Couple Bond

Couple Bond Couple Bond is an avenue to foster bond between couples, through activities such as picnics, games..


When Jesus is on your team, it will seem as though you cheated, they don't know grace has been released


Matthew Chapter 22 - 24

Chapter 22, started with a parable describing the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God has been opened to receive all, but many are called, few are chosen.
The great commandant is to love your God, with all your heart, soul and mind.
And the second is to love your neighbor as yourself

Chapter 23
Hmmm Jesus describes the fake life of the pharisees and urges us to be humble because GOD hates the proud and exalts the humble.

Chapter 24
Talks about the signs of the end time, Jesus told us not to be deceived, many will come in his name but they don't know him. We will have to endure alot, those that endure to the end will be saved.

O, God make us rapturable
May we not miss it in Jesus mighty name
Father help us to be prepared at all times


Matthew 19 - 21

You see this divorce of a thing, Jesus said it was not so in the beginning, divorce is not God's plan, Jesus said what God has joined together, let no man put asunder. One person said, if naso, it's better not to Marry and Jesus answered yes, Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given..
One part that stood out for me was where the disciple started to fright, like with all this things, who can enter into this kingdom of God o.
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
It is only by God's Grace ooo

Hmm chapter 20 though, indeed God is God, his ways are not our ways, even though the landowner did not cheat the workers who started work early, I still feel like why na😂🤣. There's no claiming right in the kingdom of God o, the first can be the last and the last the first. Just be diligent in your service.
All of us that feel somewhat entitled, shouldn't God know that I am blind and need my sight? Sorry o, you need to humble yourself and ask.

It may seem as though, Jesus was following a script, he knew what to do and say at each time, and everything was to fulfill what was prophesied, what if he did not study the word? Nor read the scrolls?

I want to ask a question please, we that use to sell things in church after service, na sin?

Another question, hmm this fig tree was actually not in season, was it it's fault that it wasn't bearing fruits at the time Jesus needed it? Please can someone explain.

Wherever you are, ensure that you are bringing out fruits, whether in season or out of season.


Matthew Chapter 16 - 18

Chapter 16, people will always ask for sign, even when the signs are in front of them, they can't interpret it.
Jesus asked "what do people say I am"
Sometimes it's is good to evaluate yourself and understand how people see you. But most importantly, know who you are and what you are on this earth for. That was why when he spoke about his death and resurrection, peter rebuked him out of Love, but Jesus was able to see the strategy of satan, so he bind the devil.
If we want to fellow Jesus, we must first, loose ourselves.

Before I speak about chapter 17, I just remembered that one point that struck me from yesterday's reading, was the fact that, Jesus always separated himself to pray! A whole Jesus, still prayed....but some of us, because of the power of God we have to be pastors and prophet, to heal the sick etc, we don't actually have a prayer life. IF YOU WANT TO FULFILL DESTINY, YOU MUST HAVE A SECRET PLACE, it was from Jesus secret place (prayer) that he fulfilled destiny.
Chapter 17, gave an account of the transfiguration...can someone throw more light please.
The disciples, even though walking with Christ could not heal the boy, Jesus said it was because of their lack of FAITH. FAITH IS A POWERFUL INGREDIENT.

Chapter 18, Christ admonishes us to be as little children who have a forgiving heart, that only then can we enter into the kingdom of God.
It was all about forgiveness, no matter how many times someone offends us, we should forgive even as our Father in heaven forgives us our sins.

Recently, I have been watching different Korean movies (abeg no look me like that, na my bad habit be that, God go deliv...

Recently, I have been watching different Korean movies (abeg no look me like that, na my bad habit be that, God go deliver me o). My husband don tire.

Tor last night, I had a dream, and everyone in the dream were speaking Chinese 😭😭😭, the strange part is that, I was also speaking Chinese in the dream. The dream seemed to have a lot of messages and foresight.

As I woke up, I knew I had an important message from my dream last night 😫😫😫😩

I need help o!!!, who go interpret my dream for me bayii... I did not know whether to pray for the physical manifestation of the dream, what if na bad thing, and I don't know whether to cancel the dream, what if na good thing....

