Farquhar Exclusive Catering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering The commitment to bring impeccable food and quality service to remarkable occasions began in 2014 an We have a proud record of successful events.

Farquhar Exclusive Catering is Penang’s premier catering company boasting excellence in quality of food, impeccable service and offering new and exciting standards within the catering industry. Since being established in 2014, Farquhar Exclusive Catering has expanded and secured an envied reputation as one of the top caterers in Penang and is the chosen caterer for many venues on their catering pa

nels, selected by both exclusive and high profile corporate and private sectors and repeatedly selected by the best event organizers in Penang. It holds its status and position within the catering industry because of its ability to consistently deliver excellent quality food professionally. What do we do differently at Farquhar Exclusive Catering? We bring to your table the best of what Penang has to offer. We choose the best produce available, ensuring freshness, maximum quality and innovative menu design for the most discerning palates. We select and train the finest chefs available and we employ highly experienced service and support staff to ensure that all your event requirements are fully met. Farquhar Exclusive Catering’s passion for food is what will set your menus apart. Fresh Catering’s kitchen team pride themselves on designing bespoke and innovative menus with a focus on delivering the best gastronomic experience for your guests. All our chefs are fully trained in offsite catering, which means they can manage last minute changes and difficult catering logistics without fuss.

We are so pleased to have a corporate team hosted an exclusive buffet dinner event at the stunning Orinea Restaurant. Th...

We are so pleased to have a corporate team hosted an exclusive buffet dinner event at the stunning Orinea Restaurant. The evening featured a customized menu meticulously crafted to meet our client's specific requests, ensuring a unique and personalized dining experience. Set against the backdrop of Orinea's breathtaking sea view and captivating night view, our guests able to enjoy a diverse array of delectable dishes in a private and elegant setting.


☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering is honored to once again cater for Celestica on the 1st of July, 2024, at their Bayan Lepas ...

Farquhar Exclusive Catering is honored to once again cater for Celestica on the 1st of July, 2024, at their Bayan Lepas location. We are thrilled to serve a group of 40 guests, ensuring that each one experiences the finest in culinary delights and exceptional service that Farquhar Exclusive Catering is renowned for. We look forward to making this event as memorable and enjoyable as the last.

Farquhar Exclusive Catering非常荣幸再次为Celestica提供餐饮服务。这次活动将于2024年7月1日在Bayan Lepas举行,接待40位嘉宾。我们期待每一位客人都能享受到法夸尔高级餐饮的精美美食和卓越服务,并希望此次活动同样令人难忘和愉快。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering is delighted to have catered for Celestica's VIP guest meeting at their office in Bayan Lepa...

Farquhar Exclusive Catering is delighted to have catered for Celestica's VIP guest meeting at their office in Bayan Lepas on April 17th, serving 30 guests. The menu was carefully crafted with a fusion approach to accommodate all attendees, ensuring a delightful culinary experience for everyone. It was our pleasure to contribute to the success of the event and provide exceptional catering services tailored to Celestica's needs.

Farquhar Exclusive Catering 很高兴能够在4月17日为Celestica在Bayan Lepas的办公室为30位贵宾举办的会议提供服务。


☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933
💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering is truly honored to have catered for Ms. Chan's son's wedding party in Georgetown on May 3rd...

Farquhar Exclusive Catering is truly honored to have catered for Ms. Chan's son's wedding party in Georgetown on May 3rd. We provided a buffet menu featuring an array of delectable dishes, including canapés specially requested by Ms. Chan to enrich the dining experience. It was a pleasure to contribute to such a joyous occasion, ensuring that every guest enjoyed a delightful culinary journey.

Farquhar Exclusive Catering 非常荣幸能为陈女士的儿子在5月3日在乔治市举办的婚宴提供服务。我们为自助餐提供了丰富多样的菜单,其中包括陈女士特别要求的小食,以增加选择的多样性。能够为这样一个喜庆的场合添上一抹美食的色彩,是我们的荣幸。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933
💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering provided catering services for a Raya celebration at Yi Villa on April 13th, serving 20 gues...

