bellas Artes de 200 asientos y la Capilla de la Tercera Orden de más de 300 asientos. Boleto City es reconocido por su alto grado de servicio personalizado. Las consultas se responden con prontitud, en algunos casos en cuestión de minutos. Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con nuestros clientes para tratar de garantizar el éxito de todos los eventos que manejamos creando acuerdos de servicio para cada cliente individual, y las características del producto pueden personalizarse según las necesidades del cliente.

🎭"Bar Mitzvah Boy" by Mark Leiren-Young is a bittersweet seriocomedy that tells the story of Joey Brant, a divorce lawye...

🎭"Bar Mitzvah Boy" by Mark Leiren-Young is a bittersweet seriocomedy that tells the story of Joey Brant, a divorce lawyer in his sixties, who lost his faith at the age of twelve and never bar mitzvahed – a fact he has deliberately hidden from his grandson Ben. Now Ben is turning thirteen and is about to step up to the Torah, and Joey’s lie will be exposed. So Joey needs to have his long-delayed bar mitzvah, as soon as possible. Joey turns to a young woman rabbi at his former synagogue, Michael Levitz-Sharon, to tutor him and conduct the ceremony. He soon discovers that Rabbi is herself having a crisis of faith, for reasons far more consequential than Joey’s anxiety about being exposed as a liar. As Joey embarks on his crash bar mitzvah course, he and Michael share reflections on faith and family, and gradually bond in ways that take them both by surprise.

Starring Steve Garfinkel & Ansley Braverman. Directed by Fredric Dannen.

📻🎙Bar Mitzvah Boy is presented as a radio-play: a reading with sound effects performed before a live audience.
📅Feb. Wed. 19 and Thurs.20, 2025, at 7pm
📌Jewish Cultural Center (JC3) Cjon. De Las Moras 47, Zona Centro, Guadiana.
🎟Tickets available here 👉

📌FOOD IN FILM FESTIVAL Presents Join Kirsten West, a renowned international chef, culinary explorer, and owner of Piña A...

📌FOOD IN FILM FESTIVAL Presents Join Kirsten West, a renowned international chef, culinary explorer, and owner of Piña Azul, on a captivating journey into the world of chocolate. With over 25 years of dedicated study of Mexican cuisine, Kirsten has delved deep into the rich culinary traditions of the country. Her expertise, honed through collaborations with culinary luminaries like Diana Kennedy and Rick Bayless, offers a unique perspective on the history and evolution of chocolate.

In her enlightening lecture, "Chocolate: Food of the Gods", Kirsten will share fascinating stories of the cocoa bean’s journey from the ancient Mayan civilization to its global dominance. Discover the cultural significance of chocolate, its diverse culinary applications, and its enduring appeal as a beloved treat.

📅February 27, 2025 3:00 pm. Santa Ana Theater. Tickets at or directly in this link:
🎟Get the full acces to the FIFF here:

Boleto City

🎤 Diana Villamonte, originally from Panama, has become one of the top-ticket entertainers in Puerto Vallarta, and has bu...

🎤 Diana Villamonte, originally from Panama, has become one of the top-ticket entertainers in Puerto Vallarta, and has built a devoted following in Mexico City. Her Whitney Houston tribute show, "I Will Always Love You", is currently on tour.
By arrangement with one of San Miguel’s vocal luminaries, Enrique de Allende, there will be one presentation of I Will Always Love You in San Miguel on Monday, February 17, at 6pm at Foro El Obraje.

📌The VIP section (first two rows), is priced at $1,500 pesos per ticket, and includes an after-concert reception at Live Aqua. Tickets for the Orchestra section, rows 3 through 8, are $800 pesos; seats in the remaining Parterre rows are priced at $650 pesos.
🎟E-tickets at:
🎟At Johnny’s Piano Bar, Mesones #101, during the cabaret club’s normal business hours, Wednesdays through Sundays.

📌El Obraje (La Troje). Calzada de la Presa #50. Centro, 37700. San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.

