We had so much fun from proposing up to execution day with this wedding of Carmen and Yanshun! Thank you @momentswedd @tricia_lhm for the opportunity!
We bring you I HEART PETALS our newly launched online Florist store.
Curated by our designer florist
Looking for a special present or you need table Centerpieces for your an event, we have you covered! Check out our summer collection today!
#florist #floristmalaysia #floristonline #flowers #floraldesigner #eventstylist
We had so much fun working with Prestige team on planning and executing this award night. Thank you for having us @prestigemalaysia Prestige 40 Under 40
Project lead Diana and Shun Yen
Event designer Alice
Planned by @prestigemalaysia
Venue @colony.work
Sound and light @audiology.my
#iheartparty #iheartpartycorporate #awardsevent #40under40 #event #eventstyling #eventstylist #eventdesigner #eventarchitect