Happy New Year to everyone. A very busy start to the New Year is ahead of our Club. January shoot on 19th will be our normal Club shoot with S***t ,DTL and Compak then the intense shooting starts. The Masters Games are on 7th-9th Feb. Entries are still open for these. Feb 14th-16th sees the major event. NTH IS. and N.Z. SPORTING NATIONALS. Compulsory Entries are open on the NZCTA website. To finish the month off, a special for all you S***T shooters. Feb 25th-26th is a 250 S***t weekend. On the Sat the first 50 is a Sub Gauge event followed by 100tgt Nth/Sth qualifying then on Sunday is another 100tgt Nth/Sth qualifying. Something for everyone and surely by Feb the weather will be great.