Dou Houz

Dou Houz An art space in between before and after, for the meeting of minds inspiring new expressions.

Our name in Chinese origin means comma, the punctuation mark indicating a sentence in progress. A soft pause bridging over words, thoughts, ideas, and at times, for literary effect. The versatile comma is akin to our multi-functional space, which bridged different creative forces for artistic expressions, forever progressing and evolving. While our English transliteration name is an interplay of l

anguages and homophones. Dou Houz - comma - take a pause at our shed, an artistic and cultural platform to meet and spark off endless creativity. A space in between before and after, for the meeting of minds continuously inspiring new expressions, be it performances, arts, or literature.

16th November, Francoe are  coming back with a 1-hour set at douhouzkl .Also featuring are  to hype you up and bring you...

16th November, Francoe are coming back with a 1-hour set at douhouzkl .

Also featuring are  to hype you up and bring you down as well as  to immerse us and all of you.

Get your tickets through the link on our page.

Inquiry: 017-6138871 ( WhatsApp)


this 16th November, we're coming back with a 1-hour set at our homeground- .

also featuring are to hype you up and bring you down as well as to immerse us and all of you.

get your tickets through the link on our page.

 Have you ever been curious about acting or wondered what it feels like to play a character? Or are you someone who want...

Have you ever been curious about acting or wondered what it feels like to play a character? Or are you someone who wants to feel more comfortable expressing yourself and being in your own body? Whether you’ve dreamed of being on stage or simply want to boost your confidence and self-expression, Acting for First-Timers! is designed for you — no experience necessary!

Join us today and explore the exciting world of acting!

Date: 26th of October, 2024
Time: 3pm - 6pm (3 hours)
Venue: Dou Houz, 10D, Jalan Panggong, 50000 Kuala Lumpur
Fee: RM80
Language: English

Registration: (link in bio)

Inquiry: 017-6138871


Buddha Beat剛過的台灣巡演,
今晚8:30PM於吉隆坡Dou Houz有個小型分享會,


Silent Keat
Euseng Seto / flica





Buddha Beat Homecoming party and sharing session at 14 September 24 !

together with :
Silent Keat
Euseng Seto

8.30pm till late
RM35 admission

See you soon! KL!




火锅即兴是中国最著名的即兴喜剧团体,表演风格自成一派,五光十色的角色、光怪陆离的情节,他们的故事细腻又浓烈,受到了 一致好评。




皮盆老师喜欢新喜剧,小时候也喜欢传统喜剧。 “我从小就和我爸一起听相声,相声大师师胜杰就在哈尔滨,我们都知道他。春晚上的相声小品我基本上都能背下来,特别喜欢看,一遍一遍地看。我爸也特别幽默。我和我爸都是属于接话型那种人,别人来一句话,我能接一句冷幽默的话。”




火锅即兴的专场演出将于2024年7月26日(星期五)在吉隆坡白沙罗表演艺术中心(DPAC)举行。120分钟的表演,华语,票价 RM80(早鸟票 RM60,截至2024年7月12日为止)。


火锅即兴同时也设立了多场工作坊让大家一起学习。工作坊课程120分钟,华语教学,费用 RM280(早鸟票 RM200,截至2024年7月12日为止)。日期时间地点如下:

2024年7月23日(周二)新纪元大学 12.30PM-3PM(不对外开放)
2024年7月23日(周二)吉隆坡广东会馆 12.30PM-3PM(不对外开放)
2024年7月24日(周三)自我认知工作坊 - 歌舞堂 3PM-5PM
2024年7月24日(周三)自我认知工作坊 - 逗号 8.30PM-10.30PM
2024年7月25日(周四)自我认知工作坊 - Lil Balletto Academy 10AM-12PM
2024年7月25日(周四)自我认知工作坊 - 歌舞堂 3PM-5PM
2024年7月25日(周四)自我认知工作坊 - 逗号 8.30PM-10.30PM
2024年7月26日(周五)自我认知工作坊 - Lil Balletto Academy 10AM-12PM
2024年7月26日(周五)自我认知工作坊 - DPAC 3PM-5PM
2024年7月27日(周六)亲子工作坊 - DPAC 10AM-12PM
2024年7月27日(周六)自我认知工作坊 - DPAC 3PM-5PM


“因为 #火锅即兴 , #快乐回来了!”