Farquhar Exclusive Catering provided catering services for a Raya celebration at Yi Villa on April 13th, serving 20 guests. A meticulously crafted course-by-course menu was customized to the client's preferences, ensuring a memorable culinary experience. Starting with delightful canapés, guests indulged in savory soups, delectable appetizers, sumptuous main courses, and finally, irresistible desserts. Each dish was expertly prepared and presented to elevate the celebration, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

Farquhar Exclusive Catering于4月13日在Yi别墅为20位客人举办了一场开斋节庆祝活动。根据客户的喜好,我们量身定制了逐道菜单,包括小食、汤品、前菜、主菜和甜点。每道菜都精心准备和呈现,为这次庆祝活动增添了难忘的美食体验。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933
💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering



☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering delivered a culinary masterpiece at the Nixma Technology Annual Dinner on January 27, 2024, ...

Farquhar Exclusive Catering delivered a culinary masterpiece at the Nixma Technology Annual Dinner on January 27, 2024, hosted at the enchanting Jivaka Garden. The event, attended by 40 esteemed guests, featured a bespoke menu crafted with precision and creativity. Thanks to Nixma Technology for having us.

Farquhar Exclusive Catering在2024年1月27日为Nixma Technology年度晚宴献上了一场美味的大师级烹饪表演,地点在迷人的Jivaka Garden。当晚有40位尊贵的宾客参加,享受到由精湛创意调制的独家菜单。感谢Nixma Technology邀请我们参与这次盛会。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

On the vibrant evening of January 19th, Pentrac Consulting Sdn Bhd hosted its much-anticipated Annual Dinner, an intimat...

On the vibrant evening of January 19th, Pentrac Consulting Sdn Bhd hosted its much-anticipated Annual Dinner, an intimate gathering that brought together 35 esteemed guests. The event was a gastronomic delight, as Pentrac Consulting went above and beyond to create a memorable culinary experience tailored to the client's budget and preferences. The Pentrac Consulting Sdn Bhd Annual Dinner was not just a celebration of the company's achievements but also a testament to their dedication to ensuring every detail was carefully considered for a truly unforgettable evening.

在1月19日这个充满活力的夜晚,Pentrac Consulting Sdn Bhd举办了备受期待的年度晚宴,这是一场亲密的聚会,汇聚了35位尊贵的客人。这个活动是一场美食的盛宴,因为我们Farquhar Exclusive Catering根据客人打造了一场令人难忘的烹饪体验,根据客户的预算和喜好进行了定制。Pentrac Consulting Sdn Bhd年度晚宴不仅是对公司成就的庆祝,也是对他们确保每一个细节都被精心考虑,为一个真正难忘的夜晚做出的承诺的证明。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

The Remy Martin event at Gudang Club Butterworth was a sophisticated affair that catered to 200 guests with style and fl...

The Remy Martin event at Gudang Club Butterworth was a sophisticated affair that catered to 200 guests with style and flair. With honor, Farquhar Exclusive Catering served delectable canapés in a roving style, ensuring that guests could indulge in a variety of exquisite flavors. The canapés were thoughtfully crafted in bite-sized portions, striking a balance between sophistication and satiety, meeting the specific preferences of the client. This culinary journey not only delighted the senses but also created a memorable and enjoyable atmosphere for all attendees.

Remy Martin在Gudang Club Butterworth的活动是一场精致而优雅的盛会,为200位宾客提供了时尚和品味的服务。Farquhar Exclusive Catering怀着崇高的荣誉感,以流动式的方式呈现了美味的小吃,确保宾客可以尽情品味各种精致的口味。小吃经过精心制作,以一口大小的份量呈现,巧妙地平衡了精致与饱腹感,满足了客户的特定口味需求。这次烹饪之旅不仅让感官陶醉,还营造了一个令所有参与者都难忘而愉悦的氛围.

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

At Lululope Auto City , we were celebrating Ms Tee`s kid 1 year old birthday celebration on the 7th of January 2024, whe...

At Lululope Auto City , we were celebrating Ms Tee`s kid 1 year old birthday celebration on the 7th of January 2024, where 50 guests gathered for this special milestone.
The event was graced with Lululope Value Set Course Menu with diverse options. A kid-friendly buffet bar was added for refreshments, ensuring a delightful and memorable experience for all attendees.
We are so happy to be part of this memorable event with Ms Tee.

在Ms Tee 孩子1岁生日庆祝的欢乐时刻,庆典活动于2024年1月7日在充满活力的Lululope Auto City展开,50位嘉宾齐聚一堂,共同纪念这个特殊的里程碑。
活动以Lululope Value Set Course Menu为特色,提供多样选择。为了满足小朋友的口味,特别增设了适合儿童的自助吧,为所有参与者带来愉悦而难忘的体验。
能够参与Ms Tee这个难忘的事件,我们感到非常开心。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Exciting news! We're very honor to cater a private chef dinner for Ms. Sueanne's birthday at Yi Villa. The intimate gath...

