GROUP MRMS MRMS is an event-focused production agency in Nilai, Malaysia. We specialize in events, video creation and printings. MRMS Sdn Bhd
201701040064 (1254237-H)

回顾另一个成功的展览!再次祝贺JuiceUP团队以及所有参与的嘉宾们为电动汽车充电用户推出便利的公开付费系统, 不需要在另外下载多一个App。希望我们能很快再次合作!Reflecting on another amazing exhibit...

回顾另一个成功的展览!再次祝贺JuiceUP团队以及所有参与的嘉宾们为电动汽车充电用户推出便利的公开付费系统, 不需要在另外下载多一个App。希望我们能很快再次合作!
Reflecting on another amazing exhibition! Huge congratulations to team JuiceUP and all the VIPs for launching a game-changing public payment system for all EV charger users. We're excited about the possibilities and can't wait to collaborate again soon!

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

周末不仅难忘,而且非常充实! 感谢UMobile让我们有机会参与这次的Hari Peneroka FELDA 2024 活动。在三天的时间里,超过上万名访客加入了我们。除了和炫丽的霓虹灯拍照打卡,访客们还了解了最新的5G科技,免费玩了PS5...

周末不仅难忘,而且非常充实! 感谢UMobile让我们有机会参与这次的Hari Peneroka FELDA 2024 活动。在三天的时间里,超过上万名访客加入了我们。除了和炫丽的霓虹灯拍照打卡,访客们还了解了最新的5G科技,免费玩了PS5和Pico4,还能享受免费的爆米花。感谢每一位前来的朋友!

Not only was the weekend unforgettable, but it was also incredibly fulfilling! A big thank you to UMobile for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hari Peneroka FELDA 2024 event. Over the course of three days, more than ten thousand visitors joined us. Alongside snapping photos with vibrant neon lights, attendees got to learn about the latest 5G technology, play free games on the PS5 and Pico4, and enjoy free popcorn. Thank you to everyone who came out!

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

【MAE BEYOUTIFUL FEST美丽节】和MAE一起度过了一个难忘的周末! 超过万人参加的大型年度活动,有得吃、有得拍照打卡,还有得做热气球看风景~ 都让前来的参与者留下美好回忆感谢每一位参与这次活动的朋友们。期待下一次的盛大活动,...

和MAE一起度过了一个难忘的周末! 超过万人参加的大型年度活动,有得吃、有得拍照打卡,还有得做热气球看风景~ 都让前来的参与者留下美好回忆

Spent an unforgettable weekend with MAE! Over ten thousand people attended the large annual event, enjoying food, photo ops, and hot air balloon rides to take in the scenery. It left wonderful memories for all who participated.
Thank you to everyone who joined us. Looking forward to the next big event—stay tuned!

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事 #因你而完美

衷心感谢所有参加这次特别活动的跑者。在一起的奔跑,都对社区产生了深远的影响。每一步都重要,每一个微笑都值得珍惜,你们的热情和爱让这一天充满了光彩。期待下次一起继续传播爱与正能量。感谢你们成为这美好事业的一部分!💖🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️A hear...


A heartfelt thank you to all the incredible runners who joined us for this special event. We ran together and made a long-lasting impact on the community. Every step counts, every smile matters, and your enthusiasm and love truly lit up the day.

We hope to see all of you again next time as we continue to spread love and positivity. Thank you for being a part of something wonderful!

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

我们在IOI City Mall的U Like Pop-Up Store度过了美好时光!🎉✨ 很高兴看到大家能够亲身体验Ulike的创新美容科技和产品。感谢每一位前来参加并使这个活动成功的人!We had an amazing time a...

我们在IOI City Mall的U Like Pop-Up Store度过了美好时光!🎉✨ 很高兴看到大家能够亲身体验Ulike的创新美容科技和产品。感谢每一位前来参加并使这个活动成功的人!

We had an amazing time at the U Like Pop-Up Store at IOI City Mall! 🎉✨ It was wonderful seeing everyone experience the innovative Ulike beauty tech and products firsthand. Thank you to everyone who came out and made it a memorable event!

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事


在一次祝贺 Exness 马来西亚办公室的盛大开业!为Exness 能达到这一里程碑感到无比兴奋,愿未来充满成功和无限可能! 🌟🎊

Congratulations to Exness on their grand opening! Thrilled to see you reach this incredible milestone! Here's to a future filled with success and endless possibilities. Cheers to many more accomplishments ahead! 🌟🎊

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

令人激动的消息~在Pavilion Bukit Jalil见证NESH最新室内净水器的隆重发布!庆祝推出最新的净水器,在行业33年有着卓越成就的NESH自豪地展示我们他们的最新创新。🌟除了亲身体验NESH产品的品质和性能,也可以接着这个独特...