Somebody should help me tell God not to give me dreams in Chinese, I am a Nigerian living in Nigeria, God abeg oooo

It feels like something important has been taken from me 😭😫... Indeed what we feed our eyes goes into our spirit and soul.
Feed your eyes with Good and inspiring things, you are actually feeding your soul. WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU HAVE.
My pastor will say, IF YOU DON'T WANT IT, DON'T WATCH IT!!

It's a new week, feed your eyes with nourishing things.
Meanwhile, if you understand Chinese biko chat me up😭😫😭😫😭😫😭🤦🤦🤦
I think my deliverance from movies has finally come... Ire o


Abeg if person wan swallow pride, which
soup e go use 🥹🥹

Something happened to me😭😭😭

BIBLE REVIEWMatthew Chapter 13 - 15Chapter 13 is the parable of the kingdom of God. Reading that chapter ehn, I saw the ...

Matthew Chapter 13 - 15

Chapter 13 is the parable of the kingdom of God. Reading that chapter ehn, I saw the intelligence of Christ. The parable were a clear picture of the kingdom of God and the last day.
When I read the parable of the weeds in the field, I marvelled at Jesus description of sinners.... It is God's Mercy, that he let the weeds and the wheats grow together.
Many we be good soils, our ear will hear and our eyes will see in Jesus mighty name, amen

Chapter 14 gives an account of John the Baptist's death.
Also Jesus always has compassion on people.
Verse 17 - 19, God multiplied the five loaves of bread and two fishes. This shows that it is what you have, what is in your hands, that God multiplies.
Furthermore when peter doubted in his heart, he began to sink even though Jesus was there. DOUBT CAN CUT THE PROCESS OF YOUR TESTIMONY

Chapter 15 spoke about following traditions and doctrines, following humans rules without honour to God.
This are those who present themselves as God secretary, yet they don't even serve God.
I also saw that Faith moves Jesus, even though he did not want to answer the canaanite woman, her Faith moved him.

The Lord help us in Jesus name, amen


Meet the Adesogans😍

It's their wedding anniversary

Power couple of our time😍

If their union has blessed you in anyway, kindly share, let's learn. Don't forget to also pray for them.

You can check John Adesogan and Funmi Adesogan page for inspiring and practical living with your spouse. Intentional couples who are intentional about their love life.

Personally they have been a blessing to me, I have learnt one or two from them.

I pray for you in the mighty name of Jesus, your union will never know a better yesterday, it will be from glory to glory😍

Happy Happy wedding anniversary


The presence of Jesus on the boat doesn't guarantee a no storm sea!
Two things, 1: Trust that nothing can happen to you since Jesus is on your boat.
2. If you no get faith, just call him, he will calm the storm for you.

BIBLE REVIEWMatthew Chapter 10 - 12Chapter 10 gave an account of Jesus giving authority to his disciples to go and preac...

Matthew Chapter 10 - 12

Chapter 10 gave an account of Jesus giving authority to his disciples to go and preach the gospel, "The kingdom of God is near".... Specific instructions on places to go and how to behave was given to them. FREELY WERE WE GIVEN, FREELY WE SHOULD GIVE OUT.
Jesus also told us that if we love him, we will be persecuted and hated.
What stood out for me, is that we should fear the one who has the power to kill both body and soul.

In Chapter 11, John the Baptist who was in the prison sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he is the messiah or they should still wait... Omo this is someone who has been preparing the way for Christ o, He even baptized Him,... Yet he was still asking... May we not be blind in the spirit to see the answer to our wait in Jesus mighty name.

Jesus wondered at our generation, verse 18 - 20.... You really can't please a man... John the Baptist did not eat, they called him Demon. Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners they called him a glutton🤣. (fear people, no be today)

Chapter 12, was the account of the hypocrisy of the pharisees and Jesus gave them a good clap back, so they felt annoyed and went to plot to kill Jesus, but Jesus quickly left there....( Is the way Jesus kept going away because it was not yet his time, a very peaceful man).
There were many strking points in chapter 12, I will leave it to you to share. But verse 50, assured us of being the brothers and sisters of Christ if we do the will of his Father.

