What has become of the trees you planted to celebrate WLC23? Future forest!🌲🌳 Find yourself in the 🎥! Many thanks to PEFC Estonia, Eve Rebane and Gerly Koitla and Luua Metsanduskool!
Highlights by the Japanese team - Nozomi Okada 🇯🇵☀️
🎬 A great look back at the WLC23 by Japanese Team!
Estonia VS Croatis
Super performance! Estonians placed 3rd right now!
Team relay - Germany vs Japan!
WLC 2023 - Day 2
What a day! A new world record and very good results overall in the diciplines.
Thank you Lasita Maja!
Thanks to you our production crew, announcers and referees had the nicest place to stay in during the competition!
Thank you Carring!
Thanks to you we have had the best cars for transportation throughout the event!
Thank you Tarmeko Group/Grupp!
Our dear sponsor took our team of loggers to thr excursion and showed how the work is done.
We're grateful! 🤍
Take a look at how the NEW WORLD RECORD was done!
Jan Anděl speed is fascinating!
WLC 2023 - Day 1
The first competition day showed that we have gathered together an outstanding group of loggers!
Great performances, a little disappointment, smiling faces - a day well spent!
Thank you
Our main sponsors - Husqvarna STIHL Pfanner Austria
Ialc - International Association of Logging Championships Metsainfo Tartu linn
Gold sponsors - RMK Tornator Stora Enso Timber.ee Pajaka Puit Valga Puu OÜ
Car partners - Carring Baltem As Iriscorp Transport OÜ
Media Partner - Maaleht
Sponsors - Lasita Maja EHL Profiles Estply Tarmeko Group/Grupp Warmeston Timberstock Roger Puit Foreko Grupp Combimill Sakala OÜ Lemeks Mets Artiston OÜ Toftan Graanul Invest
Partners - Tartu linnamuuseum / Tartu City Museum Emajõe Lodjaselts Eesti Rahva Muuseum / Estonian National Museum Värska Originaal Visit Estonia Nordwood Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus Luua Metsanduskool Linnamäe Lihatööstus Järvselja Õppekatse Metskond A. Le Coq Eesti Maaülikool/Estonian University of Life Sciences Gren Eestis Pühaste Brewery Tartu Näitused Maamess Spordipood Duncan.ee PEFC Estonia Rõngu Pagar Tagurpidi Maja
Everybody is gatheting! 🥳🥳
WLC 2023 - 19.-22. April
Walking down the memory lane - last year's Kevadkarikas in the Maamess arena.
This year the logging will be epic with the international crowd!
Come and see it for yourself! 19th to 22nd of April!
Free for visitors!
We had organizers team meeting - a bit fun, sunshine, +20 degrees, some of as took a part orienteering event and some of as organized it! Seiklushunt