Sky Lanterns are now becoming popular at many weddings, parties, events, festivals and also on TV ads around the world.These are great items and great fun to watch and use. When released into the night sky the person releasing the lantern will traditionally make a wish for the future. Sky Lanterns are made of non-flammable tissue paper, a bamboo rim, and a thin non-metal wire supporting a small fu
el cell composed of a waxy flammable material and 100% Bio Degradable. They are sold flat packed. When lit, the flame heats the air inside the lantern, thus lowering its density causing the lantern to rise into the air. The sky lantern is only airborne for as long as the flame stays alight, after which the lantern sinks back to the ground. A Sky Lantern will rise or fly for up to 10 to 25 minutes, during this time the sky lantern may travel up to the two miles depending on the wind speed. Once the wick has burnt out, the hot air inside the lantern gradually cools down and the unlit sky lanterns falls gently and safely to the ground. As they are made from biodegradable materials, the sky lanterns do not harm the environment. SKY LANTERNS ARE PERFECTLY SAFE. The tissue paper is non-flammable and providing that you follow a few straight forward rules, you will have an enormous fun with them.☺