When looking for a videographer, there are many things to consider. We are here to help you decide whether or not we are the best person to do your wedding/event and then to ensure that you receive exactly if not more of what you have paid for. As you may know, many wedding + event videographers charge with an extraordinary markup; we offer actual services that are priced to deliver a better weddi
ng + event video with more personalization and attention, at a fraction of the cost. Professional wedding + event videography is a combination of many things, bringing together a total wedding + event videography package that is comprised of:
Professional Equipment
Videographic Talent and Ability
Exceptional and Detailed Editing
Quality Production and Printing
How many studios boast $4,000 video cameras, but you have seen that it sits on a tripod the whole time like your uncle or family friend would shoot it? How often have you seen editing that makes the video look like a student project, devoid of any feeling or movement? Have you ever seen a wedding + event video with a photocopied cover? Professional wedding/event videography should be more than this. That is why, as a wedding/event videographer, we have strived to provide a quality production and avoid these common, commercialized business practices. We are not running a typical business; We're not looking for the bottom line or looking to maximize profits. Being a professional wedding + event videographer is an art to us, where we combine all of our abilities in videography, video editing, computers, and graphic design. This combination allows us to execute the multiple facets of professional wedding+event videography as one coordinated movement, unlike other studios where the wedding videographer and editor are separate. We shoot wedding+event videos for our own special editing style to make a masterful composition in the end.