令人激动的消息~在Pavilion Bukit Jalil见证NESH最新室内净水器的隆重发布!庆祝推出最新的净水器,在行业33年有着卓越成就的NESH自豪地展示我们他们的最新创新。🌟

📍 地点:Pavilion Bukit Jalil
📅 路演至2024年5月19日


Exciting news! Witness the grand launch of NESH's latest indoor water filter at Pavilion Bukit Jalil! Celebrating the release of the newest water filter, NESH is proud to showcase it's latest innovation, backed by 33 years of excellence in the industry. 🌟

Besides experiencing the quality and performance of NESH products firsthand, take this unique opportunity to learn about and try other NESH products as well!
📍 Location: Pavilion Bukit Jalil
📅 Roadshow until May 19, 2024

Today is the last day, don't miss it!

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

🎮 与Infinix GT20 Pro 的震撼发布,踏入未来! 🚀✨ 从霓虹灯光的赛博朋克梦境到游戏创新的前沿世界,揭开了风格与电玩性能的终极融合。让上周四一起加入我们见证游戏手机技术革命的所有媒体朋友们,再次见证一个新的电玩手机的诞生!📱...

🎮 与Infinix GT20 Pro 的震撼发布,踏入未来! 🚀✨ 从霓虹灯光的赛博朋克梦境到游戏创新的前沿世界,揭开了风格与电玩性能的终极融合。让上周四一起加入我们见证游戏手机技术革命的所有媒体朋友们,再次见证一个新的电玩手机的诞生!📱

Stepping into the future with the electrifying launch of the Infinix GT20 Pro! 🚀✨ From the neon-lit streets of cyberpunk dreams to the cutting-edge world of gaming innovation, we unveiled the ultimate fusion of style and performance. Thanks to all the media who joined us last Thursday to witness the revolution in gaming technology!

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

让我们继续与TikTok马来西亚一起庆祝Raya吧!🎉 在上周的   活动中,我们与现场所有的TikTok创作者一同欢庆!无论与家人还是朋友,我们一同分享欢乐!  活动太精彩了!🥳Let's continue celebrate Raya ...

让我们继续与TikTok马来西亚一起庆祝Raya吧!🎉 在上周的 活动中,我们与现场所有的TikTok创作者一同欢庆!无论与家人还是朋友,我们一同分享欢乐! 活动太精彩了!🥳

Let's continue celebrate Raya with TikTok Malaysia together! 🎉 At the event last week, we celebrated together with all the creators! Whether with family or friends, we shared the joy together! The event was amazing! 🥳

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

在我们拥抱团结和新开始的精神中庆祝这个喜庆的时刻。让我们以Raya的主题设置 时尚地捕捉每一个时刻。祝您和您的亲人们拥有一个祝福和繁荣的开斋节!Celebrate the joyous occasion as we embrace the ...

在我们拥抱团结和新开始的精神中庆祝这个喜庆的时刻。让我们以Raya的主题设置 时尚地捕捉每一个时刻。祝您和您的亲人们拥有一个祝福和繁荣的开斋节!

Celebrate the joyous occasion as we embrace the spirit of togetherness and new beginnings. Let's capture every moment in style with our Raya theme setup. Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed and prosperous Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

回顾我们在Plaza Lowyat举办的3cat Roadshow,和大家迈向创新的时刻!✨ 通过高端二手苹果产品进行置换、维修,并提升大众的科技体验。这次的Roadshow不仅仅是一次销售 - 它是您进入科技领域质量可负担、可持续性的门户...

回顾我们在Plaza Lowyat举办的3cat Roadshow,和大家迈向创新的时刻!✨ 通过高端二手苹果产品进行置换、维修,并提升大众的科技体验。这次的Roadshow不仅仅是一次销售 - 它是您进入科技领域质量可负担、可持续性的门户.

Look back as we march into innovation at Plaza Lowyat with the 3cat Roadshow! ✨ Trade-in, repair, and elevate people's tech game with premium second-hand Apple products. It's more than just a sale – it's your gateway to affordable quality and sustainability in tech.

