The above question is one of the questions we get most from our prospective clients. They instantly get perplexed each time that name is mentioned and this often lead to curiosity.
They become curious to know what EPS is really all about. What is it's origin, composition and process of producing it.
So we have taken time to explain Polystyrene ((EPS) in this post, so you our regular readers will also benefit from his answers.
So what is expanded polystyrene (EPS)?
In a short but straight to the point definition, Expanded PolyStyrene (EPS) is a white foam plastic material. It is produced from solid beads of polystyrene.
It is used for packaging and construction. Polystyrene is a closed-cell, rigid foam material produced from:
1. Styrene – which forms the cellular structure
2. Pentane – which is used as a blowing agent
Both styrene and pentane are hydrocarbon compounds. They are obtained from petroleum and natural gas byproducts.
EPS is 98% air and it is recyclable. It is a very lightweight material with the following benefits:
It has very low thermal conductivity, low moisture absorption, and excellent cushioning properties.
Its physical properties do not change within its service temperature range (i.e., up to 167°F/75°C) for long-term temperature exposure.
Its chemical resistance is nearly equivalent to the material upon which it is based – polystyrene.
Each time I give this explanation, the clients develop stronger desire to use this wonder-product.
"Wow! Prince, this is really amazing. I can't just wait to use this material on my ongoing project. It's clearer to me now, what Polystyrene is. And my enthusiasm is higher now." They would always say.
So friends, this is just what Polystyrene, is in a nutshell. In subsequent posts, we will try to expatiate on the workings and mechanism of Polystyrene.
So stay glued and stay anticipated.