A #3DEventzGuru PRODUCTION 💫
IFDC Empowering growth, enriching partnerships through the soil Value Project in Nigeria.
Soil Values is funded by the Netherlands Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS), with a total value of 100 million euros.
Soil Values is being implemented over a 10-year period by a consortium comprising IFDC -the lead, SNV and Wageningen University. Other Coalition partners involved in implementation include AGRA, World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), International Soil Reference and Information Center (ISRIC) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI).
We deeply appreciate IFDC for trusting us with the Soil values product launch/commissioning in Northern Nigeria.
Planning and coordination : @3deventz_guru
Decoration: @decorby3deventzguru
Venue: @theafficentng
Hostesses: @3deventguruhostesses
Dj: @djstan9ja
Screens and live streaming: @event_technicals
Catering: @bonhotelkano
Cinematographer : @aromealvin
#ifdc #coorporateevent #soilvalue #coorporateevent #explorepage #eventplannerinnorthernNigeria
Take advantage of this opportunity to become a certified Event Professional 👏
Having an event soon…Come and brief us about it and watch us do the magic. Your Favorite Arewa Event Planner is ready to take ur bookings for 2023👏👏👏
Zipporah’s 12th year Birthday. 3D Eventz Guru at the helm of affairs 🥰🔥🎊🙌🎉
Thank You TheAfficentNG for pulling this up for our Royal Couple…Northern Nigeria Wedding digest🥰 3D Eventz Guru Productions
This weekend live in Ilorin, Nigeria….. Brought to you by 3deventzguru…… Stay Tuned🥰
Event Planner- @3deventz_guru
Bride- @chemmisawlarh
Groom - @bigsam4lyf
#3deventzguruplannedit #3deventzgurubride #ilorinweddings #ilorinweddingparty #availabletotraveleventplanner #northerneventplanner #explore #explorepage #explorepage✨ #exploremore #explorer #eventplanner #preweddingshoot #preweddingphoto #preweddingoutdoor #preweddingvideo #preweddingvideoshoot
Happy Valentine’s Day with love from all of us @3deventz_guru to all our lovely followers 🥂😊🤗
#kanoeventplanner #eventplannerinkano #valentinespecial #happyvalentinesday
And it begins…… A beautiful Journey to forever 🥳🥳🥳
#Demilea’s21- August 14th, 2021
Event Planner- @3deventz_guru a
Mua- @lamerciebeautylounge
Videography - @idowu_jacobs
#kanoweddings #kanoeventplanners #eventplannerinkano #nothernwedding #notherncouple #preweddingshoot #preweddingvideo
#blackgirlmagic #blackownedbusiness #blackcouplesgoals