The Gregorian Calendar for the Year of Dragon is quickly coming to a close, it’s been a SPECIAL, MORE AND BETTER year.
So one of our (Babs and I) best moments was going to Tasmania for our daughter Mia’s PHD graduation last August. Every graduation counts, believe me, I’ve been to all of them…including the kinder ones 😁 but this was more special.
It became more special when my best friend for 50 years flew down. Rose is Mia’s godmother and she came with my god daughter, her daughter. We also had the one cousin and a friend over from Sydney who made our time together extra special. As if it wasn’t enough, a very special friend decided to surprise us all and also came down all the way from KL.
I’ve always told my kids that they can become whoever they aspire to be. You can do it, it’s already in you. It’s okay to become more of who you are, because it’s human nature to always want to be better, to be more, to have more. When you become better, you can give others more of who you are.
Just don’t get it confused by wanting more stuff! All those stuff will become a burden eventually and you will have to take care of them because they are stuff you can’t seem to give away. It had cost you so much stress, sleepless nights and along the way you might even have to sacrifice an organ, it’s too painful to part ways with physical stuff. Remember, it’s human nature to want more and more!
But if you become more, you can share of yourself with others and even give some of yourself away. It’s like love! If you don’t have it, you can’t give it away. It’s like kindness, if you don’t have it, you can’t give it away. But if you have it, you can give it away because you have more, you are more and you have become more. More of you is not spiritual, not physical and it’s also non material.
Well, this is proud to be more!
P.S. Our family did not share these moments at that time because a friend was dealing with a loss. Yes, we can still have some decorum on social media.
Extra special thanks to Hans and Nanette for being more always. ♥️