
Ossts Oslo Sound Space Transport System is an interactive sound-space installation that allows you to jour

Venue: AHO, Maridalsveien 29, Oslo, Norway
Opening: TUesday 20th November 17:00

Open from 20th November to 6th December

The Oslo Sound Space Transport System (OSSTS) is an interactive sound-space installation that allows you to journey through Oslo's real acoustic architecture and explore surreal and fictional Oslo-inspired sound-spaces. An interactive interface provides complete freedom to trav

el where you wish, as well as in real-time hear your own voice as if you were in these real spaces. OSSTS uses 3D acoustic room models, a 3D loudspeaker projection system, binaural headphone rendering, video projection and a continuum from sound-reality to sound-fiction. The concept and sound composition of OSSTS was created by composer Natasha Barrett and the installation room was designed by Birger Sevaldson and the OCEAN Design Research Association. The installation is produced by the OCEAN design research association. Natasha Barrett (UK / NO) is one of the worlds leading electronic music composers. Her works span the diversity of interactive installations to live-electronics, concert composition, sound-art and a fascination with sound and space. After many years of international prizes and recognitions, in 2006 she received the Nordic Council Music Prize. OSSTS is her third project in collaboration with Birger Sevaldson and the OCEAN Design Research Association resulting in five installations. Birger Sevaldson is a designer and professor at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design working in a wide range of design research. He has been in a long term collaboration with Natasha Barrett. OCEAN Design Research Association was founded in 1994 as a network of collaborating architects interested in approaching design as an interdisciplinary knowledge field and to undertake research by design. Since 2008 OCEAN is registered in Norway as a non-profit association conducting interdisciplinary research and is actively represented in Barcelona, Gothenburg, Istanbul, London and Oslo. OCEAN's work has been published and exhibited extensively, including several Architectural Biennials in Venice and renowned venues such as the FRAC Centre in Orleans where OCEAN exhibited in a solo-show in 2008. An OCEAN project / Concept, sound, composition and audio programming and sensor design: Natasha Barrett /
Project coordinators: Natasha Barrett, Birger Sevaldson / Installation concept: OCEAN, Natasha Barret, Michael
Hensel, Birger Sevaldson / Projections: OCEAN, Joakim Hoen / Room design: OCEAN, Søren Skjensvold Sørensen
/ Design collaborators: Silje Maloney Barth, Marianne Røthe Arnesen, Alexandre Chappel, Lawrence Ssekitoleko




Mandag 09:00 - 16:00
Tirsdag 09:00 - 18:00
Onsdag 09:00 - 16:00
Torsdag 09:00 - 18:00
Fredag 09:00 - 16:00
Lørdag 12:00 - 15:00
Søndag 12:00 - 15:00




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