This is me.... Evelyn Adams ... this is me saying goodbye .. that’s a wrap ...over and out
It’s been an amazing 10 years the past year quieter than most because of covid but that have me the time to realise how much I love my weekends and when we made the decision to move to
Matamata this made it even more real and move out of the area ... sad but new and exciting at the same time
Today I hung up my heals, my PA and my celebrant hat but before I did that I did one of my most enjoyable ceremonies to date in a spot I have never been, (The narrows Landing - I’m in love 💕) with a group of people that worked so perfectly together and so easily, and to the bride, groom, a daughter/step daughter that stole the show at times and the love and emotions that shone thru the whole afternoon...
Even thou they planned to marry outside and the rain had other plans it didn’t matter to them as the love their friends and family had for them shine thru the day but they managed to get some photos outside in between showers
Thank you so much to Sam and Trent - and Debbie and Grant for having me today I totally enjoyed myself and trying to make Trent at ease lol
Thank for you being my last
Thank you to each and everyone of you that have supported me in this venture, that have had me be apart of your day and to all the amazing vendors Onhavw worked with in the past 10
Years it has been an amazing journey and one I will cherish forever... over and out ... mic drop 🎤