We're excited to announce the launch of our new In2event explainer video.
This video is jam-packed with all the reasons why In2event is the way to go when it comes to planning your next event. From our amazingly efficient features to our easy-to-use interface, we've got what you need to make your event a success.
Check it out now and see for yourself 👀
We've teamed up with Wevoke to create this gem. A big thanks to them for making this project an enjoyable experience and bringing our vision to life. 🤝
Ready to start working better? Get in touch for a free In2event trial today! 👩🏻💻
Last weekend we were present at Bucharest for SAGA Festival by ALDA !
SAGA Festival used In2Event to handle all crew members, guests, press and artists. On-site, we were present to ensure smooth crowd management so that those thousands of persons could check-in without a hassle.
Getting ready for Bucharest! 🥳
Did you know we can also provide hardware for our clients? This is one of the suitcases travelling to SAGA Festival next week.
Het is mooi geweest.
Op zaterdag 21 augustus wordt in vijf Nederlandse steden de protestmars ‘Unmute Us!’ gelopen.
Tijdens deze demonstratie uiten meer dan 1.000 aangesloten partijen uit de volledige Nederlandse evenementenbranche samen met hun bezoekers hun gevoelens van onbegrip over het kabinetsbeleid rondom evenementen.
‘Unmute Us!’ vindt vanaf 14:00 uur plaats in Groningen, Nijmegen, Utrecht, Rotterdam en Amsterdam. Partijen uit Den Haag zullen aansluiten bij de demonstratie in Rotterdam.
De boodschap: Stop de willekeur! Wij eisen dat per 1 september 2021 evenementen weer mogen plaatsvinden met een volledige capaciteit.
In2Event is één van de 1.500+ organisaties die deze actie ondertekend heeft.