Mobile Laser Tag Norway

Mobile Laser Tag Norway Actionfylte lasertag & Nerf-eventyr for alle aldre! Vi ordner alt av utstyr og kommer til deg.

Perfekt for bursdager, utdrikningslag, teambygging og bedriftsarrangement. Based out of Tønsberg i Vestfold, we can create a battlefield at any location in Norway using portable equipment suitable for both indoors and outdoors. Using eye-safe IR-LED wireless equipment and inflatable obstacles, we provide an exhilarating outdoor or indoor live-action-gaming experience. Unlike paintball or airsoft,

the equipment is safe enough to be used in and around your private homes, set up in the business office or car park, or organised outdoors on a sporting field. Bring your favourite games to life - Call of Duty, Fortnite, Counter-Strike, Apex Legends - with our unique game devices allowing for a multitude of scenarios such as Team Deathmatch, Free-For-All, Battle Royale, Capture the Flag, Domination, Headquarters/King of the Hill, Zombie Invasion - we can do it all! Keep it simple for the younger ages or create challenging tactical situations for adults - we all have an inner hero waiting to be unleashed.

En kjempetøff dag på Frogner skole!🔥Stor takk til  for et supert arrangement på , og til Bufdir for midler å gjore det m...

En kjempetøff dag på Frogner skole!
Stor takk til for et supert arrangement på , og til Bufdir for midler å gjore det mulig å tilby dette gratis til ungdom i Frogner!

Klar for Nerf-kamp? Bestill det som er muligens Norges kuleste barneaktivitet nå!💪Gjør deg klar for en episk Nerf-batalj...

Klar for Nerf-kamp? Bestill det som er muligens Norges kuleste barneaktivitet nå!
Gjør deg klar for en episk Nerf-batalje i hagen din! Nerf er perfekt moro for bursdager, teambuilding, familiefester og andre sosiale sammenkomster for barn mellom 5 og 12 år.
Med over 70 tøffe Nerf-blastere som du kan låne og opptil nesten 60 Battle Bunkerz/hindringer, kan vi lage en kjempeslagmark hvor som helst - både innendørs og utendørs - som passer lokalet ditt og antall deltakere.
MEGA, Rival, Elite Strike eller Zombie Strike, vi har blastere som passer alle aldre samt påbudt vernebriller/masker.
Spilltyper inkluderer kontrolpunkter, kongen på haugen, fanget flagget, forsvare kjernen, Carpe Sphaerum, Yeet Ball, og mange andre kule Nerf-spill!
Ta kontakt nå ved å sende oss en DM og la oss skape minner.

Messafestivalen 2024 ✅ tusen takk til alle deltakerne som besøkte oss i uke og til alle som står bak scenen på . Det var...

Messafestivalen 2024 ✅ tusen takk til alle deltakerne som besøkte oss i uke og til alle som står bak scenen på . Det var utrolig gøy for meg å skape gode minner for de som spilte og for de som stått på side og heiet på spillerne.
Ser frem til en kjempefest på messa 2025!

The last day at  in Tønsberg! Been an awesome week here, and now we're on the final countdown with some amazing weather ...

The last day at in Tønsberg! Been an awesome week here, and now we're on the final countdown with some amazing weather ☀️ come say hey in Messehall B (past the pony riding) and tick your cardio training off for the weekend ✅

I dag har vi slått oss til rette på Messa i Tønsberg!🔥

I dag har vi slått oss til rette på Messa i Tønsberg!🔥

Forrige helg på  2024 med .movement var helt rått! 🫨Nå er lasertag-sesongen i gang, og neste stopp er  i Tønsberg 24. ma...

Forrige helg på 2024 med .movement var helt rått! 🫨

Nå er lasertag-sesongen i gang, og neste stopp er i Tønsberg 24. mai - 2. juni.

Planlegger du sommerfest, klassefest eller utdrikningslag? Send oss en DM for å gjøre festen din uforglemmelig!

Mobile laser tag is a thrilling and exciting teambuilding activity that can bring co-workers closer together and promote...

