Good show.
Thank you event organisor Mars Oo II for invitation us to perform at this special theme Riverbank group's annual dinner - passion hawaii night.
Thank you Riverbank group for giving us the stage to express our passion.
免费贏取「Celebrino Event Solutions和礼篮一条街 行运一条龙 商家们」送出的 新年礼品🥰。
幸运⼉需在在2月8号之前来 AEON MALL Tebrau City Ground Floor,
Aeon market (余仁生前面,Aeon member & customer service 的前面 )找相关摊位兑换哦
只要 show 出你的专属代码:【 liew ah meng &CES###### 】就可以啦
#celebrinoeventsolutions #eventplanner #eventplanning #eventmanagement
#礼蓝一条街 #新年展销会 #行运一条龙 #cnyhampers #hamper2024 #礼蓝 #CNY #CNYHamper #hampers
🌟 #直播ing | 新年快乐 ~ 开逛 Aeon Tebrau 年货城 !行运一条龙 礼蓝一条街 !一起挖宝 这次 Aeon Tebrau 年货城 到底有什么好料的礼篮 ❗️❗️
📣【#动动手抢福利 4 份】完成直播里的步骤,就有机会 #免费 #FREE 赢取:
【 价值 RM 159 余仁生 黄金万两 礼盒 一盒 】😚
【 价值 RM 138 SK Hampers XO 精美小龙 一只 】😚
【 价值 RM 120 的 4 罐 SDS 年饼的礼袋 一份 】😚
【 价值 RM 198 永顺 鸿运礼 礼盒 一盒 】😚
☑ 赞「大咖搞事情 Punching Star」&「 @Celebrino Event Solutions 」
☑ 留言回答多多互动 + tag 越多兄弟姐妹 ~ 姨妈姑姐 ~ 亲戚朋友越好哟 ~
☑ 公开分享此直播
「大咖搞事情 Punching Star」将在直播里抽选 4 位完成以上步骤的幸运儿哟 🌟 幸运儿记得在 2 月 3 号之前来 Aeon Tebrau City的 Ground Floor ( 余仁生前面,Aeon member & customer service 的前面 )找相关摊位兑换哦 ~ (*仅限本人兑换哟❤)
「 @Celebrino Event Solutions 」
📌 Ground Floor, Aeon Mall Tebrau City
🕒 10 am ~ 10 pm
#大咖搞事情 #PunchingStar #幸运抽奖 #粉丝福利 #Aeon年货城 #CelebrinoEventSolutions
#spsetia #propertyroadshow #johorbahrucitysquare
#celebrinoeventsolutions #CES #EventPlanning #kiddiyactivity
Celebrino Event Solutions
#jbcollectorsmarket #celebrinoeventsolutions #KomtarJBCC #eventplannerjb #CES #eventplanning #eventmanagement
And when you finally arrive at the parade, the experience is truly unforgettable. Seeing the float in its full glory, surrounded by the crowds of onlookers, is a sight that you will remember for years to come. The energy and excitement of the parade will be palpable, and you will feel proud to have played a role in bringing this amazing event to life.
Escorting the Chingay float to the parade can be a truly memorable experience. Not only do you get to be a part of one of the city's most vibrant cultural events, but you also get to see the float up close and personal, as you help to guide it to its final destination.
let's call it 🚛CHINGAY FLOAT MARK IV🚛
This year marks the fourth time we has been given the opportunity by JOHOR TOURIST GUIDE ASSOCIATION to fabricate theirs Chingay float in #johorchingaynightparade
The #johorchingayparade is a vibrant cultural festival that takes place annually in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The parade is known for its historical Johor Ancient Temple (柔佛古庙) and its elaborate floats, which are designed and built by various organizations and community groups.
The Chingay Parade is an event that brings the community together, and is a great opportunity for visitors to experience the rich cultural heritage of Johor Bahru.
Whether you are a local resident or a visitor from abroad, the Chingay Parade is an event that you won't want to miss. So come out and enjoy the vibrant colors, creative floats, and exciting atmosphere of the fourth time fabricate Chingay float in Johor Bahru Chingay Parade.
🗓️11 FEB 2023
#eventplanner #CES
#eventplanning #twentyfourfestivedrum
Preparation done.
Cant wiat for tomorrow's event
🛍3000 goodie bag🛍 packing work in progress👷
⏪🔙Throwback 07 Jan 2023🕕
After 1st performance on 6 Jan 2023, we countinue our 🎉🎊2nd drums performance on the next day in Gah Hong Precision Sdn Bhd 30th anniversary dinner at 和丽轩宴会厅酒楼 Helixuan Restaurant & Banquet
Indian dance💃 in the house
Coincidence, in December a few company choose to have BOLLYWOOD THEME as their company dinner theme.
#BollyWood in the house
😼Puss is in the town.....
Aeon Mall tebrau City centre court