8 weeks ago I was hired to be the event coordinator for Ngā Kapa Haka Kura Tuarua o Aotearoa.
The mahi involved in such a huge event was massive, challanging and rewarding all at the same time.
I had imposter syndrome on more then one occasion and a few sleepless nights, I learnt ALOT and worked with some amazing people and vendors.
I am so proud to say that with my amazing A Team by my side and the support of and WE DID IT!
And what a week it was. 42 kapa, over 2000 performers, 15000 spectators over 5 day, this event has been the biggest event I have ever done.
I have no kupu to express the gratefulness I feel to have been apart of this event. A huge huge thanks to my A Team for having my back and holding it down with me/for me - Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.
And to the for allowing me to join your kaupapa.
And lastly to our rangatahi that performed with so much skill, passion and pride.
You make me proud to be Māori!
Bring on Te Matatini 2027!!