🎞Back by popular demand, the Food in Film Festival 2025 is a cinematic smorgasbord of food-related films and catered eve...

🎞Back by popular demand, the Food in Film Festival 2025 is a cinematic smorgasbord of food-related films and catered events.

The festival was a hit from its first edition in 2016, and it is back this year, the tenth anniversary year of its conception and will take place over three days 📅February 27, February 28 and March 1, at Teatro Santa Ana. Each day, there will be a film screening at 11am and 5pm, and a lecture at 3pm.
📌Tickets for individual movies are $450 MX, and each screening includes servings of botanas and wine. Lecture tickets are $100 MX. A Full Access ticket for all nine events can be purchased for $2,700 MX.

🎟E-Tickets here 👉
🎟Jonny's Piano Bar at Mesones 101 in Centro during the cabaret club’s business hours, Wednesdays through Sundays.
🎟At Boleto City Will-Call table at the theater each day of the festival, starting one hour before each event.
*Advance tickets will NOT be available at the Biblioteca.

If need assistance to purchase tickets, please contact Boleto City by email at [email protected] or by messenger.

Johnny's piano bar is one of the hottest nightspots in San Miguel, a fun hangout known for top-notch live cabaret music,...

Johnny's piano bar is one of the hottest nightspots in San Miguel, a fun hangout known for top-notch live cabaret music, chic decor, and a varied menu of hors d’oeuvres, snacks, and an assortment of beverages. The host and frequent performer, Johnny Favourite, is a Canadian-born recording artist and a veteran crooner, and house pianist, Osmar Andrés, is a virtuoso and a master of many styles. Guest singers since the reopening have included local favorites such as Lady Zen, Tara Lynne Khaler, Liah Alonso, Katy Chan, Spencer Day, Enrique de Allende, and many others, along with out-of-town stars such as international jazz vocalist Lucia Gutiérrez and New York cabaret legend K.T. Sullivan.

The club is open every day except Mondays and Tuesdays. The hours are 6pm to 10pm, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, and 6pm to 11pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
Johnny’s Piano Bar is located inside Hotel Casa Linda, at Mesones #101, in Centro.

“The Carpetbagger’s Children smiles sweetly as it shares the emotional brutality of a family . . . Devastating.” — Newsd...

“The Carpetbagger’s Children smiles sweetly as it shares the emotional brutality of a family . . . Devastating.” — Newsday

Saturday, January 25. 2 pm & 6 pm. Teatro Santa Ana, Biblioteca Pública.

"The Carpetbagger's Children" is presented by Players Workshop San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Cast: Antonia Banewicz, Christie Cook and Clara Dunham. Directed by Richard Hochberg.

🎭 "The Carpetbagger’s Children" by Horton Foote, a Pulitzer and Academy Award-winning screenwriter, dramatizes the resis...

🎭 "The Carpetbagger’s Children" by Horton Foote, a Pulitzer and Academy Award-winning screenwriter, dramatizes the resistance of the Old South to adapt to change and modern life. It tells the story of three daughters who grew up rich in a one of the finest homes in Harrison, Texas, all haunted by the memory of their departed, despotic father, a Northerner who found himself in Texas as part of the Union Army during the Civil War. Hence, they can never shake the disparaging label of carpetbagger and the taint of Yankee blood.

📌Presented by Players Workshop San Miguel de Allende, Mexico at the Santa Ana Theater on 📅 January 24, and on Saturday January 25, 2025.

🎟Tickets are 280 pesos online:
(To request help in purchasing online, write to [email protected])
🎟Or at the door an hour before each performance, and there is a ten percent discount if you pay in cash.

In a series of haunting and poignant monologues, "The Carpetbagger’s Children" weaves a captivating tapestry of family s...

In a series of haunting and poignant monologues, "The Carpetbagger’s Children" weaves a captivating tapestry of family secrets, small town life and private tragedies. It tells the story of three daughters who struggle against the pressures of modern life to uphold their father’s dying wish. It is a timeless and haunting portrayal of a once-vibrant family slowly disintegrating over time. It’s all about family secrets, tribal memories, sibling rivalry, and how change stalks our lives.
Players Workshop presents a captivating play about the bewildering and unsettling encroachment of change in the American South by Pulitzer Prize winner Horton Foote.

