Happy RESET Sunday! 🫶🏽😘
Reset for your week ahead.
Reset your goals.
Reset your attitude. 😂😂
Grateful for the grammar police who keep the algorithm working. 🙌🏽
BUT….please focus on waking up in the AM and not choosing to be a turd of a person. 😂😂 Correcting is one thing, finding pleasure in scrolling on FB to type a long ass comment is just….very “annoying”, very “you got TOO much time on your hands”, very “imagine waking up and choosing to stay in your lane”…..
Respectfully. 😘😘😂
#reset #sunday
📣 Votes are in! Father’s Day COB sale! 🤤😏
Pick up this SUNDAY ONLY! 01/09/24
• 8am-10am pickup slot
• 3pm-6pm pickup slot
You choose. 🙏🏽
Bacon + Cheese w/ Ciabatta
Chicken + Cheese w/ Ciabatta
$55 + gst each
Limited sales so be quick.
Order cutoff Friday 30/08/24 @ 1pm
DM now! 😘
#fathersday #sale
- 2 day prep time ✅
- 2 1/2 hour travel time to event location ✅
- 1 hour graze setup w/ the girlies and me novz ✅
- all the lolz w/ the Naniiiz ✅
- took the kiddies, brought them kfc for dinner, attended the 21st, stayed the night at an airbnb, woke up, brought a coffee, and went for a walk before driving back to the 09….✅
Made the most of our little road trip to Whangarei to setup for @adyn.dudley 21st bday. 🥳
I love taking the babies away everywhere we go. Family getaways, work events, gym, Date night…😅😂 sometimes etc…
I want them to see us doing the mostest.
I want them to realise the lengths we go too to better ourselves.
I want them to see the people we surround ourselves with.
I want them to see us showing up for the people we care about.
I want them to see us showing up for each other.
So they to grow up with love, compassion and kindness all whilst being disciplined and determined to be better each and every day.
Thank you for having us hyena laughing, take the entire COB to the table, do CrossFit movements during the party, brings 6packs of soft drinks to cheers with, buys water from the vending machine Aucklanders! 😂😂
@crossfitwhangarei x @adyn.dudley x @cluster_south
#21st #adybabes #roadie
Surely I’m not the only buisness owner who’s faced a situation like this. 🤷🏽♀️
I speak on this via my stories and receive multiple replies from businesses who get sent my work and are asked if they can “recreate” the look but “cheaper”? or I’m sent pics from friends etc. of other businesses work where they’ve tried to mirror mine yet been unsuccessful.
I actually have no issue with other businesses copying my work. Well trying lol.
I’m not intimidated, I’m flattered. There’s so much work out here for everyone and I know I’m gun at it. 💅🏽
I mean, you can give credit where it’s due but honestly no need. We all know and you’re welcome. 🫶🏽
The food is the most expensive yet important part of any event.
So stop low balling your business to satisfy cheap a** people. They pay full price for Starbucks, Nike & LV bags 😅😂 so they can pay you too.
#payup #catering #foodie
Mother’s Day Part 3. 🕊️
Me and my team showing up and showing out for part 3. Of Mother’s Day. This is the first graze for me girls @adyn.dudley x @shaninstaa and they did amazing. 👌🏽😍
It’s never easy to lose a loved one.
Especially your mum, or your wife, or your best friend.
The sad reality on Mother’s Day was a celebration of life for some of my favs. @you_are_worthy_75 x @joenaufahu
They lost their mum. Their dad lost his best friend.
Society lost a beautiful soul. Heaven GAINED their angel. 😇🙏🏽
Always a blessing to cater to you and for you Agnes Naufahu. I know you were there to over see it all.
Mother’s Day part. 1 💐
We had so much happening on MDAY 12.05.24 imma break it up into days.
50 x recipients to whom you call “MUM” received a breaky brunch box on Mother’s Day AM. From 6am the collections started and that Uber service was coming in heavy! 😂
Grateful for all who came through, all who ordered and all who continue to order. Your love and loyalty doesn’t go unnoticed and we appreciate you. ❤️
We have a new face around too…..she’ll get her own intro during our MDAY series. 😎
Thank you to everyone who has applied and those who are still applying for the position I have available. 🤝🏽
Super grateful to you all and even more grateful to everyone who shared and/ or commented on the realness of my advertising. 🙏🏽
If there is one thing I am apart from “mum first always” it’s honest. I’m big on honesty. I’m not gonna bullsh*t you about the position available just like I wouldn’t want you to bullsh*t me about the person you are when applying. I’m too old and busy for that sh*t. 😂
Anywho….Don’t be alarmed that you haven’t received a reply from me because nobody has.
I will be going through all the applications over the weekend and you’ll hear from me then.
That be all. Blessed CHOOSEday team. 😘
I’ll just leave this here. 😎💅🏽
Food grade certificates give customers assurance that the food that they are buying is safe and suitable to eat. They also show how well the outlet has met its quality and hygiene requirements under the Food Act 2014.
⬆️ is scored between 91-100 per cent.
These businesses provide the highest level of confidence that they manage a food control plan, practise our four Cs of “COOK”, “CLEAN”, “CHILL” and “CONDUCT” and consistently produce safe and suitable kai. 🤌🏽
Every year without a doubt.....
A for “A Grade Baby” 🗣️💯
#caterer #agrade #excellent #chef
Grazing w/ my 2 main men here today and next time I’m doin mic’d up with lando cause lord knows he heard my prayers and made me laugh this entire graze. 😂😂😂
Kids say the funniest stuff on all days. But it’s only on your hardest days that you really need to block the “noise” and listen for the little souls you made cracking all the jokes. 🥳🥰
How’s about this graze!?!?!?!?!?😍😍😍
Tell me you don’t have a big table, I’ll tell you we STACKING!! 🧱😎
Thank you @lukeyswifey grateful for you always! 😘😘
#grazetable #caterer #girlchef
After the biggest busiest day the show must go on. 😅😮💨
Today I woke up to a bang and yelp from my daughter who passed out while she was getting ready for school. The princess had low iron said the doc as she has had this before. ☹️
The day was super busy with work but when the princess felt better she begged me to go to school to sit an English test she had. 🫠
In between deliveries and picking up her meds I then took her to school to catch the last few classes.
Came back to prep this order here with about 4 hours to get this done. Kiddies came back from school and off we went.
The plan was delivery…
Post shop…
Then Lab tests to do Peyton’s bloods. 💉🩸
We arrive at the event location and Lando said “mum, I’ll come help you k. You need my help”…”but Peyton you stay in the car k cause you look tired”…”and you have blood tests next k”…🥹😂 (it was compliment haha)
So here he is. Doing the mostest with all is might. ❤️
As parents we need to lead by example for our children.
We eat healthy, the kids eat healthy.
We exercise, the kids will exercise.
We show up on the hard days, the kids will show up and show out without you asking.
Don’t just tell them how to live.
Show them. Lead the way. Lead by example.
Back home. Dinner on ways. Laptop open. Kiddies showered. The princess doing resting princess tings and All is well that ends well. 🫰🏽🥳
The life of a working business owner mum…“Always a privilege, never a chore” 😤😘
#womaninbusiness #mum #businessowner #caterer #chef #aucklandfoodie