BIBLE REVIEWMatthew Chapter 7-9Chapter 7 is the continuation of Jesus teachings, he spoke about hypocrites😡 and judgenas...

Matthew Chapter 7-9

Chapter 7 is the continuation of Jesus teachings, he spoke about hypocrites😡 and judgenas.... They will not see their own fault but they will judging others😏.
What stood out for me, is that many at times we go to church and actually have encounters, we even fall under the anointing and moved to tears, but immediately we get home, it's like we carry nothing.. verses 24-27 explains this, it is because we do not have a solid foundation, we are just hearers of the word but not doers.

Chapter 5 gave an account of the various healings and deliverance that Jesus did. And He perform each healing according to their Faith.

What stood out for me was verse 21&22, where a disciple gave a very legit reason to be excused but Jesus said follow me, let the dead burry the dead.
In recent generation, we have various reasons why we are not available to fellowship and serve God, some of us even use the blessings God gave us as an excuse. Jesus should be our first priority.

Chapter 9 continued the account of Jesus healings and teachings... His healings were based of Faith.
On thing that I understood was that Jesus knew his assignment, he came to call the sinners not the righteous, so nobody could talk him out of his assignment.

Please can someone explain to me why is it that Jesus always told them not to tell anyone and they will still go and announce it everywhere?

Tor I did not give detailed review today, so everyone can share their various insight on what they have read.

Face to face evangelism has never been my thing, I prefer social media evangelism by my writeups... But recently I spoke...

Face to face evangelism has never been my thing, I prefer social media evangelism by my writeups... But recently I spoke to myself to go out and be a fisher of men.

Naso I say make I start from my neighborhood, I want to my neighbors house, unfortunately for me I met another neighbor at her house, they were gisting.... Anyone that passed they whispered to themselves and laughed.... I sat there trying to interject their conversation....

Omo after about an hour, I stood up and went back to my house....but I was feeling so dirty, I did not follow to gossip but just being there, where they were gossiping made my sick to my stomach.

See me asking God for forgiveness

Abeg una wey dey do face to face evangelism, how do you start your conversation? Especially if you meet them gisting like that

Abi make I just focus on my social media evangelism, before my mind will be corrupted o🤦🤦🤦


It's Friday😍
We are still reading the book of Matthew.

Today we are to read Matthew Chapter 7-9

Say Father, let this word that I read, sink into every fragments of my life and deliver me where I need deliverance, in Jesus mighty name!

BIBLE REVIEWMatthew Chapter 4 gave an account of Jesus in the wilderness after fasting for forty days and forty nights. ...


Matthew Chapter 4 gave an account of Jesus in the wilderness after fasting for forty days and forty nights. The devil came to tempt him.
I realized that Jesus was able to resist the devil because He knew who He is and His heritage in God.
Also, it was the word of God that Jesus used to resist Satan. The word of God has provisions for anything the devil may want to use to tempt you.
It also gave an account of John the Baptist in the prison and how Jesus Christ appointed his disciples.
Preaching the gospel comes along side healing the sick.

Chapter 5 is an account of Jesus teachings to the people. He spoke about our heritage how blessed we are to be meek, to be persecuted, to be merciful etc.
He went at great lent to teach us that, he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. And how that we should not make trouble with our neighbors, Jesus is after us being peace makers, that's why he urges us to even turn the left cheek, and settle our scores before it gets to court, to love our enemies and pray for them.
He spoke about us being the doer of the word we preach.
He doesn't even want us to think about divorce because that will make us to commit more adultery.
He spoke about us being the Light and salt of the world and we must not loose our saltiness nor hide our light, let our Light shine bright 🌞.
Jesus wants us to be perfect, even as our Father in heaven is perfect.

Oh how I love Matthew Chapter 6. Our God is a genuine God, he doesn't like fakeness at all, He definitely hates the proud. He doesn't like those who do good and announce themselves... He urges us to give quietly, no need for noise.

You don't even need them to thank you, just give and go.

Don't proof to your neighbors that you are a prayer warrior, pray in the secret.

