He rā ātaahua
The sun was shining this day.
Memories were created for a beautiful couple, a day filled with
love and happiness.
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Repia, all the best for your amazing future.
And above all else I promise to love you today and everyday after.
He rā ātaahua
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Anderson
I te inanahi i haere māua ko tōku Hoa Rangatira ki te tai o Ohawini. Ko te tūmanako māua, i mārena he tāne, he wāhine, nui i te aroha.
Yesterday my Wife and I travelled to Ohawini Bay. Our wish was to marry a couple deeply in love.
Congratulations Mr & Mrs Wellington! Thank you for having us be apart of your special day.
He aroha ki te tāngata, he aroha ki te ao, he aroha ki te rangi.
Love for each other, love for the ao, love is in the air.
On a beautiful, scorching day yesterday, I officiated the marriage of a couple whose love has grown beautifully, reflecting the richness of fine wine.
Congratulations Mr & Mrs Bench
Ko te rā ātaahua inanahi
Yesterday was a beautiful day
He rā aroha, he rā hari
A day of love, a day of happiness
He rā mārena i ngā tāngata e rua
A day to marry two people
Congratulations Mr & Mrs Hart
A proud husband moment, seeing my wife step out of her comfort zone and agree to be on an ad for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. It's truly heartwarming to see her dedication to promoting and preserving our language, Te Reo Rangatira.
E whakamihi ana ahau i ngā mahi katoa e whai ana koe, he whakamihi ahau i a koe, engari he whakamihi ahau i ahau anō hoki. 😅
#tewikiotereomaori #Tainui #ngatiwhatua #hokianga #MāoriLanguageWeek #ngatiwai
Whakataka te hau ki te uru
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Yesterday, the weather held, giving me the opportunity to officiate a wedding for a wonderful couple with the stunning Ocean Beach as their backdrop.
He rā mārena tēnei.
He rā whakahirahira hoki.
Today we celebrate the marriage of 2 wonderful humans on their own whenua.