Day 3: Milni & Anand Karaj 🙏🏼
Two deeply meaningful ceremonies were held at a Sikh wedding.
The Milni ceremony marks the formal meeting between the families of the groom and bride. It is usually held at the entrance of the wedding venue, where the immediate family members introduce themselves, exchange flower garlands and embrace as a symbol of togetherness and respect.
After the Milni, we continue with the central ceremony, the Anand Karaj, which took place at the Gurdwara Guru Nanak Sahib temple in Panama 🇵🇦.
The Anand Karaj is the Sikh marriage ceremony, where the couple unites spiritually and solemnly in front of the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of the Sikhs. During the ceremony, the bride and groom walk around the Guru Granth Sahib in four rounds, symbolizing the four stages of love and married life.
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Día 3: Milni & Anand Karaj 🙏🏼
Se celebraron dos ceremonias profundamente significativas en una boda Sikh.
La ceremonia Milni marca el encuentro formal entre las familias del novio y la novia. Se realiza generalmente en la entrada del lugar de la boda, donde los familiares más cercanos se presentan, intercambian guirnaldas de flores y se abrazan como símbolo de unión y respeto.
Después de la Milni, seguimos con la ceremonia central, el Anand Karaj, que tuvo lugar en el templo Gurdwara Guru Nanak Sahib en Panamá 🇵🇦
El Anand Karaj es la ceremonia de matrimonio Sikh, donde la pareja se une espiritualmente y solemne frente al Guru Granth Sahib, el libro sagrado de los Sikh. Durante la ceremonia, los novios caminan alrededor del Guru Granth Sahib en cuatro rondas, que simbolizan las
cuatro etapas del amor y la vida matrimonial.