Exciting news! We're very honor to cater a private chef dinner for Ms. Sueanne's birthday at Yi Villa. The intimate gathering for 10 will feature a delectable menu, starting with canapés, followed by a petite soup, appetizer, entree, and ending on a sweet note with a divine dessert. The exclusive setting at Yi Villa is poised to elevate the celebration, ensuring a memorable evening for Ms. Sueanne and her guests.

令人兴奋的消息!我们非常荣幸地为Ms Sueanne在逸别墅举办一场私厨晚宴。这场10人的亲密聚会将呈现美味的菜单,从小食开始,接着是一道精致的汤、开胃菜、主菜,最后以一道美味的甜点结束。逸别墅的独特环境提升庆祝活动的氛围,确保Sueanne和她的宾客度过一个难忘的夜晚。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Looking for something special to brighten up your special occasion? Fret not, at Farquhar Exclusive Catering, we special...

Looking for something special to brighten up your special occasion?

Fret not, at Farquhar Exclusive Catering, we specialize in customized menus tailored to your taste, theme, and budget. Whether you're into classic comfort food or cutting-edge cuisine, we've got you covered. We believe every event is a chance to create food that tells a story.

您是否在寻找一些特别的食物来点缀你的特殊场合吗?别担心,在Farquhar Exclusive Catering,我们专注于为你的口味、主题和预算量身定制的菜单。无论你喜欢传统的舒适食物还是前卫的美食,我们都为你提供服务。我们相信每个活动都是创造讲述故事的美食的机会。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Let us introduce our new catering menu – a feast for your senses! From savory starters to mouthwatering mains, we offer ...

Let us introduce our new catering menu – a feast for your senses!

From savory starters to mouthwatering mains, we offer choices that are perfect for any occasion. Allow us to turn your events into unforgettable moments with our commitment to simplicity, quality, and deliciousness.

为您介绍我们的新餐饮菜单 - 一场为您的感官而设的盛宴!


☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Japanese onigiri, a delightful sushi rice ball. Meticulously crafted into a convenient shape, it features seasoned rice ...

Japanese onigiri, a delightful sushi rice ball. Meticulously crafted into a convenient shape, it features seasoned rice embracing flavorful fillings. At Farquhar Exclusive Catering, you can elevate your dining experience with our delectable sushi rice balls – a culinary journey that transcends taste and tradition.

日本饭团是一种美味的寿司饭团。精心制作成长形或者圆形的形状,再包含着调味过的米饭和美味的馅料。在Farquhar Exclusive Catering,您可以通过我们美味的寿司饭团提升您的用餐体验 ─ 一场超越味觉和传统的烹饪之旅。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

On the beautiful afternoon of September 17, 2023, Averie House played host to a truly memorable event – the wedding lunc...

On the beautiful afternoon of September 17, 2023, Averie House played host to a truly memorable event – the wedding luncheon of Ms. Teng Teng. The culinary masterpiece was carefully curated to cater to Ms. Teng Teng's diverse guest list, which included both elderly and adult attendees. The result was a harmonious blend of flavors that pleased every palate, reflecting the joy and unity of this special occasion.

在2023年9月17日美丽的下午,Averie House成为了一个难忘的场合主持地 - Teng Teng女士的婚宴。这道烹饪杰作经过精心策划,以迎合Teng Teng女士多元化的宾客名单,包括年长和成年人。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

We are delighted to be a part of the wedding luncheon for Ms. Mellisa on August 19th, 2023. The event will be held at th...

We are delighted to be a part of the wedding luncheon for Ms. Mellisa on August 19th, 2023. The event will be held at the elegant Orinea Restaurant.
With a guest list of 42 individuals, we are excited to curate a fine dining experience that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression. The meticulously planned 4-course meal promises to tantalize taste buds and elevate the celebration.

Allow us to extend our heartfelt congratulations on the joyous occasion of Ms. Mellisa's wedding. We feel deeply honored to welcome you to Orinea Restaurant.

我们很高兴能参与2023年8月19日Ms. Mellisa的婚礼午宴。该活动将在优雅的Orinea餐厅举行。

让我们向Ms. Mellisa的婚礼致以衷心的祝贺。我们深感荣幸能在Orinea餐厅热烈欢迎您。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

On the enchanting evening of August 4th, at Gurney Plaza, the captivating collaboration between The Hour Glass and Ulyss...

