Wish you a very happy first Full Month of life ❤️
May this special day bring you & your parents the joy of life #BravoCo #FullMonthCelebrations
Wedding Reception #obsessed #impress ❤️
Wedding Reception #ING - Bravo & Co❤️
#throwback Vintage Garden wedding setup ❤️
Backdrop Design & Installation
Dining Table decoration
Entrance Decoration
Registration table decoration
Couple wedding table decoration
If you’re engaged and looking for the perfect woodland wedding theme, or just want to reminisce about the magic of walking through a forest in the summer time. Bravo & Co. exist to plan a remarkable theme of truly yours. Bravo & Co. proudly present the stunning woodland wedding theme at Vangohh Eminent
#magical #forest #wedding #reception #vangohheminent #woodland #eventplanner #wood #stunning #bravoandco #event #dreamwedding #penang #malaysia #personalzed #ideal
Blossom your wedding with a little sweet romance and a little surprise for your guests with two different theme of Gatsby and Romance Blossom. Bravo & Co. exist to plan a remarkable theme of truly yours. Bravo & Co. proudly present the stunning surprise wedding themes at Eastern & Oriental Hotel
#blossom #Gatsby #wedding #dreamwedding #eventplanner #romance #stunning #theme #bravoandco #penang #ideal #personalized #easternorientalhotel #weddingreception
完美婚礼从着开始 Bravo & Co 给您婚礼小贴示
8 Bravo wedding tips for wedding planning!
Ring Bravo& Co for a perfect wedding - 012-4396288 Eve
Penang Heritage Mission House-ROM
您是不是也很想拥有一个电影情节般浪漫的爱情行礼呢~ 找不到合适的地点?不知如何下手策划?
今天就赶紧联系我们吧 透过我们你可以在 槟岛复古即浪漫的Penang Heritage Mission House 进行你人生中最浪漫的一刻
场地布置 摄影 五星级餐点 注册官 司仪 一切包办
The Perfect Wedding Begin when each Partner believes they got better than they Deserve❤️
Exchange your Vows & Create a Unforgettable sweet memory with your loved ones at
Penang Heritage Mission House 📞012-4396288
我们为您打造一个梦想中的婚礼殿堂 完成人生最美好幸福的时段
Decoration & Planning Done by :
Bravo & Co Events Design Planner & Decorator BRAVO & CO. Events Design and Pastries
Food & Beverage:
Chef In The Truck by Farquhar Mansion Farquhar Mansion Chef In The Truck Exclusive Catering
#penangweddingplanner #penangROM #bravoncoeventsdesignandpastries #penangweddingdecoration
Here we're!!! Penang Birthday Party Planner 🎉🎉
The Fort Cornwallis, 旧关仔角 7pm - 凌晨
It's Tonight !!! Crazy Halloween Night Make the most Memories @ The Fort Cornwallis 7pm - Midnight 🎃 We Fun ! We life ! We Dance like no one is Watching !!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Hands Up ! Hands Up ! Put your Party Hands UP !!!!! Come Over ! let's FUN together