AMA University East Rizal celebrates Teacher's Day 2024
Video: AMA Senior Students
Photobooth: Photos N' Craft
Designer: Photos N' Craft
Photos N' Craft "One-derful Day" Teddy Bear Themed Party
Photos N' Craft @Mirea Clubhouse
Hi... blessed day! Album is out and already posted, you can now grab your photos..
Here's how 👇 Like our fbpage..
Photos N' Craft
Photos N' Craft
Check on the Photos.
Find the Album of your choice.
Simply Grab and Save!
We really had a great time!
Thanks everyone ...till our next event God bless us 👍🥰👼🏻🙏🏻
Disclaimer: Photos of the person/s without safety masks/faceshield were temporary removed for Picture Purposes only. Please note -- we take our safety seriously, disinfecting and protocols were always followed.
Hi... blessed day! Album is out and already posted, you can now grab your photos..
Here's how 👇 Like our fbpage..
Photos N' Craft
Photos N' Craft
Check on the Photos.
Find the Album of your choice.
Simply Grab and Save!
We really had a great time!
Thanks everyone ...till our next event God bless us 👍🥰👼🏻🙏🏻
Disclaimer: Photos of the person/s without safety masks/faceshield were temporary removed for Picture Purposes only. Please note -- we take our safety seriously, disinfecting and protocols were always followed.