Jb collectors market
National Day holiday destination 🇲🇾
It's a great time to explore and enjoy some beautiful places during the National Day holiday!
Remember to enjoy the atmosphere, appreciate the passion of collectors, and perhaps find a treasure to take home! 🌟
Toppen Shopping Centre
mytukar is now CARRO
CARRO is here🎈🌟
📅23 to 25 aug 2024
📍 Perling Mall, Johor Bahru (ground floor)
Buy Used Cars — Browse Thousands Of Used Cars at CARRO.
#usedcar #newcar #car
#celebrinoeventsolutions #AeonMallTebrauCity #CES #eventplanner #propertyfair #propertyroadshow #roadshowplanner
Good show.
Thank you event organisor Mars Oo II for invitation us to perform at this special theme Riverbank group's annual dinner - passion hawaii night.
Thank you Riverbank group for giving us the stage to express our passion.
免费贏取「Celebrino Event Solutions和礼篮一条街 行运一条龙 商家们」送出的 新年礼品🥰。
幸运⼉需在在2月8号之前来 AEON MALL Tebrau City Ground Floor,
Aeon market (余仁生前面,Aeon member & customer service 的前面 )找相关摊位兑换哦
只要 show 出你的专属代码:【 liew ah meng &CES###### 】就可以啦
#celebrinoeventsolutions #eventplanner #eventplanning #eventmanagement
#礼蓝一条街 #新年展销会 #行运一条龙 #cnyhampers #hamper2024 #礼蓝 #CNY #CNYHamper #hampers