A perfect gift for your loved one, a stunning Rose Bouquet. An elegant arrangement for local roses and banknotes. Above all, it fits all occasions.
Is not just for couples, birthdays, and special occasions. Because sometimes, all you need is to just take some bit of heaven and share it with your loved ones.
Express your love and emotions by sending them the sweetest gift ever! Because with Bennies, we make stories and we deliver emotions.
To clarify, After purchase, one of our after-sales staff will contact you right away for the confirmation and payment for the banknotes in the bouquet.
Most importantly, banknotes are not included in this product.
We deliver not just flowers and surprises, but we deliver emotions straight from your heart.
Customized your own Bouquet!
Let us be your assistant as we are more than happy to help you in choosing the perfect bouquet arrangement.
For instance, Contact Us! 09813382310