Mojofly closing the OctoberPhirst Calamba West stage!
Lily now on OctoberPHirst stage here in Calamba!
#ATM Summer Sonata kicking off OctoberPhirst here in PHirst Park Homes Calamba!
A colorful unveiling happened here at PHirst Park Homes Calamba!
✅ OctoberPHirst San Pablo
Taralets sa next OctoberPHirst!
Thank you to the bands who performed tonight, Summer Sonata, Dear Juliet, and Imago!
Imago at the OctoberPHirst stage here in San Pablo!
Dear Juliet rocking OctoberPHirst here in San Pablo!
#ATM OctoberPHirst is now here in San Pablo! Watch Imago and other local bands later!
Party starts at 5pm!