He said there's no award for those who fast and be looking like history🤣😂, just to show that they are fasting
Omo God na jeje God abeg, easy going.

Let him who sees in secret reward you in the open.

Matthew Chapter 6, taught us how to pray..
And we must forgive others if we desire forgiveness from God..
Lastly, that we should seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything we are hustling for will come to us easily.

He said I should ask you, yes you!!! Why are you worrying? Na you create yourself? Even before you ask him, he knows your needs oh ye of little Faith😏🤪😍😂

Oya let's engage o.

DIARY OF I WANT TO GET MARRIEDSingles of this days are looking for their better halfBiko which part of the Bible did you...


Singles of this days are looking for their better half

Biko which part of the Bible did you people see that ½+½=1
It is 1+1=1

Get understanding!!! Until you are one (1), You can't get your (1) to complement you, yes o you're not completing each other but complementing each other.

Wait gan, if you don't have something, what will you use to complement the other?🤷
While you're single check yourself, are you whole (1) or half (½)...

The big question now is "how do I become whole (1)?"
Oya married people tell us how to become whole (1)
This can help those preparing to be married

Abeg this gown is available ooo, if you want to marry come and carry gown


It's a brand new day😍
Thank you Jesus for keeping us through the night.

We are reading Matthew Chapter 4 - 6 today

Review is by 7pm on our page.... There's something that happens to your body, soul and spirit when you digest the word of God.

Don't miss out!
Let's sharpen our iron together ..

Your day is blessed today in Jesus mighty name

BIBLE REVIEWMatthew Chapter 1 - 3Chapter 1 talks about the genealogy of Jesus Christ and his supernatural conception...I...

Matthew Chapter 1 - 3

Chapter 1 talks about the genealogy of Jesus Christ and his supernatural conception...

If you read it, tell us who was the child Uriah's wife gave birth to for king David?

Chapter 2 talks about the visit to Jesus Christ by the 3 wise men.
They saw the star of Christ and followed it for directions to where they can meet Jesus and present him gifts...but the star stopped at the king's palace. It was not to mislead them, I'm sure letting Herod know was a deliberate plan of God. Even the killings of the male children have been written down and that had to be fulfilled....

Chapter 3 gives an account of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, he was in the wilderness preparing the way of Christ.... That, the one who is coming will Baptize us with 🔥 fire. Telling them of the messiah. And when Jesus went to him to be baptized, this act was to fulfill righteousness and also I saw how humble Jesus is.

Some of us, because of the position we bear or have, we cut corners...we don't follow due procedures, it's bad.

Tell us in the comment section what you understood as you read and what stood out for you.

Only those who comment on this post will be sent a private link for us to study together closely and check up on ourselves. So that we can complete the bible together

Yesterday at my fellowship " When Women Pray intl  Gwagwalada", we had different skills acquisition stand.Rug making, fa...

Yesterday at my fellowship " When Women Pray intl Gwagwalada", we had different skills acquisition stand.
Rug making, fascinator making, gele tying, make up, soap making, puff puff making, masa making, fruit parfait making, popcorn making etc.

I did not stay at one spot and all trainings were happening at the same time 😩😫, that is how I was moving from one training spot to another.

When soap making finished their training, they shared the soap amongst the students that were in class... I missed it

I was at the popcorn stand, after some minutes I went to the fruit parfait making stand, I tried to register my presence😂🤣....some minutes later, I left there too Julie Johnson is my witness 🤣😂...naso dey start to share the fruit parfait oooo....I was very lucky to come back when it was remaining one very small portion 😭😭😭😭

At that moment, the Holyspirit ministered to me that, that's how some people move from one church to the other, from one prayer house to the other and miss their karios (miracle)time, your angel will be looking for you at the place you prayed for the miracle but impatient and long throat don carry you go where you no know.....

Some na relationship o, that's how you will be testing all the men and women looking for what did not lost, till you really loose out on all.
You will be in your own marriage jejely and be wishing another person's wife or husband is urs...well done o

At the end of the day, I no even know the skill wey I learn🤦🤦🤦.... My long throat plenty.

Meanwhile at Couple Bond we are reading the whole of the new testament Bible, join us let's read the Bible together...
Don't be a Christian without the word of God.

