In order for Hela Province to be at next level, we all National, Provincial, Local level government and the citizens of Hela must be reunited ,leave all the differences aside and talk positively as an elite Hela man and women to move forward.
Leaders cannot blame the local communities at the village levels to stop the tribal fighting..
How do we expecting them to quits fighting once the situation is at tense ?
Common sense must prevail at all levels..
In the event of no leaders at the village level, there seems to be problems and conflicts .
This is because mediations and leaders are lacking..
The other Paramount reason is.
People moved out or migrated to live in towns and cities because the basic services at the rural areas are deteriorated and people moved out to look/ seek for better opportunities.
The elected leaders need to step in to intervene from this is happening.
How can they intervene?
The national government is giving out DSIP ,PSIP to each MPs to develop each Districts but this money never reached home..
They need to use this funds to develop the areas..
When such things are provided people will go back home.
People need basic services.
There is a total disgrace for the general communities, that provincial hand roads are now covered with elephant grasses..
School students are now walking to schools through the tall grasses with no Bridges using same roads weaving away the total grasses with their hands as they travel to schools every day..
This is really sad and total disgrace to our leaders faults..