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事


🎉✨ 恭喜 OPPO 在新年期间位于 KLCC Outlet 的Reopening!🎊 让我们回顾一下春节的热闹气氛,人群聚集在节日的欢庆中!🐉 从充满好运的红包到蓬松的棉花糖,每一个细节都增添了喜庆的气氛!🎈 祝愿 OPPO 在未来的一年里持续取得成功和繁荣!🚀

🎉✨ Congratulations to OPPO on the spectacular reopening of their outlet at KLCC during the festive season! 🎊 Let's look back on the vibrant energy of Chinese New Year as crowds gathered to celebrate amidst the festivities! 🐉 From the red packets of good fortune to the fluffy clouds of cotton candy, every detail added to the joyous atmosphere! 🎈 Wishing OPPO continued success and prosperity in the year ahead! 🚀

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

🎉 快来参加我们精彩的校园招聘会,来探索你的下一个机会!🚀 我们除了组织主办这次活动,而且我们也在招聘!🌟 日期: 2024年3月27日时间: 上午10点至下午5点地点: 汝莱英迪国际大学或者你已经等不及了,也能直接点击这个链接:https...

🎉 快来参加我们精彩的校园招聘会,来探索你的下一个机会!🚀 我们除了组织主办这次活动,而且我们也在招聘!🌟
日期: 2024年3月27日
时间: 上午10点至下午5点
地点: 汝莱英迪国际大学

或者你已经等不及了,也能直接点击这个链接: 填写你的个人资料和感兴趣的岗位!

🎉 Join us for an exciting Campus Career Fair and discover your next opportunity! 🚀 We're organizing the event and guess what? We're hiring too! 🌟
Date: March 27, 2024,
Time: 10 am to 5 pm
Location: INTI International University @ Nilai.

Or if you can't wait until tomorrow, you can click the link: to fill your details and interested post!
Don't miss out on networking with top companies and exploring job openings. See you tomorrow!

MRMS一直一起飞! weeeeeeee~~~


璀璨的 Gelly Wee 婚纱展终于迎来了它美妙的收官夜。七天的展览旅程即将画上句号,但在结束之前,让我们一同穿越时光,回顾这个令人心驰神往的婚纱盛会的点点滴滴😉

The dazzling Gelly Wee Bridal Exhibition has finally reached its splendid closing night. The seven-day exhibition journey is about to draw to a close, but before it ends, let's journey through time together and reminisce about the enchanting moments of this bridal extravaganza.😉

MRMS一直一起飞! weeeeeeee~~~



The MRMS team is delighted to host a heartfelt banquet for Taiwan Nan Shan Life Insurance. The unique corporate culture of this insurance company makes the banquet even more special. In a joyful atmosphere, colleagues from Nan Shan Life Insurance even take the stage as hosts, adding to the fun of the evening. This relaxed and enjoyable ambiance makes the entire banquet conclude smoothly and perfectly.

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事 #南山人寿保险

心激动,手颤抖,别有风味的拉斯维加斯主题晚宴。Group MRMS很高兴办了多一场全马最盛大的房地产盛事 -- MCentury Annual Dinner。现场舞台设计和入场处互动体验区都采用了拉斯维加斯赌场风格。无论是舞台特效还是互动体...

心激动,手颤抖,别有风味的拉斯维加斯主题晚宴。Group MRMS很高兴办了多一场全马最盛大的房地产盛事 -- MCentury Annual Dinner。


Excited hearts, trembling hands, a distinctive Las Vegas-themed event. Group MRMS is thrilled to host yet another grand real estate event in Malaysia – the MCentury Annual Dinner.

The stage design and interactive zones at the entrance all embrace the style of a Las Vegas theme. Whether it's the stage effects or interactive experiences, activities like lucky draws, red packet giveaways, dice rolling, and the top performer award immerse every guest in an atmosphere of excitement and joy.

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

-MRMS x Gelly Wee 婚纱展 -经历漫长4天3夜,不管是大太阳还是下雨都不间断施工,把2层楼高的户外婚纱展布置建好了!Group MRMS 这次的活动布置配合了场地 - Starhill YTL提供的设计以及我们的合作伙伴Eg...

-MRMS x Gelly Wee 婚纱展 -
Group MRMS 这次的活动布置配合了场地 - Starhill YTL提供的设计以及我们的合作伙伴Egen Event!得以让我们在过程中可以更顺利的修订和搭建整个场景,结果可以说是美轮美奂!

After enduring a long 4 days and 3 nights, rain or shine, the outdoor bridal exhibition spanning 2 floors was successfully set up! Group MRMS collaborated with the venue - Starhill YTL's design and our collaboration partner Egen Event, which allowed us to smoothly revise and construct the entire scene, resulting in a magnificent outcome!

