Lord God, thank you very much for your unending blessings to us!! And here's how we say thank you and goodbye in November 2024. 🙏♥
#yourcaviteñahost #hostfhergz #BookUsNow
#hostfhergz #yourcaviteñahost
#hostfhergzhosting #hostingwithaheart
#anykinofevents #AllKindsOfEvents #hostfhergzatMagallanesCavite #weddinghost
#debuthosting #CorporateHosting #kiddiepartyhosting #baptismalhosting #christeninghosting #adultbirthdayhosting #genderrevealhosting #christmaspartyhosting #nameitillhostit #glitzandglamoureventsbyhostfhergz #myteamgandgtwopointohw #coordinationwithglitzandglamour #myglitzandglamourevents #anykindofeventscoordination
Are you looking for a lively , energetic and yet wholesome hosting? Plus with malupit na personal dj/spinner para the best ang mga bagsakan?
Host fhergz gotchu!!!
Pls send us your pm's for more details .
Thank you, October, for being such a fruitful and blessed month for our team.
Let's take another look and get a peek of the happenings from the entire month of October before we welcome and embrace November ..
Thankyou Lord God Almighty. The glory and honor is with you always and forever. 🙏🙏🙏
What an incredible unexpected greeting from Host Jam! I don't know how to express my gratitude to my J's catering Services , especially to Cha Cha , for making this happen.
And to Host Jam . Thank you for the inspiration, I am very excited to meet you in person..
I hope to see you soon, God Bless!!
Thank u so much Mam Tinaaaa
Thankyou so much Mam Marynel for the instanT review ❤
God Bless ya'll po 🙏
(March 11,2024, Mam Heidi's 60th)