Win prizes and gain new learnings during the Legazpi City NatCon!
Join and register now!
- Go to the Learning Trivia Quiz Game registration link via bit.ly/natcon2022trivia It will open your Facebook messenger. Click on "Get Started" to begin.
- When asked, type and enter a nickname that can be publicly seen for you at the Quiz Game Scoreboard. Also provide your mobile number so we can contact you if you win a prize.
- A trivia question will be sent to all game participants at least every hour, from 6AM to 9PM on Day 0 (November 7) and 9AM to 5PM on Days 1&2 (November 8&9).
- Each trivia question has a maximum point value which you can gain and accumulate.
- Your answer to each trivia question is timed. The point value you gain from answering correctly is reduced by this number of seconds.
- You are still awarded a consolation of at least 10 points for answering correctly even if the seconds you answer exceeds the point value of a trivia question.
- If you register late or have missed a question previously asked to all game participants, you can catch-up by answering those past questions and gain 10 points for answering them correctly.
- Whether you answer correctly or not, you're always given an interesting trivia tidbit, so that you always gain some extra learning during the National Convention.
- You can see your score and the score of the other players thru bit.ly/natcon2022scoreboard
- Enjoy!
- Prizes will be in the form of Gcash.
- Only attendees to the 2022 PIEP National Convention at Legazpi City are eligible.
- For each trivia question, the player who answered correctly with the fastest time will win P500.
- At the end of the NatCon, the top 3 players with the highest total points will be rewarded with P3000, P2000 and P1000.
- Please contact EnP Justin Victor dela Cruz on Facebook or 0917-2547189 for any questions, clarifications or suggestions.
- You can also type "help" to see all possible keywords.
Type any of the following keywords:
piep - To register in the game, if you have not yet.
score - To see your score.
mechanics - To see the mechanics of the game.
repeat - To repeat a question which you have not answered.
help - To contact the game master and see a list of keywords.