Jeff and Rhissa Pre-wedding
“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.”
full package Maria's Events & Catering
P/V Motion Factory
Jim & Kat Wedding #MariasEvents #rmevents #fullweddingpackage #mariascatering #AsEventStyling #ceilingtreatment #motionfactory #alcomixmobilebar #thedelish #wedding #bulacaneventsupplier
Wedding of Mark & Donna #minimalistwedding #mariasevents #mariasstyling #mariasweddingpackage #AsEventStyling #fullpackage #weddingpackage#bulacaneventsupplier #cateringandstyling
MAE Turns Eighteen #AsEventStyling #mariasevents #mariasstyling #a'seventstyling #bulacaneventsupplier #bulacansupplier #debutevent
Today's Event MAE Turns Eighteen #mariasevents #mariasstyling #a'seventstyling #bulacaneventsupplier #bulacansupplier #debutevent
Ace & Dimple Wedding #mirabella #mariasstyling #bulacaneventsupplier #styling #ceilingtreatment
PAULINE turns EIGHTEEN #mariasevents #mariasdebutpackage #mariasstyling #A'sEventStyling #bulacaneventsupplier
This filipino and rustic themed wedding is a tapestry of authenticity and culture, reflecting the warmth of our roots. Each element pays homage to our heritage, reflecting the aesthetic of Filipino culture. 🇵🇭
For inquiries & event reservations, kindly contact us at:
📱 @mariaseventsandcatering
📩 [email protected]
📞 09998456037 | 09310645618
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Wedding of Ah'nok and Apherine