Moeraki Whanau performing at Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Hui-ā-iwi at Te Runanga o Kaikoura. I have posted a video of their first part of this performance. Photos still to follow. #roslynnijenhuis #NgaiTahu
#moerakiwhanau #hui
My Moeraki Whanau performing at the Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Hui-ā-iwi at Te Runanga o Kaikoura.
#roslynnijenhuis #moerakiwhanau #NgaiTahu #hui
Closing emotional minute performing at Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Hui-ā-iwi at Te Runanga o Kaikoura. Our Moeraki Whanau also did a fantastic performance!! This group is from the Ōraka-Aparima Rūnaka. #roslynnijenhuis #NgaiTahu #hui #Hui-ā-iwi 2024
This stunning performance is at Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Hui-ā-iwi.Our Moeraki Whanau also did a fantastic performance!! My imagery is coming soon. This group is from the Ōraka-Aparima Rūnaka. Hosted by Te Runanga o Kaikoura. #roslynnijenhuis #NgaiTahu #hui
Met this wonderfully talented artist today at the Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Hui-ā-iwi at Te Runanga o Kaikoura. His name is John Te Wani, and feel free to contact him if you are interested in his art, via Facebook Messenger. #roslynnijenhuis #NgaiTahu #hui
SOS Hospital Rally 18-11-24
Damian Newell motivated the 1000 plus people at the Save Our Southern Hospital rally tonight at the Dunedin Town Hall. There were other notable speakers too. Please watch and take on board our community responsibility to get the government to honour the original plans for the Dunedin Public Hospital. #roslynnijenhuis #Dunedinhospital #saveourhospital #builditoncebuilditRIGHT
'Pink Frost' Crowded House 12-11-24
An emotional surprise to be had when Neil & Liam Finn launched into playing Martin Phillipps RIP 'Pink Frost' as a tribute to him. My tribute to Marty is this video, which isn't my usual style, and it's a first. Truly feels like MP is in the house coming thru the opening door at the beginning. Crowded House played on 12-11-24 on their Gravity Stars Tour. I will repost this song in it's original full format, as it's quite different to this 'short'. And a few more vids and pics too. #roslynnijenhuis #martinphillipps #crowdedhouse #pinkfrost
My video footage from last week's 'Class Act' event which I captured outside the Dunedin Public Art Gallery. Our Prime Minister Christopher Luxon chose to avoid our small group of Dunedin Hospital Rebuild protesters by sneaking through the back door. But note the positive response we gave the High School recipients. Perhaps this will be their lasting memory combined with a scardy cat leader of our land. #roslynnijenhuis #theysavewepay #soutthernregionalhospitalcommentary #saveourhospital #SteveWalker #richardknights #classact2024
Our Ambulance of Change
'Cliff' the Ambulance is ready and waiting for your support to spread the Aroha. But also sending our strong message to STOP the government making changes to the Credit when credit due. I have sent this and more to thousands and failed to acknowledge our mayor driving this project and 'Cliff' Thank you Dunedin Mayor, Mr Jules Radich. #hospitalcutshurts #theysavewepay #roslynnijenhuis #saveoursouthernhospital
Our mayor of Dunedin, Jules Radich, spoke to me today from 'Cliff' the Ambulance Waka, to raise awareness of the Save our Southern Hospital Campaign. Please show your support by signing and sending the card freepost to Dr. Shane Reti, The Minister of Health. Or the online digital card too. Thanks.
#saveoursouthernhospital #roslynnijenhuis
#theysavewepay #hospitalcutshurts
'CLIFF' is this ambulance at the bottom of the cliff!
Please listen to our Mayor's call for support to continue the planned building of the Dunedin Public Hospital. He is speaking to me from 'Cliff' the ambulance which is the Waka of fundraising. Taking Cliff to our parliament soon for the democratic justice of the our southern voices to being heard. They in Wellington have to stop their stop on our hospital! #roslynnijenhuis #saveoursouthernhospital
These beautiful Coctatoos played for me outside my window in Canberra City on Sunday. #roslynnijenhuis #Coctatoos #parrots