We just started today, so you can still join us

Happy New Month 🤩Welcome to the month of Grace💃We have started already......Read 3 chapters of the BibleWe are starting ...

Happy New Month 🤩
Welcome to the month of Grace💃

We have started already......

Read 3 chapters of the Bible

We are starting from the book of Matthew

Our review will be here on this page by 7pm
God bless you.

This month will favor you, it will work for you, you will not hear bad news in this month of May, in Jesus mighty name

It's the wedding anniversary of this beautiful coupleHappy wedding Anniversary my people ❣️We pray for you that the love...

It's the wedding anniversary of this beautiful couple

Happy wedding Anniversary my people ❣️
We pray for you that the love and joy in your home is renewed, you will not be tired of each other in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Please let's celebrate them

Story Story😆I knew how to do a certain skill before marriage. After marriage God provided an opportunity for my husband ...

Story Story😆

I knew how to do a certain skill before marriage. After marriage God provided an opportunity for my husband and I to use that skill, my husband did not have the skill so he went for training in regards to that.

But do you know that because I felt I know this skills na, my husband na jjc, I always want to suggest, correct and give unsolicited direction. I did not trust in his ability.

Fair enough, we visited my parent's house and he was to display this skill in their presence, normally I would have done unsolicited coaching so that he no go fall hand for him inlaws presence, but that day Holyspirit told me to trust him and keep quiet 🤐.
I obeyed, to my surprise he beat my imagination, he even navigated the skill better that I would have done it.

Na so Holyspirit still come meet me, he said "Madam know it all, you see ya self?" 🤦🤦🤦

Trust is vital in every relationship, don't think you know it best, give room for your spouse to showcase their talents and strength, don't overshadow them or begin to form director.
Your own way is not always the best way to do things, humble ya self!!!

Trust your spouse 😍

READ THE WHOLE NEW TESTAMENT OF THE HOLY BIBLE IN 3MONTHSThe word of God is Jesus Christ, the word of God is life....whe...


The word of God is Jesus Christ, the word of God is life....when you read the word of God transformation will happen in your life, anything that is dead in your life will come alive...

Join us tomorrow, as we start the journey to completing the New testament of the Bible.

You are expected to read 3 chapters daily before 7pm, because by 7pm we are to gather here for the review.

To make it interesting, get a partner to join you in the reading, read it with your spouse or your friend.

If you look at our major programs for the year, you will see that from "May to July" we will be reading our Bible. Readi...

If you look at our major programs for the year, you will see that from "May to July" we will be reading our Bible.

Reading the whole New testament of the Bible in 3months💃💃💃💃

So if you are looking for accountability team, that would be reading the bible with you, encouraging you to meet your daily target and sharing reviews together... Follow our page Couple Bond and join our Whatsapp Community.

We are starting 1st of May
Join the moving train

Meet the Stephens😍It's their wedding anniversaryTheir smile is contiguous.....I remember giving the husband a surprise c...

Meet the Stephens😍

It's their wedding anniversary

Their smile is contiguous.....I remember giving the husband a surprise call as requested from his wife.... Very calm and receptive man.

I love the way you both love yourselves, this love will wax stronger and stronger.... Your union will bring advancement to you both in Jesus mighty name.

Happy wedding Anniversary, kindly send them your wishes😍

I have gist o😂🤣🤣😂How do I even share this story, it's two in one😂.Ok! During the week Prime Minister used my ATM card to...

I have gist o😂🤣🤣😂

How do I even share this story, it's two in one😂.

Ok! During the week Prime Minister used my ATM card to do some runnings. Today I wanted to go out for my lectures, and I asked him for the ATM card, he said the ATM card is not with him that he has returned the ATM card to me.

Me: you did not return any ATM card to me joor, do give me the card, I'm running late.

Prime: I gave you, check your bags, check your things, I returned the card back to you.