On the enchanting evening of August 4th, at Gurney Plaza, the captivating collaboration between The Hour Glass and Ulysse Nardin unfolded in a spectacle of horological artistry.

As the event caterers, we took great pride in curating a meticulously crafted array of fine canapés and mocktails that harmonized seamlessly with the mesmerizing ambiance. Each bite of our specially designed canapés was a delightful fusion of flavors, perfectly complementing the elegant timepieces on display.

We feel incredibly blessed to have this opportunity to serve all the guests.

在八月四日迷人的夜晚,于Gurney Plaza,The Hour Glass与Ulysse Nardin令人着迷的合作在钟表艺术的壮观展现中展开。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

A canapé (pronounced "can-a-PAY") - a type of appetizer or hors d'oeuvre that originated in France. It is a small, bite-...

A canapé (pronounced "can-a-PAY") - a type of appetizer or hors d'oeuvre that originated in France. It is a small, bite-sized food item that is typically served at cocktail parties, receptions, and other social gatherings.
Canapés are designed to be eaten in one or two bites, making them easy to handle while mingling or holding a drink.

A canapé (发音为“can-a-PAY”)是源自法国的开胃菜或小吃。它是一种小巧、一两口大小的食品,通常在鸡尾酒会、招待会和其他社交聚会上供应。可以设计成可以在一两口之内吃完,使得在社交活动中轻松搭配交谈或拿着饮料食用。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

We had the pleasure of catering for the grand opening of Masverse Penang HQ at Auto City on the 15th and 16th of July 20...

We had the pleasure of catering for the grand opening of Masverse Penang HQ at Auto City on the 15th and 16th of July 2023.
To ensure a delightful experience for all guests, we tailored the menu to suit the different themes of each day.
On the 15th of July, we served a delectable spread of Western-style canapés, perfectly complemented by a selection of fine wines and beverages. On the 16th of July, we embraced the Chinese cultural ambiance by presenting an exquisite array of canapés, expertly crafted to cater to their special guest crowd.

It was an honor to be part of this momentous occasion and contribute to the success of the Masverse Penang HQ opening.

我们很荣幸为2023年7月15日和16日在Auto City举办的Masverse Penang总部盛大开幕式提供餐饮服务。

能够参与这个重要的时刻并为Masverse Penang总部的开幕成功做出贡献,我们感到非常荣幸。

☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Our team meticulously crafted a specially curated canapé menu that perfectly complemented the occasion. The fine small b...

Our team meticulously crafted a specially curated canapé menu that perfectly complemented the occasion. The fine small bites we served were not only visually appealing but also packed with delightful flavors that left a lasting impression on the guests.


☎Contact for more information: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

We are thrilled to announce our participation in the highly anticipated Dior Beauty Road Show at Gurney Plaza on the 6th...

We are thrilled to announce our participation in the highly anticipated Dior Beauty Road Show at Gurney Plaza on the 6th of July.

Our specialty lies in serving fine canapés in a unique roving style, ensuring that each guest receives a delectable and visually appealing bite-sized delight.

Collaborating with Dior has been an absolute pleasure, as their commitment to elegance and luxury perfectly aligns with our own values.

Thanks to Huff and Puff for the collaboration.

我们非常高兴地宣布我们参加7月6日在Gurney Plaza举行的备受期待的Dior Beauty巡回展。
感谢Huff and Puff的合作。

☎For more enquiries on reservations or menu: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering — “Crafted with passion, savor every moment”

We had the privilege of catering a truly exclusive event: the Louis XIII dinner at the renowned Orinea on June 29th, 202...

We had the privilege of catering a truly exclusive event: the Louis XIII dinner at the renowned Orinea on June 29th, 2023. With an intimate gathering of 60 esteemed guests, we provided a sophisticated culinary experience.

Our bespoke canapés added a personalized touch to the cocktail section, while a carefully crafted four-course dinner delighted palates.
It was an honor to contribute to this prestigious occasion, leaving an indelible mark on the guests' memories.

我们有幸为2023年6月29日在著名的Orinea Restaurant举行的Louis XIII晚宴提供餐饮服务。

☎For more enquiries on reservations or menu: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering — “Crafted with passion, savor every moment”

On the blissful day of 24th June, Trinity Methodist Church was filled with joy and love as we celebrated the wedding lun...

