We're sorry! But 😲😲 we had to share these chunks of coconut! 🥰🥰 Niu Bread Kitchen please take all our money! Lol
This is the last lot of cupcakes for today guys 🥰 .. We still have some brownies and Mango crumble left 🙌 Central Flea Market .. We are here until 1pm xx
They turned out Yummy 🙌🏼 Yay
Who recognises these? 😍 .. One of our absolute favs! .. Hong Kong Coconut Buns 🤤 .. Second proof and then in the oven they go 🤞🏼
#HongKongCoconutBuns #CoconutBuns #NiuEats #LockDownBakingNz #HomeMade
Our Brownie kits in action 😍 .. We definitely have some mini bakers in the making ❤ .. Thanks for the video @lizfalanituleshaw 🙌🏼 xx #KidsInTheKitchenNz #NiuEats #NiuBakingKits #DoubleChocolateBrownie #BakingKitsNz #LockDownBakingNz
We are absolutely loving your guys videos of our baking kits ❤ .. Thanks for posting up and sending them to us 🙌🏼 .. This is Eleina baking our Niu Afghan Biscuits xx
#KidsInTheKitchenNz #NiuBakingKits #NiuEats #NiuAfghans #BakingKitsNz #LockDownBakingNz
All Baking Kits will come with easy to follow instructions, no fancy equiptment required, just the good ol wooden spoon yah show yah kids when they're acting up 😜😂😂😂 lol
These kits have been created with the mindset of easy, fun and yumm 😍
More info to come on Wednesday famz ❤
#NiuBakingKit #BakingKitsNz #IsoBakingKitNz #IsoBakingNz #HomeBakingNz
Niu version of the classic Afghan coming to you guys in a Kit 😍 #NiuAfghans #AfghanBiscuits #NiuEats #BakingKit
Do you guys have something that helps your thought process? 🤔 .. Ours is Baking or cooking 💗 .. Some of our best ideas come from spending time in the kitchen, and sometimes it comes from a glass of wine lol 😜😂😂 Our thought process has us whipping up some pikelets today 🤤 .. Literally a family fav
#pikelets #NiuEats #ThoughtProcess #IsoThingsNz #KitchenIsoActivitiesNz
Our not so traditional Afghans 😉 #AfghanBiscuits #Afghans #Biscuits #Cookies #NiuEats #NiuBiscuitVersion
We thought we would jump on the Afghan baking bandwagon too 🤤 lol .. But of course we change things up abit 😉 #AfghanBiscuits #NiuEats #NiuAfghans #Biscuits #Cookies #IsoBakingNz
That time of the week again guys 🤦🏽♀️ .. I was having a mini moment n said to hubby im so over washing the food all the time, and his remark "At least you have food to wash" 😳 that right there!! .. I took a beat and thought WOW 🤯 how right is he! .. Sometimes we get abit overwhelmed with the little things, and i guess times like these when we are on full lock down, it has the ability to amplify emotions and situations .. We aren't rich, we don't have all the money in the world, but we have food on our table, our cubs have a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs, and that right there is more then enough 🥰, and sometimes more then what others may have, which is really unfortunate 🥺 .. So when you find yourself in a valley, take a breath and remember the peaks ⛰ because what we might gripe about and take for granted, someone else might be praying for 🙌🏼 .. Stay safe, stay blessed ❤ xx