I've had a few questions recently from couples re the current Covid situation in Queenstown NZ for elopements and weddings so I thought I would post a quick update. (Apologies in advance, I know everybody is suffering Covid fatigue but a lot of couples are looking for info on this).
Here goes nothing...
For the official version, all of NZ is currently at the Orange alert level and you can view all the info and guidelines for Life At Orange here https://covid19.govt.nz/traffic-lights/life-at-orange.
This post is my very-unscientific, plain English explanation of the current Covid situation and vibe as I see it in Queenstown NZ at the moment.
(FWIW my perspective is that of someone who has been following the guidelines properly to avoid risk to not just myself but also my clients, my family and my community).
People in Queenstown have become much more relaxed (lazy?) re Covid in terms of both tracking and masks. Although it is still a requirement to wear masks at work (if public facing), in supermarkets, in public transport etc, it is much more common these days to see people in these situations without masks.
Nobody is really contact tracing any more it seems. However, the Southern District Health Board (to which Queenstown belongs) is still the 5th highest in NZ for Covid case numbers. So, while our case numbers are dropping and people are seemingly feeling more relaxed and taking less precautions than ever before, statistically the chances of contracting Covid in the Queenstown area is about as high as they have ever been.
As far as the situation if one of your vendors tests positive for Covid 19 they are required to self-isolate for 7 days. They do not need to test negative to leave self-isolation, they can leave after 7 days (the theory being they might still test positive after 7 days but despite this would no longer be infectious).
With all that said, work has ramped right back up for me and I am shooting as many weddings and elopements now as I did
Queenstown Elopement Giveaway Draw