The themes for the film making competition is not confined to only one subject, it will range from contemporary issues to your ability to test your own imagination and creativity. Maybe you want people to be aware of issues that needs to be urgently dealt with or maybe you want to show your talent, your creativeness or maybe you just want to have some fun. InMotion will be a platform for you, your
ideas and your creativeness. Your participation will definitely be worth while. SEGMENTS:
1. Short Film [film length:- 5-8 min]
Also, a make a Film Poster
2. Public Service Announcement [max. film length:- 30 sec]
1. Short Movie:
~ Fiction
~ Silent film
~ Contemporary issues
>Load shedding
>Petroleum Crisis
>Drug addiction
~ Entrepreneurship
2. Public Service Announcement (PSA)
~Health and Sanitation
~Religious and ethnic tolerance
~Domestic Violence
Special Theme: Tourism
Best FILM: Rs.15000 + screening HTV
Best PSA: Rs.10000 + screening HTV
Most popular PSA: Rs.4000
Most Popular Poster: Rs.4000
Short Film: A team of maximum 5 members (i.e. key creative members, excluding actors involved in the project). PSA: A team of maximum 5 members (i.e.