UNITE for MDGs! Join the FREE concert on Feb. 10 and show your support by wearing the UNITE for MDGs PicBadge!
UNITE for MDGs: A Solidarity Night and Concert
February 10, 2012
7:00 PM | Cine Adarna (Formerly UP Film Center)
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
Spearheaded by:
United Nations System in the Philippines
National Economic and Development Authority
Department of Labor and Employment
National Nutrition Council
What are the Millennium Development Goals or MDGs?
The Millennium Development Goals or MDGs are eight (8) specific targets agreed upon and pledged by United Nations member-countries to achieve by the year 2015. These goals are aimed at significantly reducing, if not decisively eradicating, poverty by the target year set.
The eight MDGs are:
1. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieve universal primary education
3. Promote gender equality and empower women
4. Reduce child mortality
5. Improve maternal health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases
7. Ensure environmental sustainability
8. Global partnership for development
Where are we now in terms of MDG achievement?
Probability of meeting the MDGs
● Food poverty
● Gender equality in education
● Child mortality
● Malaria
● Access to sanitary toilet facilities
● Income poverty
● Nutrition
● Dietary energy requirement
● Access to safe drinking water
● TB prevalence
● Elementary participation, survival, and completion rates
● Maternal mortality ratio
● Access to reproductive health services
● HIV and AIDS
● TB deaths
The probability of attaining the targets depends largely on scaling up of current efforts on all target areas; more efficient synchronization and allocation of available limited resources; and stronger advocacy as well as the enhanced capability of MDG implementation at the local level.
UNITE for MDGs: February 10, 2012
UNITE for MDGs is about inspiring ideas and celebrating partnerships to strengthen the country’s commitment to achieve the MDGs by 2015.
The event will bring together the implementers of the MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F), an international cooperation mechanism whose aim is to accelerate progress on MDGs worldwide.
MDG-F supports national governments, local authorities and citizen organizations in their efforts to tackle poverty and inequality. Four joint programmes (or JPs) are being implemented in the country:
• Climate Change Adaptation
• Access to and Provision of Water Services with the Active Participation of the Poor
• Youth Employment and Migration
• Child Food Security and Nutrition
The highlight of the event is a FREE two-hour concert which will be led by MDG-advocates and artists. The concert, targeted mainly for the youth, is an advocacy for solidarity.
We are calling on the youth to actively volunteer and make a huge difference by taking part in the achievement of the MDGs.
• Itchyworms
• Bloomfields
• Brownman Revival
• Color it Red
• Buganda Drumbeaters
Special participation: Ms. Iya Villania and other MDG advocates
Youth, volunteers, members of the League of Municipalities, UN Country Team, members of the UN Civil Society Assembly, national government agencies, representatives from 15 House Committees, LGU champions of the MDGs, donor agencies