除了主角阿德,好朋友 Taka 也將會以特別嘉賓的身份加入部分歌曲的演出,合體“兩條線”組合來呈現張盛德音樂的另一番風景。

激盪工作坊創作組合調色盤以及另類音樂人組合的元老張盛德與 Taka,兩位好朋友在疫情開始之後,Taka 據說只是陪張盛德練歌卻不小心又唱在了一起,於是就看著那新冠病毒快篩器的兩條線組了一個大叔新組合 —— “兩條線”。

一個遊走合唱團的美聲,一個寫流行樂的粗曠嗓子。或許是你可以想像得到的上個世紀的經典組合的模樣,也可能是你將會得到的嶄新發現。“兩條線”去年在檳城辦了第一場音樂會,上個月在吉隆坡 Kongsi KL 再辦了第二場轟動江湖的音樂會。如果說“兩條線”前兩場演出是回望一路走來的足跡,那麼這一次就是對於現狀的呈現。如果你錯過了之前的兩場“兩條線”演出,就別再錯過這一次了。座位有限,訂票乘早。

2016年1月,張盛德以音樂創作人的身份重新出發,推出了個人專輯《我是好命人》。專輯裡除了收錄他創作生涯裡極具代表性的歌曲以外,也收錄了最新的創作歌曲。簡約且恬靜的風格,讓這張專輯佳評如潮,各大媒體也給予了高度關注。2022年,推出在新冠疫情期間籌備製作的第二張個人創作專輯《天命》,並以所有樂器與歌聲現場同步錄音錄影的模式進行錄製。隔年專輯榮幸入圍了第16屆Freshmusic Award 的 Fresh X TAMA 區域專輯推薦獎。

~Taka 曾德嘉~
至今參加音契聖樂團,投入基督教聖樂工作,策劃,籌辦多部古典神劇音樂會,並參與演唱,包括韓德爾的《彌賽亞》,孟德爾頌的《以利亞》,海頓的《創世紀》,莫扎特的《安魂曲》,巴哈的《B小調彌撒》《聖馬太受難曲》,《榮耀聖詩夜》等等。除了聲部演出,也投入涉及到的文案,宣傳,設計,攝影,場地協調,音響。2012年協助製作本地知名女高音卓如燕《小白船》,《如鳥高飛》的專輯。 除了籌備製作多場音樂會,也於2022年聯合朋友設計和創建八板屋藝文空間。


【張盛德 天命音樂會 吉隆坡場】

日期:15.06.2024 (Sat)
地點:逗號 Dou Houz (10D, Jalan Panggong, City Centre, 5000 Kuala Lumpur.)
票價:預售 RM78;現場 RM98

Intimate music show with Zhang Sheng-De at DouHouz, remember to get your tix! 張盛德的小型音樂會在逗號,記得買票支持(翻譯英文)那一年,二十歲的 阿德 张盛德 加...

Intimate music show with Zhang Sheng-De at DouHouz, remember to get your tix!


那一年,二十歲的 阿德 张盛德 加入激盪工作坊,跟音樂結下不解之緣,也給別人做了無數的音樂。而在度過天命之年之際,阿德決定好好為自己做音樂。只有為自己做好,才能給自己留下一些什麼。於是,三十五年之後阿德後終於做了繼《我是好命人》之後的張盛德第二張個人創作專輯《天命》。專輯以新冠疫情期間的時代氛圍與感受為主題概念,不進行批判也不自憐自嘆,只是一種時代的記錄與探視,自省與慰藉。與此同時,剛邁入五十歲天命之年的張盛德也以自身對生命的感受給這一段日子留下一點看法與叮囑。

2022年,完成專輯內歌曲的創作之後,張盛德隻身北上檳城,與一群檳城的音樂人進行專輯的製作。專輯籌備階段,為了達到九位音樂人同時現場演出收音的目的,製作人汪榮木把原有的錄音室改造成一個五百方尺的大型錄音空間,樂手們在多次的磨合與排練中把音樂的編制給塑造出來,然後做一件馬來西亞中文音樂並不常見的事 ——所有樂手們與歌手現場同步收音與錄影,以創造一種更有機與生命力的音樂。


但是這等待結束了。6月15號,來自檳城的製作班底,包括樂手、和聲、製作人、行政、音控師,浩浩蕩蕩南下吉隆坡,連同張盛德與特別嘉賓一起在 逗號 Dou Houz 藝術空間給大家帶來這場等待多時的音樂會。

【張盛德 天命音樂會 吉隆坡場】
日期:15.06.2024 (Sat)
地點:逗號 Dou Houz (10D, Jalan Panggong, City Centre, 5000 Kuala Lumpur.)
票價:預售 RM78;現場 RM98

Improvisation for Theatre Workshop by Tung Jit YangDate : 18,19,25 & 26 May 2024Time : 3pm-7pmVenue : Dou HouzWorkshop F...