On the blissful day of 24th June, Trinity Methodist Church was filled with joy and love as we celebrated the wedding luncheon of Ms. Pat.
To create a unique culinary experience, we offered a fusion customization menu that delighted everyone's taste buds.

From delectable appetizers to mouthwatering main courses and delightful desserts, each dish was carefully crafted to perfection.

在充满喜悦与爱意的6月24日,Trinity Methodist教堂洋溢着喜庆之情,我们庆祝了Ms Pat女士的婚宴午餐。为了打造独特的烹饪体验,我们提供了融合定制菜单,让每个人的味蕾都感到愉悦。

☎For more enquiries on reservations or menu: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering — “Crafted with passion, savor every moment”

We are so proud to cater for PE Land at Design Village last lovely Sunday for an exciting event dedicated to the launchi...

We are so proud to cater for PE Land at Design Village last lovely Sunday for an exciting event dedicated to the launching of Solar Panels.

Indulge in a selection of fully Western light refreshments meticulously crafted to complement the occasion. Our commitment to delivering fine food will ensure all the guest`s taste buds are satisfied.

Thanks PE Land for having us today on your big day.

我们非常自豪地为PE Land在Design Village上周日为一场专门致力于太阳能电池板发布的令人兴奋的活动提供餐饮服务。


感谢PE Land在您的重要日子里邀请我们。

☎For more enquiries on reservations or menu: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering — “Crafted with passion, savor every moment”

At Farquhar Exclusive Catering, we combine culinary mastery with a touch of sophistication to create unforgettable dinin...

At Farquhar Exclusive Catering, we combine culinary mastery with a touch of sophistication to create unforgettable dining experiences. Our experienced chefs meticulously craft menus that reflect the distinctiveness of your corporate gatherings. With utmost attention to detail and a dedication to culinary excellence, we deliver seamless service that leaves a lasting impression on your esteemed guests.

Elevate your corporate events with our impeccable catering services, where every bite tells a story of culinary excellence.

在Farquhar Exclusive Catering,我们将烹饪技艺与精致的品味相结合,创造令人难忘的就餐体验。我们经验丰富的厨师精心制作的菜单体现了您企业聚会的独特性。我们极致注重细节,致力于烹饪卓越,为您尊贵的宾客提供无缝服务,留下深刻的印象。


☎For more enquiries on reservations or menu: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering — “Crafted with passion, savor every moment”

✨ Event Recap: Fine Dreamz Studio: Unveiling a Stellar Product Launch 🎉🍽️We had the privilege of partnering with Fine Dr...

✨ Event Recap: Fine Dreamz Studio: Unveiling a Stellar Product Launch 🎉🍽️

We had the privilege of partnering with Fine Dreamz Studio, the renowned event planner, to create an extraordinary product launch at Zeon Property Office, Maritime. Over the course of two days, we welcomed 30 esteemed guests to an event filled with anticipation, innovation, and delectable light refreshments.

To add a touch of culinary delight, we curated a selection of tantalizing light refreshments. From elegant canapés to delightful finger foods, our offerings were thoughtfully designed to please the palate and provide a burst of flavors that enhanced the overall experience.

✨ 活动回顾:Fine Dreamz Studio:盛大新品发布揭幕 🎉🍽️

我们有幸与著名的活动策划公司Fine Dreamz Studio合作,在Zeon Property Office的Maritime举办了一场非凡的产品发布活动。在为期两天的活动中,我们迎接了30位尊贵的嘉宾,活动充满了期待、创新和美味的小吃。


☎For more enquiries on reservations or menu: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering — “Crafted with passion, savor every moment”

Looking to make your birthday celebration a truly memorable event? Look no further! At Farquhar Exclusive Catering, we s...

Looking to make your birthday celebration a truly memorable event? Look no further! At Farquhar Exclusive Catering, we specialize in crafting unforgettable experiences for birthdays of all ages.

Whether you're planning an intimate gathering or a grand extravaganza, our team of talented chefs and crews will work closely with you to create a personalized menu that reflects your unique style and preferences. From delectable appetizers to mouthwatering main courses and indulgent desserts, our culinary creations are sure to impress your guests and leave them craving for more.

