See u on Feb 8 our DayDreamers❤️💙
Trendy? Hippy? Very now? We've got you covered with Sandiwa's Captain, The Master Choreographer himself, Capt. Jeloy! This Class is all about Style, Complexity and Execution.. Join AFRO now and fall in-love with this genre!❤️💙
Who says Re-Starters and Beginners class should be Boring and Simple? With our Sandiwa Trio, Teachers Kendall, Ada and Lyka RnB students will surely get the courage and hype they need to start owning the Dancers within them! So what are u waiting for? let's start right now! 💙❤️
You want something challenging? You are in the right class with Sandiwa's Captain.. The Master Choreographer.. Cap. Jeloy. Join Afro Class and Be that Dancer you always aspire to be!❤️💙
Kids Class
Dance and Fun! Start them Young!
Be a Kid Star in your own Stage and Arena with our Kids Class by Sandiwa Dolls Teachers Zendee and Sophia💙❤️
Join us this Saturday and be the next STAR in our Tiktok videos! Level up your Dance Skills.. Choose your Class now! See you DayDreamers❤️💙😘
Level UP your skills in Dancing with the Master Choreographer himself... Sandiwa's very own Captain Jeloy. We'll help you to become a Versatile Performer and a Braver Dancer...
This is your time to show what you've got!
Let's Go!❤️💙
Kids Class
It's time to start them young! Join our Kids Class and be a better dancer.. Our Super Talented Student Baby Chulia will show you how it is done!
Tara na! Sayaw Kids!
Open tRaining
1st Open Training with @official_sandiwa ..
🎶 : I'm out by Ciara fr Nicki Minaj
🧠: Yours Truly ( @evilarckin08 )
🏟️: @daydreamstudi8s
See u all next class!😘 #Sandiwa #DayDreamStudios #OpenTraining
*No Copyright Infringement Intended
The Search for the Bravest Dancers in the South starts this December 8,2024 happening in the 1st and Only Dance Studio in the City of Cabuyao.
If you have what it takes to be part of the Dauntless Team that will soon represent the South in the Biggest Events and Competetions that there is... this is your chance!
Be Part of Sandiwa and Dare to be the next Big Thing from the South! Prepare a 1 min dance piece and be there with your Skills and Confidence. Auditions starts at 9am until 3pm only.. See you!❤️💙
Marilag version 2 this coming Saturday (Nov 30,2024) with Coach Arckin and Capt Jeloy!
Tara G!