Mobile laser tag is a thrilling and exciting teambuilding activity that can bring co-workers closer together and promote teamwork and communication. Here are just a few reasons why mobile laser tag is such a great choice for your next teambuilding event:

1. Mobile laser tag allows you to take the fun and excitement of laser tag to any location. Whether you want to play in a conference room, outdoor park, or even an empty warehouse, mobile laser tag can be set up anywhere. This makes it an extremely flexible and convenient option for teambuilding events.

2. Laser tag is a physical activity that requires strategy, teamwork, and communication. As players work together to achieve their goals and outmaneuver their opponents, they will naturally begin to build stronger bonds with their teammates.

3. Mobile laser tag is a great way to break the ice and get people out of their comfort zones. It's a fun and lighthearted activity that allows co-workers to let their guard down and have a good time together.

4. Laser tag is suitable for all skill levels, so everyone can participate and feel included. It's a great way to bring people together and build team spirit, regardless of their individual abilities.

5. Mobile laser tag can be customised to fit the needs and goals of your team. Whether you want to focus on problem-solving, teamwork, or leadership skills, there are various game modes and scenarios that can be tailored to your specific needs.

Overall, mobile laser tag is a fantastic choice for a teambuilding event. It's a fun, flexible, and engaging activity that promotes teamwork, communication, and team spirit. If you're looking for a fun way to bring your team closer together and foster a strong sense of unity, mobile laser tag is definitely worth considering.

The temperature may be dropping but teambuilding events are just warming up!🔥Transform your office, gym hall, or sports ...

The temperature may be dropping but teambuilding events are just warming up!
Transform your office, gym hall, or sports field into an all out laser battle zone to get the adrenaline pumping
This is one julebord activity that's sure to impress

No pain, no mess, and no drama. Play laser tag wherever you are!
Send us a DM and we'll prepare a quote for you to hand straight to your boss!

Book your høstferien activity now!🔥No matter the weather, we'll come to your school or sports hall and set up our laser ...

Book your høstferien activity now!
No matter the weather, we'll come to your school or sports hall and set up our laser tag arena inside!
Totally safe, totally fun, totally AWESOME!
Send us a DM or tag your fritidsklubb below and we'll get in touch!

The event can be in either English or Norwegian, depending on the preferences of the group

It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it😏Our laser tag pistol, the Hornet, is a surprisingly powerful gun!💥It...

It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it
Our laser tag pistol, the Hornet, is a surprisingly powerful gun!
It's pretty difficult to aim down sight quickly, and takes a real sharp shooter to hip fire accurately
But once you get the hang of it, you will be a real force to be reckoned with!

Perfect for (almost) all ages!😂This little guy still has a few more years before he's going to battle in the living room...

Perfect for (almost) all ages!
This little guy still has a few more years before he's going to battle in the living room
Has good taste though with the Longstrike CS-6 and the Rapidstrike CS-18
Get in touch now to see how we can create a family-friendly battleground at your camp site, special event, or birthday party!

Nerf Blaster Parties are the perfect activity for small and big kids alike, as well as the inner kid for adults!👌🏼It’s a...

Nerf Blaster Parties are the perfect activity for small and big kids alike, as well as the inner kid for adults!
It’s all for one and one for all as you battle it out in games including Capture the Flag, Yeet Ball, Retrieve the Bomb, as well as many more.
We create a Nerf Wars arena that will act as your real life Call of Duty simulator with barricades to dive behind and mini Nerf Games.
Grab a blaster, a hand full of darts, and take aim!
It’s like paintball but without the age restrictions, mess or pain!

POV: Playing Domination on Summit but irl🎮We have a number of GoPro mounts for the blasters, head and chest harnesses, a...

POV: Playing Domination on Summit but irl
We have a number of GoPro mounts for the blasters, head and chest harnesses, and plenty more if you want to capture the POV of your event!
Bring your own device, or use ours and we'll be happy to share the footage with you

Crazy to think that I can take a whole battlefield, speaker system and laser tag/nerf blaster battle kit with me to any ...

Crazy to think that I can take a whole battlefield, speaker system and laser tag/nerf blaster battle kit with me to any location in Norway..
No matter what the age or occasion, everyone is sure to have an AWESOME time playing laser tag or dodging nerf darts at your event.
Hit me up to see how we can help take your event to the next level with totally unique activities and games!




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