想要让您的生日庆典成为一个真正难忘的事件吗?在Farquhar Exclusive Catering,我们专注于为各个年龄段的生日打造难忘的体验。

☎For more enquiries on reservations or menu: +6019-3321933

💻 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/farquharexclusivecatering

Farquhar Exclusive Catering — “Crafted with passion, savor every moment”

🎉✨ Event Recap: Kide International Annual Dinner at Rasa Sayang🎊We had the pleasure of organizing the highly anticipated...

🎉✨ Event Recap: Kide International Annual Dinner at Rasa Sayang🎊

We had the pleasure of organizing the highly anticipated Kide International Annual Dinner at the prestigious Rasa Sayang. With 150 esteemed guests in attendance, it was an evening filled with joy, laughter, and delectable light refreshments.

To complement the festive spirit, we curated a selection of enticing light refreshments. From delectable finger foods to mouthwatering bite-sized treats, our culinary creations were crafted with precision and care. Each delicacy was designed to delight the palate and leave a lasting impression on every guest.

🎉✨ 活动回顾:Kide国际年度晚宴在Rasa Sayang举行🎊

我们很荣幸地组织了备受期待的Kide国际年度晚宴,地点设在声名显赫的Rasa Sayang。有150位尊贵的嘉宾出席,这是一个充满欢乐、笑声和美味的小吃的夜晚。


☎For more enquiries on reservations or menu: +6019-3321933

💻 Website: https://www.orineagroup.com/

📱Find Us in Instagram: https://instagram.com/farquharexclusivecatering

🚛🍴Find Us in Facebook: http://bit.ly/FarquharExclusiveCateringFacebook

📍 Address: 68-18-1, Sunrise Gurney, Persiaran Gurney, 10250 Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia

Farquhar Exclusive Catering — “A Professional Caterer & Event Space”

🌴🏯 Event Recap: Destination Asia Malaysia's Gathering 🍹We had hosted a captivating gathering at the historic Khoo Kongsi...

🌴🏯 Event Recap: Destination Asia Malaysia's Gathering 🍹

We had hosted a captivating gathering at the historic Khoo Kongsi Penang, organized by Destination Asia Malaysia. With 80 guests from across the country, it was a celebration of cultural diversity and shared experiences.

Our highlight of the evening was the exquisite Nyonya cuisine canapés, blending Chinese and Malay flavors. These bite-sized culinary delights paid homage to Penang's gastronomic heritage, captivating taste buds and sparking conversations.

🌴🏯 活动回顾:Destination Asia Malaysia聚会 🍹

我们在历史悠久的槟城邱公司(Khoo Kongsi Penang)举办了一场令人着迷的聚会,由Destination Asia Malaysia组织。来自全国各地的80位宾客齐聚一堂,庆祝文化多样性和共享体验。


☎For more enquiries on reservations or menu: +6019-3321933

💻 Website: https://www.orineagroup.com/

📱Find Us in Instagram: https://instagram.com/farquharexclusivecatering

🚛🍴Find Us in Facebook: http://bit.ly/FarquharExclusiveCateringFacebook

📍 Address: 68-18-1, Sunrise Gurney, Persiaran Gurney, 10250 Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia

Farquhar Exclusive Catering — “A Professional Caterer & Event Space”

🎉🎂 Event Recap: Ms. Michelle's Birthday 🍽️We had the pleasure of being a part of Ms. Michelle's special day as we delive...

🎉🎂 Event Recap: Ms. Michelle's Birthday 🍽️

We had the pleasure of being a part of Ms. Michelle's special day as we delivered a scrumptious feast for her birthday celebration. With a delectable menu prepared for 30 guests, we ensured that each person received an individual set filled with delightful surprises.

Our menu featured a refreshing salad, a variety of enticing mains, and delectable desserts. It was a delightful culinary experience that made her celebration truly special.

🎉🎂 活动回顾:Michelle女士的生日 🍽️



☎For more enquiries on reservations or menu: +6019-3321933

💻 Website: https://www.orineagroup.com/

📱Find Us in Instagram: https://instagram.com/farquharexclusivecatering

🚛🍴Find Us in Facebook: http://bit.ly/FarquharExclusiveCateringFacebook

📍 Address: 68-18-1, Sunrise Gurney, Persiaran Gurney, 10250 Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia


68-18-1, Sunrise Gurney, Persiaran Gurney
George Town

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 21:30
Tuesday 09:30 - 21:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 21:30
Thursday 09:30 - 21:30
Friday 09:30 - 21:30
Saturday 09:30 - 21:30
Sunday 09:00 - 21:30



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