Whether you’re planning a corporate #meeting, #conference, #seminar, #training, or any all-day event, we’ve designed it to make your all-day events hassle-free and delicious.Contact us now to book our exceptional catering service and make your event a culinary journey like no others ☺️ Inbox your inquiries at [email protected] or ctc us at 012-360 5416 #pinkshallotscatering #catering #cateringkl #cateringputrajaya #cateringselangor #kateringkl #kateringputrajaya #kateringselangor
Whether you’re planning a corporate #meeting, #conference, #seminar, #training, or any all-day event, we’ve designed it to make your all-day events hassle-free and delicious.Contact us now to book our exceptional catering service and make your event a culinary journey like no others ☺️Inbox your inquiries at [email protected] or ctc us at 012-360 5416#pinkshallotscatering #catering #cateringkl #cateringputrajaya #cateringselangor #kateringkl #kateringputrajaya #kateringselangor
Whether it’s a milestone celebration, corporate gathering, wedding reception, or any special occasion, our catering will leave a lasting impression on your guests.Ideal for Any Crowd: Our buffet catering services are suitable for groups of 50 pax and above, ensuring no one goes hungry at your event.Contact us now to book our exceptional buffet catering service and make your event a culinary journey like no others. Inbox your inquiries at [email protected] or ctc us at 012-360 5416#pinkshallotscatering #catering #cateringkl #cateringputrajaya #cateringselangor #kateringkl #kateringputrajaya #kateringselangor
Hi-Tea with Pink Shallots 😊#foodpanda #grabfood #klcateringservices #malaysianfood #malaysianfoods #malaysiancuisine #shoppefood #kateringkl #cateringkl #fingerfoodkl #kateringputrajaya #kateringselangor #hotfm #sinarfm #tv3 #eventplanner #motac #kkmm #affinbank #rhbbank #cimbbank #smebank #kementerianpendidikan #kementerianpendidikan #foodkl #foodiekl #eventkl #jabatanperdanamenteri
Full Event Set Up by Pink Shallots
Corporate Aidilfitri Open House
Corporate Aidilfitri Open House
Another milestone for Pink Shallots