is a creative digital accompaniment for lifestyle and events memoirs. Consisting of innovative mixes to highlight special occasions and corporate milestones, DIGIV3NTZ takes celebrations to a notch higher! ARTic Virtual Box brings to life the imagination and fun-tasy of a creative mind through visualization of digital holograms for souvenirs thru video and photo clips, or simply, just to ‘stage’ a
n extravagant and unique visual experience your guests won’t forget. Have your favourite characters mingle with your guests –rolling, clinging, jumping or just striking that pose! Not only will your video clip and photo souvenirs be customized, but more surprisingly, the remarkable experience as well. Digiventz had just raised the bar in making occasions extra-ordinarily remarkable. ARTic Virtual Box: Visualize. VISUALIZE. Ever dreamt of a White Christmas to beat the tropical Yuletide season? How about taking your entire guests to a Roman holiday? Why not have a fairy tale weekend with the princesses and princes as your royal guests? Wouldn’t it be perfect if you can join all your 100 plus guests in their candid photo souvenirs and not miss out an ounce of cheer? DELIGHT. Experience your imagination, live! The ARTic Virtual Box lets you experience excitement in real time thru the digital holograms of characters, props and even the set to complete a masterpiece. Watch your video or photo clips as moving mementos of the event with digital holograms. Create and engage live masterpieces inside the ARTic Virtual Box. CONNECT. Instantly share your delightful ARTic Virtual Box experience in your favorite social media network and connect with friends. Keep, share and exchange your clips online! Remotely access and share your souvenir files from a secured cloud storage. Connect and share to the social media world – as your physical and digital world intertwines.