Yesterday we digged into moves that you find challenging and we added extra layers! You did amazing! Keep those moves in your improv and they will become your comfort zone 😊
#authenticjazz #solojazz #swing #jazz #dance #class #dansles #amsterdam
We had so much fun during the Blues Taster yesterday! Today more FREE taster classes! Let’s kick off the new year with a lot of smiles! Weekly classes starting this SUNDAY!
#blues #lindyhop #jazz #swing #dance #amsterdam #weekendamsterdam #weekend
This was the last Authentic Jazz Class Int/Adv class of the block! Look at our amazing students choreographing!
The next block of classes starts on January 5th! Join us!
#authenticjazz #classes #dancelessons #amsterdam #swing #demo
Balboa, is a fun swing dance (like Lindy Hop) that makes it possible to dance on any speed of music in a relaxed and cool way.
During the crash course you will deep your toes into the basics and some of the corner stones of this dance. Our teachers Jasper and Teodora know how to bring lightness and fun, but still keep the technical aspects of the material, so get ready for a fun and engaged afternoon.
LEVEL: This crash course is complete beginners, however, some dance experience will make it easier to get more out of the course, OR you feel ready for an inspiring challenge.
WHEN: 30 November, 11:00 - 14:30
WHERE: Kompaszaal 311 (Amsterdam)
COST: EUR 45 or EUR 80 if you come with a friend
The venue will be offering lunch and the bar will be open for drinks, so please make use of it and support the venue so we can keep dancing there!
Everyone dances with Everyone during this Crash Course and you will learn both roles!
For questions e-mail to: [email protected]
#balboa #dance #crashcourse #beginners #balboaforbeginners #amsterdam
Yesterday more that 40 people joined our crash course and it was so dam good! As always jokes, music and moves were provided by Teodora Kasabova and Hajo Forsman. Are you ready for your journey in Lindy Hop? Next crash course is on the 21st of December, the perfect Christmas Gift for your loved ones!
You can still join Vasilii’s tap lessons on Wednesdays at 20:00!
Check out our classes tab in our website and join in the fun.
#tap #taplessons #swingdance #swing #tapdance #amsterdam #swingphilosophy
We still have some spots left for our Blues classes with @collinvandenbroek!
Join us! First class is on the 18th of September!
Spread the word➡️➡️➡️
More info in bio!
#blues #bluesclasses #danceschool #bluesdance #bluesmusic #teacher #amsterdam
Just a small combo we did in the last 10min of the Authentic Jazz class (All Levels). You all were feeling it so damn good 😊
We can’t wait for the new season to start! 16th of Sept first classes and today EARLY Bird prices are ending!
Music by #royeldridge, tune St. James Infermatory
#swing #swingjazz #solojazz #authenticjazz #jazz #groove #amsterdam #dans #dance #weekend #dansles