NOCHE GALÁCTICA: A Futuristic Grand Royale Ball is an event produced by the 4th year Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management of San Sebastian College- Recoletos, Manila. It was held at the Palacio de Maynila, Roxas Blvd, last September 27, 2014 at 4:30 to 9:30 PM (Saturday). The word “NOCHE” is a Spanish translation of an English word “Night”, and “GALÁCTICA” which means “Galactic”. So basically
it is a combination of Galactic and Royal theme. One of the approach of this event is to tackle the emergence, stability, and possibility of "Space Tourism" in the near future as another form of tourism activities and aside from that, the organizers achieved their dream to be the best and be a remarkable event that forms a legacy in the history of events management class of Tourism Student in San Sebastian College- Recoletos, Manila by producing its first Grand Ball which become a noteworthy event of all times. This event entertained and amaze their parents, guest and participants with their "Futuristic" theme which set-off the aspirations and imaginations, timepiece our spill liege production, take pleasure in our gastronomic elegancy, experience the crescendo of our band, partake in our magnificent formal dance, and go wild & party while the stars are forming their paths towards your home. Go out now and prepare, examine your wardrobes and dress like Kings and Queens of your highness. The true essence can be found in the total eclipse of the BALL.