Teatro Santa Ana. Friday January 24th at 6 PM, Saturday 25th at 2PM and 6PM. Tickets: $280 pesos at Teatro Santa Ana box office. 10% cash discount.

Celebrate New Year's Eve at Hotel Casa Linda & Johnny's piano bar with live music and appetizers, followed by dinner in ...

Celebrate New Year's Eve at Hotel Casa Linda & Johnny's piano bar with live music and appetizers, followed by dinner in the hotel courtyard. Then, on the beautiful roof terrace you can dance under the stars, sip champagne, and enjoy the fireworks. As a bonus, the Arthur Murray studio is providing a free group dance lesson. Musical guests will include singer Kirsten McCormick, and others to be announced.

Get your reservation now on:

Four top band singers.12-piece swing orchestra. A night of music and ballroom dancing.At holiday time in San Miguel, the...

Four top band singers.12-piece swing orchestra. A night of music and ballroom dancing.

At holiday time in San Miguel, there are always music-themed events, but rarely is there an extravaganza like the BIG BAND BALL. On Sunday, December 15, at Mesones 101, in the combined spaces of Johnny's piano bar and Hotel Casalinda, a twelve-piece swing orchestra, with an expanded horn section, will back up four top singers in an evening of swing music and dancing.

Get your tickets now here: or at Johnny's Piano Bar.


Silent Night ft. Lady Zen & Katy Chan with Ken Bichel at the piano at the San Miguel Playhouse in 2022.
Don't miss this year Lady Zen's Holiday Special with Ken Bichel and two magnificent guest artists: Tuti Lennon and Charlie Lavin.
December 5 & 6, 5 pm. At Hotel La Casona.
Tickets at or directly at the hotel.

Tuti Lennon Johnny's piano bar Johnny Favourite Hotel Casa Linda

Tuti Lennon Johnny's piano bar Johnny Favourite Hotel Casa Linda

Johny's Piano Bar presents THE BIG BAND BALL 2024

On Sunday, December 15, at Mesones 101, in the combined spaces of Johnny’s Piano Bar and Hotel Casalinda, a twelve-piece swing orchestra, with an expanded horn section, will back up four top singers in an evening of swing music and dancing.
The swing band will be led by Johnny’s multitalented pianist and music director, Osmar Aquino, and the music to be performed will include swing standards such as “Moonlight Serenade,” “Sing Sing Sing,” and “Jump, Jive an’ Wail,” among many others.

General admission ticket ($750 pesos) entitles you to a buffet dinner. There are also thirty spots available inside the club itself, which for the occasion will become a VIP ($1,500 pesos) lounge, with an open bar and a more robust dining experience.
The Big Band Ball is a benefit for Casa Hogar.

Get your tickets now here 👉
Or directly at Johnny's piano bar

Boleto City

Johny's Piano Bar presents THE BIG BAND BALL 2024On Sunday, December 15, at Mesones 101, in the combined spaces of Johnn...

Johny's Piano Bar presents THE BIG BAND BALL 2024

On Sunday, December 15, at Mesones 101, in the combined spaces of Johnny’s Piano Bar and Hotel Casalinda, a twelve-piece swing orchestra, with an expanded horn section, will back up four top singers in an evening of swing music and dancing.
The swing band will be led by Johnny’s multitalented pianist and music director, Osmar Aquino, and the music to be performed will include swing standards such as “Moonlight Serenade,” “Sing Sing Sing,” and “Jump, Jive an’ Wail,” among many others.

General admission ticket ($750 pesos) entitles you to a buffet dinner. There are also thirty spots available inside the club itself, which for the occasion will become a VIP ($1,500 pesos) lounge, with an open bar and a more robust dining experience.
The Big Band Ball is a benefit for Casa Hogar.

