POLES PLUS - Do you want to join us next weekend at Roydvale Pony Club?
We are lucky to have Sarah from VDS Equestrian coming to coach Roydvale PC members & friends – this includes you!
WHEN: Sunday 27th October (Rally Day & Labour Weekend)
WHERE: Large sand arena, Roydvale Pony Club
FORMAT: 4 riders per session, 1 hour
1. 9am - Ridden newbies – if you haven't done much pole work before or a bit nervous.
2. 10am - In Hand – for anyone unmounted or lead rein (message us if you want more led sessions)
3. 11am then each hour until 4pm at the latest - ridden youth and adult sessions. Your specific Start Time will be allocated on 23 October when bookings are split into groups
· Roydvale financial members = $0
· Non members = $50 per session (this includes ground fee)
Roydvale Financial Riding Members – Check the Roydvale Branch Members page for your coupon
Everyone else (ie non-Member)
1. Use this link https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=33021274&appointmentType=category:Roydvale%20Clinics
2. Choose your class type (*note, ridden classes all default to 9am but actual times will be allocated when bookings close on 23 October to start each hour from 11am onwards)
3. Cost = $50 per horse (this includes our ground fee).
If you need to cancel your session please let us know ASAP so someone else can take your place.
Love to see you there 🙂