We provide you to choose one of our upcoming dates, pay a one-off, affordable, booking fee, and we'll do the rest. Your dating group will always consist of an equal number of similarly aged single mans & womans. Golden policy of out Dates:
The following are not permitted on Blinddate:
-To give false information in his user account items, s*x, age, geographical location or personal image
-To publis
h personal information such as full name, address, e-post/e-posthänvisning (tex.ICQ / MSN / Skype / Facebook) or telephone number on their account or on our open forum
-To have more than one useraccount
-Use of copyrighted material
-Use of images or text, pornographic or other clear s*xual allusions
-Use coarse and offensive language when communicating with other members, or on our open forum
Racist remarks
Personal attacks, naming or designation of other members without their approval on our open forum
-Sales or promotion of s*xual services against payment
-Sales of commercial services or goods
-Reproduction, distribution or forwarding messages, letters or other information contained on Blinddate
-Harassment or attempt to remain in contact with other members who explicitly denounced in touch with you
-Distribution or attempted distribution of political or religious messages to other members or through our open forums
-Amazing Date is no responsible for other dates is not organize by our company.