Improvisation for Theatre
Workshop by Tung Jit Yang

Date : 18,19,25 & 26 May 2024
Time : 3pm-7pm
Venue : Dou Houz
Workshop Fee : 1 session RM120, 4 sessions RM450

For more information: 017-613 8871 (WhatsApp)

Improvisation for the Theatre with Tung Jit Yang will introduce improvisation fundamentals to participants working and interested in theatre and performance. Improvisation is a key in every creative process - it is an adventure into the unknown, it is a tapping into the intuition, it is a surrender to your own creative genius.

Do you sometimes feel unsure of where or how to begin your performance or presentation? Do you feel too self-conscious and nervous on stage or in front of others? Do you hope to best express yourself, your feelings, your story to others? A training in improvisation can begin to solve these fundamental problems of theatre and performance.

Improvisation can be trained, developed, and honed: whether you are a non-performer, or performing artist with experience, these “Improvisation for the Theatre” workshops aim to grow and feed your personal practice whilst learning, having fun, and collaborating with like minded individuals.


Tung Jit Yang is a KL-based professional theatre performer and director, and was formerly Director-in-Residence at The Actors Studio Malaysia @ klpac; and Artist-in-Residence at theatre threesixty. He has a decade’s worth of experience making and teaching theatre all over Malaysia, and has done work internationally in Indonesia, Japan, Russia, and the USA. He is a graduate of New York University's Tisch School of Arts, earning his Bachelors in Fine Arts in Drama. He has trained in Shakespeare at RADA (London, UK), Improvisation at Second City (Chicago, USA), Commedia dell arte’ in Italy, Devising and Directing at Playwright’s Horizon, the Meisner Technique, Suzuki Technique, Laban for Actors, Williamson Technique, the Alexander Technique, and Clowning at the Meisner Studio. He is an improviser and teacher of improv and teaches at Taylor’s University's Bachelor's in Performing Arts (TUTAS) Program. He is a proud member of AI:IA - Malaysia’s longest running improv comedy collective - performing all over the country in a variety of festivals, comedy clubs, and venues.

龍一 | Interactive Workshop PerformanceZen calligraphy interactive workshop performance with Japanese calligrapher, Hiro N...

龍一 | Interactive Workshop Performance
Zen calligraphy interactive workshop performance with Japanese calligrapher, Hiro Namba to explore the link between body and mind. Welcoming the year of dragon, the participants are invited to experience calligraphy as movement through Hiro’s creative practice in collaboration with local dance artist Ix Wong. Refreshments with a hint of Japanese flavours will be served as part of the experience.

About the instructor/ artist
Hiro Namba
Coming from the samurai clan, calligraphy has been handed down in the Namba family for centuries. Hiro studied art history in Philadelphia and Rome. After having worked as an interior designer and art consultant in New York, Tokyo, Shanghai, Milan, and Bangkok, he decided to embrace his heritage professionally and carry forward the legacy of his ancestors.
Hiro intends to liberate the “hanzi” or “kanji” from their meanings to simply present the beauty of the brushworks equally in everyone’s eyes. The artist disintegrates the characters and reassemble them in the form of collage. His art is rollable, foldable and transportable to adapt to the transient life style of the current time.

“Calligraphy isn’t just about writing and explaining your thoughts; what you draw is directly tied to your body movement, interacting with the tools and becoming familiar with your body’s nuances.”

Ix Wong
As a well-celebrated local dance artist and choreographer, Ix has been interested in the concept and body and mind. Both Ix and Hiro are dedicated practitioners of Zen Buddhism, and they naturally share the similar idea of philosophy in art. Ix is joining in this collaboration as a choreographer and dancer to enhance Hiro’s calligraphy skill in the form of performance.

Date: January 21, 2024 (Sun)
Time: 5pm - 8pm (door opens 4:30pm)
Venue: Dou Houz 逗號 10D, Jalan Panggong, 50000 Kuala Lumpur. (Google map | Facebook | Instagram)
Fee: RM100/ pax (maximum: 15-20 pax)
Attire: Comfortable clothing (suitable for slow movements & doesn’t mind getting stained with ink)

Inquiries: +60166149886 or [email protected]

Registration link in bio


Kuala Lumpur





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