The fullness of God and the totality of His power dwells in me. That power enables and influences the Perfection of love and peace in me. That power enables and influences the perfection of the prosperity of peace, divine health, wealth and abundance in me . That power enables and influences the Perfection of creativity and might in me.That power enables and influences the perfection of triumphant living and ascendancy over circumstances and situations; Ascendancy over principalities and powers. Ascendancy over negativities and spiritual darkness. Ascendancy over sickness and death.That power enables and influences the perfection of my rising and glorious living. That power enables and influences the perfection of the appropriation of my talents and resources towards a meaningful transformation of my world and my iaon in the light of Gods kingdom; facilitating a progressive increase in influence and affluence. That power enables and influences the invigoration of my personality and tendencies towards supernatural manifestations and expressions. Giving me insight to unseen realities and unimaginable depth of wisdom and illuminations towards maximum productivity. Enhancing my imaginations and perceptions. Providing lucidity to complexities and accentuating my natural expressions and impact in my world. The totality of the power of the God head in me gives me access to the inexaustible , unfathomable, incalculable and incomprehensible inheritance of the riches of God. This power in me is the spirit of Love and a sound mind. .G - MacFather. .