Me: (Already feeling upset), You no return anything give me, I am a very accurate and detailed person! You supposed know your wife, if I tell you that, you did not return the ATM card to me, you are ought to say "na true o, my wife can't be mistaken" 😏😏

Prime: Which kind detailed person (he stood up to go check all his pockets and drawer, me I don dey provoke say this guy no give me kudos that I'm detailed 😫😩).
Babe when last did you go to the market, you used your card at the market, your card is not with me, go and check the dress you wore to the market.

Me: It was after I went to the market that you used the card, I'm sure
(At this point, it suddenly clicked that true true, I used the card to the market after he returned it to me, but I no gree admit am, I just quietly went to the room and checked the cloth I wore to market, behold the ATM card 🤦🤦🤦🤦).

Prime: Have you seen the card?

Me: No na, I told you it's not with me, I will just go and transfer to POS people so I can get cash 😞😉😏 (I did not want him to have the last laugh o)😂🤣😂😂
Pride no too much like this?

Gist two

I don finally commot for house, I no do any wife nor mother's duty. Son of man have been calling me for everything

Meanwhile he doesn't like to clean up Light when she poos😂🤣😂, he no get choice today.... check screenshot 👇

Make I just keep my phone very close to me, because he go call me 2millions times before I come home later in the evening.

Happy Saturday my people

It's the wedding anniversary of another sweet couple 💃🎉💃💃💃💃Meet the AjetunmobiI pray for you today, you will see the han...

It's the wedding anniversary of another sweet couple 💃🎉💃💃💃💃

Meet the Ajetunmobi

I pray for you today, you will see the hand of God in a new and different dimension in your marriage, in Jesus mighty name.

Happy wedding Anniversary ❤️

Please let's celebrate them and pray for them

😂🤣😂🤣, Hopefully this man doesn't stop this thing after reading this post.... But I really find it amusing and sweet that...

😂🤣😂🤣, Hopefully this man doesn't stop this thing after reading this post.... But I really find it amusing and sweet that's why I am sharing it

There's this thing my husband does🤣😂, ever since we got married, once I enter the room, he quickly covers the window. Especially when he knows that I'm in the bathroom, he literally runs to the room and tightly closes all the windows 😂🤣, I always smile inside me, guy man dey protect him thing.

Some days when we are fighting, I purposely enter the room without wearing much dress on, this man go still cover window, laugh go won kill me😂🤣. Person wey dey fight still the protect him thing, I find this act very romantic, amusing and sweet.

What are the little things your spouse does and you just feel protected or you just smile inside

I feel so so so embarrassed 🤦As a married couple, have you ever felt embarrassed during your worship session????My story...

I feel so so so embarrassed 🤦

As a married couple, have you ever felt embarrassed during your worship session????

My story goes like this......😪😩😫

We did not have light through out today and fuel is scare in my area, luckily my neighbor put on his gen, so I went to charge my phone at their house.
Our daughter was also out playing in another neighbor's house.

So prime Minister and I decided to conduct a passionate worship session... As we started opening prayer... That's how they came to knock on the door that they want to return our daughter,🤣😂. Prime Minister quickly told them to take her back that he will come and pick her up himself. Naso we continue our worship.

Brethren, you know that point when I was about to ascend, I have fallen under the anointing, speaking different tongues and even screaming..... Naso the neighbor I plugged my phone in his house, started knocking on the door and shouting Mummy Light, I want to give you your phone, I am going out😩😫

At this point, we can't talk, we were both under the anointing 🤣😂, naso we no even answer and this neighbor continued to knock impatiently 😭😭😭.... My Apostle Prime self just poured the anointing oil inside me, so much for withdrawal method of family planning 😭😭😭.... I can feel it that the Lord has just blessed us with triplet conception.

Our neighbors were after our worship service today sha

But I come dey feel shy
What if they heard me as I dey manifest fa😩😫🤦

Oya share your own experience, dey don cut service for your mouth before?

Meet my personal person and her priest 😍❤️It's their wedding anniversary 💃💃💃I call this union the fire brand🔥🔥🔥🔥Power Co...

Meet my personal person and her priest 😍❤️

It's their wedding anniversary 💃💃💃

I call this union the fire brand🔥🔥🔥🔥
Power Couple

Please let's celebrate them and pray for them
Olorunda Oluwafiadekemi Adeitan







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