Happy weekend!!!
Omg what a sunset today!!!
We are just so blessed!!!
Celebrando a las mamás, especialmente las de este pueblo, quienes realmente lo dan todo por sus hijos!!
Celebrando madre naturaleza quien nos regala su belleza con sus flores!!!
Celebrando a nuestra amada virgencita, que es la madre de todos y la reina de las flores!!
Come and get a little piece of heaven!
We will be open today Friday and tomorrow 10 to 4
Valma just delivered a fresh bash of her homemade, vegan, organic, 70% cacao, chocolate bars!
Mother's day is around the corner!!
We were very blessed this week with amazing flowers!!
So we got really inspired and want to share their beauty with all you flowers lovers!!
We will be open tomorrow Thursday and Friday 10 to 4!
Don't forget the art walk this weekend, great event!
We still have a few cute items to compliment new houses!!