The funeral service of late Janny Nandjila Martha David *10/10/1987 +22/11/2023 @late tate Joe residence, Oneshila-Oshakati . John 14:27 Peace i leave with you ,i give into you not as the world giveth,give i unto you ,Let not your heart be troubled,neither let it be afraid.
Burial service
The burial service of late Janny Nandjila Martha David *10/10/1987 +22/11/2023 @late tate Joe residence, Oneshila-Oshakati . John 14:27 Peace i leave with you ,i give into you not as the world giveth,give i unto you ,Let not your heart be troubled,neither let it be afraid.
The funeral service of late Janny Nandjila Martha David *10/10/1987 +22/11/2023 @late tate Joe residence, Oneshila-Oshakati . John 14:27 Peace i leave with you ,i give into you not as the world giveth,give i unto you ,Let not your heart be troubled,neither let it be afraid.
The funeral service of late Janny Nandjila Martha David *10/10/1987 +22/11/2023 @late tate Joe residence, Oneshila-Oshakati . John 14:27 Peace i leave with you ,i give into you not as the world giveth,give i unto you ,Let not your heart be troubled,neither let it be afraid.
Memorial service
The memorial service of late Janny Nandjila Martha David *10/09/1987 +22/11/2023 @late tate Joe residence, Oneshila-Oshakati . John 14:27 Peace i leave with you ,i give into you not as the world giveth,give i unto you ,Let not your heart be troubled,neither let it be afraid
The Burial Service of the Late Tt Retired Major Reinhold Abed "Mandjolo" Amusheelelo.
The Memorial Service of the Late Tt Retired Major Reinhold Abed "Mandjolo" Amusheelelo
the funeral service of our beloved father GEORGE BUCO *13.01.1940 + 27.09.2023. more" @ (Oshakati Pomawendo) OTEMA: Eps 121.1 e 8 1. "Levantarei os meus olhos para a montanha: de onde virá o meu socorro. 8. Jeová guardará a tua saída e a tua entrada, desde agora e para sempre" "Descansa em paz, pal"
funeral service of Pai GEORGE
the funeral service of our beloved father GEORGE BUCO *13.01.1940 + 27.09.2023. more" @ poshigumbo she. OTEMA: Eps 121.1 e 8 1. "Levantarei os meus olhos para a montanha: de onde virá o meu socorro. 8. Jeová guardará a tua saída e a tua entrada, desde agora e para sempre" "Descansa em paz, pal"
the funeral service of our beloved father GEORGE BUCO *13.01.1940 + 27.09.2023. more" @ Poshigumbo she. OTEMA: Eps 121.1 e 8 1. "Levantarei os meus olhos para a montanha: de onde virá o meu socorro. 8. Jeová guardará a tua saída e a tua entrada, desde agora e para sempre" "Descansa em paz, pal"
memorial service of GEORGE BUCO
the memorial service of our beloved father GEORGE BUCO *13.01.1940 + 27.09.2023. OTEMA : Eps 121.1&8 1."I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountain:from whence shall my help come. 8.Jehovah will keep thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and for evermore" @ Oshakati Catholic Church
Delayed burial service
You are watching the burial service of meekulu Selma Nekulu Jona (Mkwanangombe) *14.02.1924 +02.09.1924, @ Omatunda cemetery- Onamutai. Otema: 2Tim 4:7 Ame ondalwa olwoodi liwa onda xulifa etondoko neitvelo ndeli diinina