Get your tickets now here 👉
Or directly at Johnny's piano bar

Boleto City


Lady Zen is back with her popular Christmas show collaborating with pianist Ken Bichel, and for the first time with singer and actress Tuti Lennon and virtuoso guitarist Carlos “Charlie” Lavín.
The venue will be the rooftop room of the Hotel La Casona. There is plenty of free parking, and food and beverages will be available for purchase. Ticket price $650 pesos.

Video excerpt from 2019 Christmas show at the San Miguel Playhouse.

Get your tickets now on or directly at the Hotel Hotel La Casona San Miguel de Allende

Lady Zen regresa con su popular espectáculo navideño, con Ken Bichel y dos talentosos artistas mexicanos, Tuti Lennon y ...

Lady Zen regresa con su popular espectáculo navideño, con Ken Bichel y dos talentosos artistas mexicanos, Tuti Lennon y el virtuoso de la guitarra Carlos Lavin.
Para su concierto navideño, Zen tocará desde ópera ("O Holy Night") hasta jazz ("I'll Be Home for Christmas"), baladas ("Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"), gospel al estilo Mahalia Jackson, R&B y soul, y tal vez un poco de Eartha Kitt para divertirse.

5 y 6 de diciembre en el hermoso salón de baile en la azotea del hotel La Casona.
Precio de la entrada: $650 pesos. Habrá comida y bebidas disponibles para comprar. Estacionamiento gratuito.
Adquiera sus entradas en

December 5, 2024 - December 6, 2024 5:30 pm La Casona Hotel ShareTweetEmailPrint Lady Zen’s Holiday Special 2024 Lady Zen’s Holiday Special 2024 will display the broad range of styles of one of San Miguel’s best-loved and most versatile performers. Lady Zen shares the stage with her chosen ar...

Lady Zen  is back with her ever-popular Holiday Show, with Ken Bichel  and two multitalented Mexican artists, Tuti Lenno...

Lady Zen is back with her ever-popular Holiday Show, with Ken Bichel and two multitalented Mexican artists, Tuti Lennon and guitar virtuoso Carlos Lavín.
For her holiday concert, Zen will run the gamut from operatic (“O Holy Night”) to jazz (“I’ll Be Home for Christmas”) to ballads (“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”), to Mahalia Jackson-style gospel, R&B, and soul, and maybe a little Eartha Kitt thrown in for fun.

December 5 & 6 at the lovely rooftop ballroom of the Hotel La Casona San Miguel de Allende. Ticket Price: $650 Pesos. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. Free parking.

Get your tickets at

Boleto City


San Miguel De Allende

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 12pm - 6pm
Martes 12pm - 6pm
Miércoles 12pm - 6pm
Jueves 12pm - 6pm
Viernes 12pm - 6pm
Sábado 12pm - 6pm


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Story and services

Boleto City is a retail and online event ticketing, event assistance, and event promotion company based in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. The company has been in continuous operation since 2018, with its retail box office at Mercado Sano, Ancha de San Antonio 123, second floor.

We handle scores of events, large and small – festivals, concerts, plays, lectures, cinema, dance, fundraising parties, outings, and so forth. In 2019, we were the exclusive ticketing agent for the hit musical Bikers in Camelot, the month-long Festival de Música de Cámara, the sold-out Chorale San Miguel performances of Mozart’s Requiem and Handel’s Messiah, among others.

Boleto City was created to fill a vital niche in San Miguel, a tourist city replete with cultural, charitable, and folkloric events, and in great need of a ticketing agency. Before Boleto City, event providers had no dedicated retail outlet for ticket sales, and were dependent on mail delivery offices, gift shops, restaurants, galleries, and liquor stores to sell their tickets.

Boleto City provides a retail box office conveniently located in Mercado Sano, a popular mart comprising stores, restaurants, and a cinema. Mercado Sano is a magnet for tourists, and has available parking. At present, the Boleto City box office is open Monday through Saturday, from 11am to 5pm. Our website has been lauded for its simple, uncluttered design, ease of use, security and stability. It’s also fully featured on smartphones and tablets, as well as laptops and desktop computers.