In line with the organization's mission to enhance and promote the Philippines' competitive advantages and growth opportunities in electronics manufacturing and technology business, SEIPI is organizing an electronics exhibition on July 28-29, 2016 at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel, Lahug, Cebu. The Cebu Semiconductor and Electronics Convention and Exhibition (CSECE) 2016 is the first of its kind o
rganized for Cebu electronics companies, suppliers and industry stakeholders. The objective is to promote the technical capabilities of Cebu-based electronic firms by giving them the opportunity to showcase their products and services nationwide. The event is produced in partnership with Cebu Mitsumi, Inc. and Teradyne Phils. The event highlights four (4) major programs as follows:
1. EXHIBITION – at least 40 electronics companies, suppliers will feature their products & services ranging from micro chips to finished products. Some of the exhibitors include Cebu Mitsumi, Knowles, Teradyne, a Singapore Pavilion and more.
2. PLENARY SESSIONS – this two-day forum is anchored on the theme “Showcasing and Preparing Cebu’s Electronics Industry towards IoT Age”. Speakers from the private sector, government and academe have been invited to share with the audience a well-rounded discussion on the advent of IoT and how businesses, specifically in the semiconductor and electronics industry can take advantage of the opportunities IoT brings.
3. 125TH SEIPI GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING (GMM) – this is a quarterly meeting attended by around 150 CEOs Presidents, General Managers, Managing Directors and Senior Executives of electronic companies with base of operations in the country to keep them abreast of the latest technology trends and economic issues affecting the Philippine electronics industry.
4. BREAKOUT SESSIONS: SUPPLY CHAIN CONVENTION AND TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM – breakout sessions on supply chain and manufacturing engineering are featured during CSECE. These sessions are designed to further develop the skills of the semiconductor and electronics industry experts. The technical symposium in particular will showcase areas of breakthrough in manufacturing, test and assembly, R&D, new product development, quality, reliability and failure analysis.