MRMS一直一起飞! weeeeeeee~~~

Group MRMS 很荣幸宣布为印尼咖啡品牌的新星——Tomoro Coffee 在新加坡举办了首家开业活动。这次开业盛典在新加坡国立大学(NUS)内隆重举行,标志着一次成功的跨国合作。这次合作不仅为Tomoro Coffee 在新加坡的...

Group MRMS 很荣幸宣布为印尼咖啡品牌的新星——Tomoro Coffee 在新加坡举办了首家开业活动。这次开业盛典在新加坡国立大学(NUS)内隆重举行,标志着一次成功的跨国合作。这次合作不仅为Tomoro Coffee 在新加坡的首家店铺开张奠定了坚实基础,也是 Group MRMS 与跨国企业合作中又一个成功且圆满的案例。

Group MRMS is honored to announce the opening of the first Tomoro Coffee outlet in Singapore, representing the rising star of Indonesian coffee brands. The grand opening ceremony took place at the National University of Singapore (NUS), marking a successful cross-border collaboration. This collaboration not only establishes a solid foundation for Tomoro Coffee's inaugural store in Singapore but also another successful collaboration for Group MRMS.

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

Group MRMS 很荣幸参与了一场让人期待且充满深度的发布会 - LAIFEN Launching !现场特设展示和体验区域,让每一位网红朋友和参与者都有机会亲身感受和试用新品。让每个人都能在体验中感受到新科技带来的便利。Group M...

Group MRMS 很荣幸参与了一场让人期待且充满深度的发布会 - LAIFEN Launching !


Group MRMS is honored to have participated in an eagerly anticipated and deeply engaging launch event - LAIFEN Launching!

The venue features specially designated display and experiential areas, providing every influencer and participant with the opportunity to personally experience and try out the new products. This allows everyone to feel the convenience brought by new technology through their experiences.

MRMS一直一起飞!weeeeeeee~~~ #轻松办大事

- EVPower Grand Opening-Group MRMS 非常荣幸参与主办 EVPower 充电站位于马六甲的开幕典礼,在马六甲州长的见证下,这个重要时刻标志着该行业迈向了新的里程碑,为许多游客和当地居民带来了更大的便利!让您的...

- EVPower Grand Opening-
Group MRMS 非常荣幸参与主办 EVPower 充电站位于马六甲的开幕典礼,在马六甲州长的见证下,这个重要时刻标志着该行业迈向了新的里程碑,为许多游客和当地居民带来了更大的便利!让您的电车不再为找充电站而犯愁。

Group MRMS is very honored to have participated in hosting the opening ceremony of EVPower charging station in Malacca. With the witness of the Chief Minister of Malacca, this important moment marks a new milestone for the industry, bringing greater convenience to many tourists and local residents!


【因为有您,所以才有今天的MRMS】2023年是MRMS一个重要的里程碑我们的新总部MRMS OPIT正式落成这标志着我们迈向了新的阶段而因为有您,所以才有今天的MRMS感恩家人朋友们的到来和我们一起见证MRMS的成长💜MRMS一直一起飞!...


我们的新总部MRMS OPIT正式落成




Here's a quick highlight recap for yesterday's J&T CARGO Mitra Gathering 2024! Enjoy the fun!

-- J&T CARGO Indonesia MITRA GATHERING 2024 --诚如他们的口号: 苦练基本功, 高质量增长!加油!加油!加油! Just like the slogan: Melatih Pondasi, Tum...

-- J&T CARGO Indonesia MITRA GATHERING 2024 --
诚如他们的口号: 苦练基本功, 高质量增长!加油!加油!加油!
Just like the slogan: Melatih Pondasi, Tumbuh Berkualitas!


-- OPPO APAC 逐梦之旅晚宴 2023 --
精彩回顾视频 Event Highlights

-- OPPO 逐梦之旅 晚宴 2023 --

-- OPPO 逐梦之旅 晚宴 2023 --

-- Harley Davidson Launching @ The Starhill --

-- Harley Davidson Launching @ The Starhill --

-- GREE Indonesia Launching & Dealer Night --

-- GREE Indonesia Launching & Dealer Night --

realme Photo Exhibition Petaling Street

realme Photo Exhibition Petaling Street


PT7193, Jalan BBN 1/2E, Putra Point Bandar Baru Nilai

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00


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Our Story

MRMS is a Strategic Creative & Development Studio in Malaysia based in Nilai. We specialize in design, printing services, event planner, photo & video service

We enlighten everyone's mind through discovering the spirit and value behind meaningful brands.

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