To all our valued customers, unfortunately due to covid we have had to finish up a week early and The Galley will be closed this weekend.
It has been an amazing ride, almost 8 years has flown by! When The Galley took over the lease of the kitchen, the boat club only had a couple hundred members and a handful of customers who regularly used the facilities, only open Fri-Sun. It was a huge leap for me to take the step to go out on my own, being a chef since I was 18 but always working for others.
Our first visit to the boat club (to check it out) showed the best views on the coast & the friendliest people who really welcomed us and our small kids then. At that time the menu being served by the existing kitchen was pretty basic and the committee and members were wanting some wholesome tasty meals that they could bring their friends and whanau in to enjoy.
As they say, the rest is history. We have come leaps and bounds since then. The club has grown, we got busier and busier (& busier). Covid came and went (where I was quietly glad of a good break).
Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the years, dined in, had takeaways, asked us to cater their functions and brought us a cheeky gin. We enjoyed the friendly banter, you guys have been phenomenal!
We are staying local, and after a month of family time, catching up with mates and playing some golf, we are very excited that The Galley will be focusing on catering. So moving forward, we will keep you posted on our relaunch into catering, we will have the same number, so reach out if you have any future events, big or small, we would love to be a part of it. AL 0278449207
We have been extremely lucky to have the most amazing dedicated staff over the years, who went over and above to make work fun and flow well in an extremely small kitchen. We are so thankful for all our current and ex staff, you guys have been amazing!!! Emdawg especially was with us for such a long time, was a real asset and so reliable. A huge thanks to Elisha for coming back the past 5 weeks alongside Ange, Ruby, Shaz, Amelia and Izzy who pulled extra shifts as we were very understaffed. You have all been awesome to work with.
To Hannah who has been an absolute rock in our Galley/WBC relationship, always turning up with a smile, coffees, printing me menus, literally saving me whenever I forget something, and going over and above to make not only the boat club a success, but The Galley as well! We will miss you!
To Pete, Graham, Leon, Evie & committee, you guys have been amazing. Pete has always stood up for us, and looked after us. Evie there at the very beginning helping us set up our wee business, and the committee have always been helpful- sorting tables, clearing tables and helping out the bar for a smooth service. We always noticed the little extra mile you would go and really appreciated this.
Biggest thanks is to my family who have put up with me working almost every weekend. Lavinia on top of her FT job, does all the accounts, invoices, running around for me when I needed supplies, and has had to fly solo to most weekend activities, events etc.
So the journey is finally over for us at the Waikanae Boating Club and we will miss seeing all your smiling friendly faces there but will see you around the community and maybe at those special events you want us to cater or you.
Best wishes for the next crew taking over the lease of the kitchen.
Al & The Galley